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  • PHP's curl encapsulated class, easy to understand

    curl class library49152017-08-07
  • Code introduction: curl request class free download

    curl class library62552017-07-13
  • Share a curl class in php, Set the cookie file saving path and file name, Simulation Log in to get the Cookie function, simulate the content acquisition function, simulate the submit data function,# #Encapsulation and detailed explanation of common methods of curl class in php

    curl class library54672017-05-18
  • Introducing a php application curl extension to capture the web page class. The information obtained is returned in the form of a file stream instead of being output directly. Regular mode capture, capture the title, capture the article content, get capture data, and finally conduct a test.

    curl class library89582017-04-07
  • A PHP5 class based on curl, with relatively simple functions and more suitable for learning. If the CURL extension is not loaded, the program terminates running , determines whether there is a cookie, and if so, use directly. Friends who have better class materials can send them for everyone to learn and communicate together.

    curl class library42752017-03-20
  • APHP curl get post general class, curl general method. . get /post transmits data, Set the sending method 0 get 1 post. It has a very good reference value. Friends can download it if they like it. If there are better curl classes, they can be posted to our PHP Chinese website so that everyone can learn and communicate together.

    curl class library59382017-03-18
  • Chapter mainly introduces the stock information query class implemented by PHP based on curl, and analyzes the relevant operating skills of PHP using curl to call the API interface to implement the stock information query function in the form of a complete example. We have stock information query function We need to capture third-party data, and then we analyze the data to form what we want.

    curl class library42662017-03-18
  • Mainly introduces the usage of curl encapsulation class in PHP, describes the curl encapsulation class and its usage in more detail in the form of examples, and summarizes the usage of GET and POST. Before using the function, we need to open the php curl module (libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, php5ts.dll, php_curl.dll) Steps to enable php curl function library 1). Remove the ; extension=php_curl.dll in the windows/php.ini file; /*Use echo phpinfo(); to check the path of php.ini*/ 2). Copy php5/libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to the system directory windows/ 3).Restart apache

    curl class library45592017-03-18
  • Mainly introduces the usage of the Curl encapsulation class implemented in PHP. It analyzes the definition of the Curl encapsulation class and related usage techniques in a more detailed form in the form of a complete example. It has certain reference value and friends in need can refer to it. If your friends have any better classes, you can send them to our PHP Chinese website to learn and communicate together.

    curl class library25892017-03-18
  • Mainly introduces the PHP encapsulated CURL extension class, and analyzes related techniques such as sending posts, get requests and operating cookies based on curl with examples Coding Standards * @class The first letter of the class name is capitalized. The class name has multiple words, and the first letter of each capital letter is capitalized. eg: class Curl, class CurlPage * @variable The variable name is lowercase. The variable name must be multiple words. Each word is lowercase and separated by underscores. eg: $curl_result * @function The rules for function names and class names are the same, eg: function SendRequest * @params The rules for function parameters are the same as the variable names * @class-variable member variables, ending with an underscore, multiple words separated by underscores.

    curl class library17612017-03-18
  • A php curl encapsulation class, basically initiates the curl request function, the source must be set to come from this site, requires the result to be a string and output To the screen, initiates a get request, initiates a post request, processes the transmission data that initiates a non-get request, initiates a put request, Initiate a delete request.

    curl class library20262017-03-18
  • php-httplib is an http class library encapsulated based on the php curl library. It is simple and easy to use while taking into account performance and functionality. It can perfectly solve your web request needs!

    curl class library32302017-03-08