Background framework template based on bootstrap
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Bootstrap is a front-end framework developed by Twitter in 2010. Students who have used it should know that this front-end framework not only has a beautiful interface, but is also compatible with many browsers, which greatly speeds up the development of our website. This article will introduce to you based on Bootstrap's flat background framework Ace, friends in need can refer to it
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The method to use the Bootstrap official website template is as follows: visit the Bootstrap official website, select and download the template. Unzip the downloaded ZIP file. Create an HTML file that links the Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript files. Copy the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code from the template file and paste it into the HTML file you create. Save the HTML file and run the template.
This time I will show you how to use the bootstrap responsive navigation bar template, and what are the precautions for using the bootstrap responsive navigation bar template. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
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How to use Bootstrap templates: Select a template from Bootstrap official or third-party market. Download and unzip the template to a local folder. Modify HTML content and customize CSS styles. Add JavaScript files as needed. Upload the modified files to the server for deployment.