Rumah >pangkalan data >tutorial mysql >Check for MySQL slave lag with Percona Toolkit plugin for Tu_MySQL
A while back, I made some changes to the plugin interface for pt-online-schema-change which allows custom replication checks to be written. As I was adding this functionality, I also added the --plugin option to pt-table-checksum . This was released in Percona Toolkit 2.2.8 .
With these additions, I spent some time writing a plugin that allows Percona Toolkit tools to use Tungsten Replicator to check for slave lag, you can find the code at
The plugin uses the perl JSON::XS module ( perl-JSON-XS rpm package, ), make sure it’s available or the plugin will not work.
We need to use the --recursion-method=dsns as the Percona Toolkit tools are not able to automatically find the tungsten replicator slaves that are connected to the master database. (I did add a blueprint on launchpad to make this possible )
The dsns recursion-method gets the list of slaves from a database table you specify:
CREATE TABLE `percona`.`dsns` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,`dsn` varchar(255) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`id`));
CREATE TABLE ` percona ` . ` dsns ` ( ` id ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , ` parent_id ` int ( 11 ) DEFAULT NULL , ` dsn ` varchar ( 255 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( ` id ` ) ) ; |
Here one slave node3 is replicating from the master:
node1 mysql> select * from percona.dsns;+----+-----------+---------+| id | parent_id | dsn |+----+-----------+---------+|2 |NULL | h=node3 |+----+-----------+---------+
node1 mysql > select * from percona .dsns ; + -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- - + -- -- -- -- - + | id | parent_id | dsn | + -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- - + -- -- -- -- - + | 2 | NULL | h = node3 | + -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- - + -- -- -- -- - + |
Currently, it is not possible to specify extra options for the plugin with Percona Toolkit, so some manual editing of the perl file is still necessary to configure it.
So before we can run a checksum, we need to configure the plugin:
## CONFIGURATION# trepctl command to runmy $trepctl="/opt/tungsten/installs/cookbook/tungsten/tungsten-replicator/bin/trepctl";# what tungsten replicator service to checkmy $service="bravo";# what user does tungsten replicator use to perform the writes?# See Binlog Format for more informationmy $tungstenusername = 'tungsten';
## CONFIGURATION # trepctl command to run my $trepctl = "/opt/tungsten/installs/cookbook/tungsten/tungsten-replicator/bin/trepctl" ; # what tungsten replicator service to check my $service = "bravo" ; # what user does tungsten replicator use to perform the writes? # See Binlog Format for more information my $tungstenusername = 'tungsten' ; |
Here I did a checksum of a table with pt-table-checksum . During the checksum process, I brought the slave node offline and brought it back online again:
# pt-table-checksum-u checksum--no-check-binlog-format--recursion-method=dsn=D=percona,t=dsns--plugin=/vagrant/ app--check-interval=5--max-lag=10Created plugin from /vagrant/ get_slave_lag: Using Tungsten Replicator to check replication lagTungsten Replicator status of host node3 is OFFLINE:NORMAL, waitingTungsten Replicator status of host node3 is OFFLINE:NORMAL, waitingReplica node3 is stopped.Waiting.Tungsten Replicator status of host node3 is OFFLINE:NORMAL, waitingReplica lag is 125 seconds on node3.Waiting.Replica lag is 119 seconds on node3.Waiting.Checksumming app.large_table:22% 00:12 remainTS ERRORSDIFFS ROWSCHUNKS SKIPPEDTIME TABLE07-03T10:49:54002097152 7 0 213.238 app.large_table
# pt-table-checksum - u checksum -- no - check - binlog - format -- recursion - method = dsn = D = percona , t = dsns -- plugin = / vagrant / pt - plugin - tungsten_replicator .pl -- databases app -- check - interval = 5 -- max - lag = 10 Created plugin from / vagrant / pt - plugin - tungsten_replicator .pl . PLUGIN get_slave_lag : Using Tungsten Replicator to check replication lag Tungsten Replicator status of host node3 is OFFLINE : NORMAL , waiting Tungsten Replicator status of host node3 is OFFLINE : NORMAL , waiting Replica node3 is stopped . Waiting . Tungsten Replicator status of host node3 is OFFLINE : NORMAL , waiting Replica lag is 125 seconds on node3 . Waiting . Replica lag is 119 seconds on node3 . Waiting . Checksumming app .large_table : 22 % 00 : 12 remain TS ERRORS DIFFS ROWS CHUNKS SKIPPED TIME TABLE 07 - 03T10 : 49 : 54 0 0 2097152 7 0 213.238 app .large_table |
I recommend to change the check-interval higher than the default 1 second as running trepctl takes a while. This could slow down the process quite a lot.
