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  • <?php /**  * @link      http://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache for the canonical source repository  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2016 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)  * @license   http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License  */ namespace Zend\Cache; class ConfigProvider {     /**      * Return default configuration for zend-cache.      *      * @return array      */     public function __invoke()     {         return [             'dependencies' => $this->getDependencyConfig(),         ];     }     /**      * Return default service mappings for zend-cache.      *      * @return array      */     public function getDependencyConfig()     {         return [             'abstract_factories' => [                 Service\StorageCacheAbstractServiceFactory::class,             ],             'factories' => [                 PatternPluginManager::class => Service\PatternPluginManagerFactory::class,                 Storage\AdapterPluginManager::class => Service\StorageAdapterPluginManagerFactory::class,                 Storage\PluginManager::class => Service\StoragePluginManagerFactory::class,             ],         ];     } }When everyone uses PHP, a very important point will be taken into consideration, which is security. So, today we will introduce to you the verification class library, the primary measure to ensure PHP security. Data verification is the most important habit you may adopt. And when it comes to input, it's very simple: don't trust the user. When validating data to secure PHP, remember that it's often easier to design and validate the values ​​your application allows than to protect against all unknown values.

    caching library49112017-12-22
  • <?php /*  * This file is part of the Stash package.  *  * (c) Robert Hafner <tedivm@tedivm.com>  *  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE  * file that was distributed with this source code.  */ spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {     $base = '/src/';     if (strpos($class, 'Stash\Test') === 0) {         $base = '/tests/';     }     $file = __DIR__.$base.strtr($class, '\', '/').'.php';     if (file_exists($file)) {         require $file;         return true;     } });Why should we cache query results? Caching query results can greatly improve script execution time and resource requirements. Caching SQL query results also allows you to post-process the data. If you use file caching to store the output of all scripts (the normal method of HTML is very resource-intensive and adversely affects the performance of the script). This can only be reconciled by the large amount of returned data obtained and the location of the database server. .Although continuous connections can improve the load when connecting to the database, it consumes very memory resources. If a large amount of data is obtained, the entire storage time will be very short. Therefore, the StashPHP caching library is specifically designed to solve this caching problem in PHP.

    caching library49972017-12-22
  • <?php use phpFastCache\CacheManager; // Include composer autoloader require '../vendor/autoload.php'; $InstanceCache = CacheManager::getInstance('apc'); /**  * Try to get $products from Caching First  * product_page is "identity keyword";  */ $key = "product_page"; $CachedString = $InstanceCache->get($key); if (is_null($CachedString)) {     $CachedString = "APC Cache --> Cache Enabled --> Well done !";     // Write products to Cache in 10 minutes with same keyword     $InstanceCache->set($key, $CachedString, 600);     echo "FIRST LOAD // WROTE OBJECT TO CACHE // RELOAD THE PAGE AND SEE // ";     echo $CachedString; } else {     echo "READ FROM CACHE // ";     echo $CachedString; } echo '<br /><br /><a href="/">Back to index</a>&nbsp;--&nbsp;<a href="/' . basename(__FILE__) . '">Reload</a>';php caching technology is very commonly used and important in the development process. Caching technology can reduce server load, reduce network congestion, and enhance www.scalability. Its basic idea is to use the time locality of customer access to Store a copy of the past content in the Cache. When the content is accessed next time, there is no need to connect to the resident website. The phpfastcachePHP cache library is such a cache library

    caching library48412017-12-22
  • <?php namespace CacheTool; use CacheTool\Code; class CodeTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {     public function testFactory()     {         $code = Code::fromString('return true;');         $this->assertSame('return true;', $code->getCode());     }     public function testAddStatement()     {         $code = new Code();         $code->addStatement('$a = 10;');         $this->assertSame('$a = 10;', $code->getCode());         $code->addStatement('return $a;');         $this->assertSame("$a = 10;\nreturn $a;", $code->getCode());     }     public function testWriteTo()     {php caching technology is very commonly used and important in the development process. Caching technology can reduce server load, reduce network congestion, and enhance www.scalability. Its basic idea is to use the time locality of customer access to A copy of the past content is stored in the Cache. When the content is accessed next time, it does not have to be connected to the hosting website, but is provided by the copy retained in the Cache. The PHPcachetool clear APC_opcode cache library is such a library.

    caching library48602017-12-22
  • <?php namespace Cake\Cache; use BadMethodCallException; use Cake\Core\App; use Cake\Core\ObjectRegistry; use RuntimeException; class CacheRegistry extends ObjectRegistry {     /**      * Resolve a cache engine classname.      *      * Part of the template method for Cake\Core\ObjectRegistry::load()      *      * @param string $class Partial classname to resolve.      * @return string|false Either the correct classname or false.      */     protected function _resolveClassName($class)     {         if (is_object($class)) {             return $class;         }         return App::className($class, 'Cache/Engine', 'Engine');     }The cache is the buffer for data exchange (called Cache). When a piece of hardware wants to read data, it will first search for the required data from the cache. If it is found, it will be executed directly. If it cannot be found, it will be executed from the cache. Search in memory. Since cache runs much faster than memory, the purpose of the cache is to help the hardware run faster. Because the cache often uses RAM (non-permanent storage that is lost when the power is turned off), the files will still be sent to the hard disk and other storage for permanent storage after use. The largest cache in a computer is the memory stick. The fastest ones are the L1 and L2 caches built into the CPU. The video memory of the graphics card is a cache for the graphics card's computing chip. There is also a 16M or 32M cache on the hard disk.

    caching library51212017-12-22
  • A simple file caching class for php

    caching library50662017-11-18
  • Parse php cache class

    caching library47142017-11-09
  • A simple and efficient php file caching class

    caching library50472017-10-31
  • A concise and practical PHP cache class that can be used to check whether cache files are within the set update time, clear cache files, generate cache file names based on current dynamic files, continuously create directories, and output static cache files.

    caching library61102017-07-07
  • Introducing a super simple php cache class. Define the cache directory, create file names, encrypt, open the directory, list all files in the directory and remove dots and ellipsis, etc.

    caching library51422017-06-07
  • Share a very good php cache class, Cache is widely used in actual use, which can reduce access to the server database and improve running speed. At present, many CMS content management systems frequently use caching mechanisms to improve the efficiency of system operation.

    caching library50682017-05-31
  • Introducing a file cache class used in php. In web development, file caching can be used to greatly alleviate the pressure on the database.

    caching library81182017-05-06