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  • When doing PHP programs, we often encounter programming that designs multi-level menus. For example, our common three-level menus first display the first-level classification of products, then display the second-level classification, and finally display the products. This way It forms a three-level structure. If there is no good classification menu support in the background, it will be very troublesome to change the data. In fact, an excellent backend design should have unlimited categories. In this way, when doing secondary development, there is no need to program separately. As long as the functions are the same, just add a category in the backend, so that Function sharing has been achieved.

    Category library47182017-03-17
  • This article introduces the php infinite classification tree method, obtains the lower-level directory of the specified directory. If no directory is specified, it starts from the root directory, and finally traverses the output.

    Category library50242017-03-17
  • An example of unlimited classification in PHP, including creating databases and tables Advantages of this classification method: 1, the database structure is simple, with only three fields: cid parentid name, without any redundant fields 2, no recursive query is used, all operations only require one sql statement 3. After all data is read from the database once, it is analyzed and processed in the array to save database server resources

    Category library54962017-03-17
  • Aphp unlimited classification Category class library 1. Include the class library through include 2. Instantiate the class through new 3. Call the getList() method to obtain all category lists 4. Return: list of all categories, reference can be displayed by getting fullname.

    Category library83642017-03-17
  • baum is laravel's implementation of infinite recursion through nested collections. Interested friends can download it and use it in their own projects.

    Category library45452017-03-12
  • php recursively implements an unlimited classification library. Interested friends can download it and use it in their own projects.

    Category library50552017-03-12
  • php unlimited classification-un-limit-tree is for everyone to learn and use. Interested friends can download it and use it in their own projects.

    Category library42652017-03-12
  • Category class library is a PHP unlimited classification class library. Interested friends can download it and use it in their own projects.

    Category library47122017-02-28