Orange round HTML5 icon
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1. First draw a vertical line. 2. Use the pen tool to draw a V shape and place it at the head of the vertical line, as shown in the picture. 3. Copy the V shape, adjust the size and position, and align the three shapes in the center, as shown in the picture. 4. Select all three graphics, click the Properties panel, and adjust the endpoints of the stroke to round heads. 5. Draw a stroked circle at the bottom of the vertical line. 6. Select the three shapes except the circle and right-click to group them. 7. Keep it selected, click the Rotate tool in the toolbar, and drag the center point to coincide with the center point of the circle. 8. Enter the angle 60° in the pop-up dialog box and click the copy button to make a copy of the graphic around the center of the circle. 9. Click the shortcut key ctrl+d on the keyboard, repeat the previous step, and continue to copy 4 more. 10. Snowflake