The plugin also works with pt-online-schema-change :
# pt-online-schema-change-u schemachange--recursion-method=dsn=D=percona,t=dsns--plugin=/vagrant/ "add index (column1) "--execute D=app,t=large_tableCreated plugin from /vagrant/ 1 slaves:node3Will check slave lag on:node3PLUGIN get_slave_lag: Using Tungsten Replicator to check replication lagOperation, tries, wait:copy_rows, 10, 0.25create_triggers, 10, 1drop_triggers, 10, 1swap_tables, 10, 1update_foreign_keys, 10, 1Altering `app`.`large_table`...Creating new table...Created new table app._large_table_new OK.Waiting forever for new table `app`.`_large_table_new` to replicate to node3...Altering new table...Altered `app`.`_large_table_new` OK.2014-07-03T13:02:33 Creating triggers...2014-07-03T13:02:33 Created triggers OK.2014-07-03T13:02:33 Copying approximately 8774670 rows...Copying `app`.`large_table`:26% 01:21 remainCopying `app`.`large_table`:50% 00:59 remainReplica lag is 12 seconds on node3.Waiting.Replica lag is 12 seconds on node3.Waiting.Copying `app`.`large_table`:53% 02:22 remainCopying `app`.`large_table`:82% 00:39 remain2014-07-03T13:06:06 Copied rows OK.2014-07-03T13:06:06 Swapping tables...2014-07-03T13:06:06 Swapped original and new tables OK.2014-07-03T13:06:06 Dropping old table...2014-07-03T13:06:06 Dropped old table `app`.`_large_table_old` OK.2014-07-03T13:06:06 Dropping triggers...2014-07-03T13:06:06 Dropped triggers OK.Successfully altered `app`.`large_table`.
# pt-online-schema-change - u schemachange -- recursion - method = dsn = D = percona , t = dsns -- plugin = / vagrant / pt - plugin - tungsten_replicator .pl -- check - interval = 5 -- max - lag = 10 -- alter "add index (column1) " -- execute D = app , t = large_table Created plugin from / vagrant / pt - plugin - tungsten_replicator .pl . Found 1 slaves : node3 Will check slave lag on : node3 PLUGIN get_slave_lag : Using Tungsten Replicator to check replication lag Operation , tries , wait : copy_rows , 10 , 0.25 create_triggers , 10 , 1 drop_triggers , 10 , 1 swap_tables , 10 , 1 update_foreign_keys , 10 , 1 Altering ` app ` . ` large_table ` . . . Creating new table . . . Created new table app ._large_table_new OK . Waiting forever for new table ` app ` . ` _large_table_new ` to replicate to node3 . . . Altering new table . . . Altered ` app ` . ` _large_table_new ` OK . 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 02 : 33 Creating triggers . . . 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 02 : 33 Created triggers OK . 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 02 : 33 Copying approximately 8774670 rows . . . Copying ` app ` . ` large_table ` : 26 % 01 : 21 remain Copying ` app ` . ` large_table ` : 50 % 00 : 59 remain Replica lag is 12 seconds on node3 . Waiting . Replica lag is 12 seconds on node3 . Waiting . Copying ` app ` . ` large_table ` : 53 % 02 : 22 remain Copying ` app ` . ` large_table ` : 82 % 00 : 39 remain 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 06 : 06 Copied rows OK . 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 06 : 06 Swapping tables . . . 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 06 : 06 Swapped original and new tables OK . 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 06 : 06 Dropping old table . . . 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 06 : 06 Dropped old table ` app ` . ` _large_table_old ` OK . 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 06 : 06 Dropping triggers . . . 2014 - 07 - 03T13 : 06 : 06 Dropped triggers OK . Successfully altered ` app ` . ` large_table ` . |
As you can see, there was some slave lag during the schema changes.
pt-online-schema-change uses triggers in order to do the schema changes. Tungsten Replicator has some limitations with different binary log formats and triggers ( ).
In Tungsten Replicator, ROW based binlog events will be converted to SQL statements, which causes triggers to be executed on the slave as well, this does not happen with traditional replication.
Different settings:
Error creating --plugin: The master it's binlog_format=MIXED,pt-online-schema change does not work well withTungsten Replicator and binlog_format=MIXED.
Error creating -- plugin : The master it ' s binlog_format = MIXED , pt - online - schema change does not work well with Tungsten Replicator and binlog_format = MIXED . |
The binlog_format can be overriden on a per session basis, make sure that this does NOT happen when using pt-online-schema-change .
The documentation on the Continuent website already mentions how you can compare data with pt-table-checksum .
I believe this plugin is a good addition to it. The features in Percona Toolkit that monitor replication lag can now be used with Tungsten Replicator and therefore gives you control on how much replication lag is tolerated while using those tools.