WinNMP - Nginx MariaDB Redis Php 8 Development Stack for Windows
A lightweight, fast and stable server stack for developing php mysql applications on Windows, based on an excellent web server nginx. Is a lightweight alternative to XAMPP and WAMP.
Also known as WTServer and wt-nmp
The current package contains the following latest stable versions:
- Nginx Web Server
- MariaDB 10 database server, mysql replacement (32/64 bit)
- MongoDB 4 document database (64 bit)
- Redis cache/NoSql, memcached replacement (64 bit)
- Php 5.6 and PHP 7.2 and PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 scripting language (32/64 bit)
- WinSCP SFTP client
- Use Free LetsEncrypt certificate for HTTPS
- Composer dependency manager for php
- Web-based database manager Adminer
- Reg.php regular expression test Server
- WTServer Manager (32/64 bit), formerly *wt-nmp*
All resources on this site are contributed by netizens or reprinted by major download sites. Please check the integrity of the software yourself! All resources on this site are for learning reference only. Please do not use them for commercial purposes. Otherwise, you will be responsible for all consequences! If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it. Contact information:
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return json_encode(array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'成功'));
return json_encode(array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'失败'));
public function
Call Stack
- in Index.php line 220
- at think\__include_file() in Loader.php line 85
- at Loader::autoload()
- at spl_autoload_call()
- at class_exists() in Loader.php line 478
- at Loader::controller() in App.php line 580
- at App::module() in App.php line 456
- at App::exec() in App.php line 139
- at App::run() in start.php line 19
- at require('/data/wwwroot/td.880...') in index.php line 23
Environment Variables
GET Data
Server/Request Data
ThinkPHP Constants
return json_encode(array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'成功'));
return json_encode(array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'失败'));
public function
Call Stack
- in Index.php line 220
- at think\__include_file() in Loader.php line 85
- at Loader::autoload()
- at spl_autoload_call()
- at class_exists() in Loader.php line 478
- at Loader::controller() in App.php line 580
- at App::module() in App.php line 456
- at App::exec() in App.php line 139
- at App::run() in start.php line 19
- at require('/data/wwwroot/td.880...') in index.php line 23
Environment Variables
GET Data
Server/Request Data
ThinkPHP Constants
return json_encode(array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'成功'));
return json_encode(array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'失败'));
public function
Call Stack
- in Index.php line 220
- at think\__include_file() in Loader.php line 85
- at Loader::autoload()
- at spl_autoload_call()
- at class_exists() in Loader.php line 478
- at Loader::controller() in App.php line 580
- at App::module() in App.php line 456
- at App::exec() in App.php line 139
- at App::run() in start.php line 19
- at require('/data/wwwroot/td.880...') in index.php line 23
Environment Variables
GET Data
Server/Request Data
ThinkPHP Constants
return json_encode(array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'成功'));
return json_encode(array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'失败'));
public function
Call Stack
- in Index.php line 220
- at think\__include_file() in Loader.php line 85
- at Loader::autoload()
- at spl_autoload_call()
- at class_exists() in Loader.php line 478
- at Loader::controller() in App.php line 580
- at App::module() in App.php line 456
- at App::exec() in App.php line 139
- at App::run() in start.php line 19
- at require('/data/wwwroot/td.880...') in index.php line 23
Environment Variables
GET Data
Server/Request Data
ThinkPHP Constants
return json_encode(array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'成功'));
return json_encode(array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'失败'));
public function
Call Stack
- in Index.php line 220
- at think\__include_file() in Loader.php line 85
- at Loader::autoload()
- at spl_autoload_call()
- at class_exists() in Loader.php line 478
- at Loader::controller() in App.php line 580
- at App::module() in App.php line 456
- at App::exec() in App.php line 139
- at App::run() in start.php line 19
- at require('/data/wwwroot/td.880...') in index.php line 23
Environment Variables
GET Data
Server/Request Data
ThinkPHP Constants
return json_encode(array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'成功'));
return json_encode(array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'失败'));
public function
Call Stack
- in Index.php line 220
- at think\__include_file() in Loader.php line 85
- at Loader::autoload()
- at spl_autoload_call()
- at class_exists() in Loader.php line 478
- at Loader::controller() in App.php line 580
- at App::module() in App.php line 456
- at App::exec() in App.php line 139
- at App::run() in start.php line 19
- at require('/data/wwwroot/td.880...') in index.php line 23
Environment Variables
GET Data
Server/Request Data
ThinkPHP Constants
return json_encode(array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'成功'));
return json_encode(array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'失败'));
public function
Call Stack
- in Index.php line 220
- at think\__include_file() in Loader.php line 85
- at Loader::autoload()
- at spl_autoload_call()
- at class_exists() in Loader.php line 478
- at Loader::controller() in App.php line 580
- at App::module() in App.php line 456
- at App::exec() in App.php line 139
- at App::run() in start.php line 19
- at require('/data/wwwroot/td.880...') in index.php line 23
Environment Variables
GET Data
Server/Request Data
ThinkPHP Constants
return json_encode(array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'成功'));
return json_encode(array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'失败'));
public function
Call Stack
- in Index.php line 220
- at think\__include_file() in Loader.php line 85
- at Loader::autoload()
- at spl_autoload_call()
- at class_exists() in Loader.php line 478
- at Loader::controller() in App.php line 580
- at App::module() in App.php line 456
- at App::exec() in App.php line 139
- at App::run() in start.php line 19
- at require('/data/wwwroot/td.880...') in index.php line 23
Environment Variables
GET Data
Server/Request Data
ThinkPHP Constants
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