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  • Share a MySQL sub-database and sub-table php class. When the data record of a table is too large, a performance bottleneck will occur. The general solution is to either create a partitioned table or split the table. I won’t talk about the partition table. The split table is divided into vertical splitting and horizontal splitting. The specific difference is Please do your own search. Generally speaking, database sharding and table sharding belong to horizontal segmentation, and data is inserted into different tables according to certain rules. Sub-library can easily transfer the pressure of the database, such as placing a large database on different servers.

    Database operation class57372017-06-17
  • Introducing a memcached queue class implemented in php, supports concurrent writing and reading of multiple processes ; side Read while writing, AB side rotation replacement, Get the first and last value of the queue, Get the current rotating queue side, Add data , Get the key array of a certain length of the queue. ##

    Database operation class53112017-06-14
  • Share a PHP class to connect to sql-server. Friends who like it can download it for reference.

    Database operation class69452017-06-08
  • Share a PHP database backup and restore class. Set the startup time, start the PDO connection, store the array of table definition statements, determine the table to be backed up, obtain the form data, and write it to the file. Parse the SQL file into an array of SQL statements

    Database operation class63882017-06-05
  • Share a piece of function code in php to save the session to the database. You can use session_set_save_handler() to register the function to connect to the data. Friends who need it can download it for reference.

    Database operation class53392017-06-03
  • Introducing a MySQL addition, deletion, modification and query tool PHP class, Create connection, encoding, database, select operation query result one row of data or The query result is one piece of data.

    Database operation class64932017-06-01
  • Share a tool class for connecting PHP to MySQL. Friends who need it can download it for reference and study.

    Database operation class57082017-05-25
  • Share a complete PHP MySQL database class, friends who need it can download it. If friends have better such libraries, they can upload them to the PHP Chinese website and learn and share them with everyone.

    Database operation class74672017-05-15
  • Share a pdo database operation class in php to enable various debugging modes to meet different needs.

    Database operation class54712017-05-13
  • Share a PHP class for backing up MySQL. Friends who need it can download it for reference and modification.

    Database operation class15302017-05-10
  • Introducing a php class to implement a complete backup of the database, or the function of backing up specified tables in the database.

    Database operation class20192017-05-06
  • Share aphp uses singleton mode to implement the mysql class, encapsulates the mysql operation class, including connection function and query function, Encapsulate getAll, getRow, getOne, afftect_rows() method.

    Database operation class22142017-05-02