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How to use the if function in excel_How to use the if function in excel

2024-04-24 10:49:06450browse

Have you encountered the following problems? In an Excel table, you need to judge and process data based on specific conditions. In this case, you need to use the powerful IF function. The editor of PHP Apple will introduce in detail how to use the IF function in Excel to help you easily solve the problem of conditional judgment and take your data analysis to the next level!

1. Open the table that needs to use the if function in excel. For example, in the example, it is necessary to determine whether the student has passed or failed based on his/her grades (as shown in the picture).

How to use the if function in excel_How to use the if function in excel

2. Move the mouse to the cell behind the cell you want to judge and enter [=if()] (as shown in the picture).

How to use the if function in excel_How to use the if function in excel

3. Move the mouse to the brackets of [=if()], we can see a column of English explanations of the if function, where logical-test indicates that the if function is entered at this position. Judgment condition, value-if-ture indicates that the condition is true and the value output at the position is met, value-if-false indicates that the condition is not met and the value output at the position is reached (as shown in the figure).

How to use the if function in excel_How to use the if function in excel

4. We enter [C4

How to use the if function in excel_How to use the if function in excel

5. Next, enter the score of Xiaoyu 60. The result if the conditions are met is [fail], and this result needs to be enclosed in double quotes under the English input, and then separated by commas. One-step judgment (as shown in the figure).

How to use the if function in excel_How to use the if function in excel

6. Perform the last step and enter the result of "pass" (as shown in the figure) if the judgment is not established.

How to use the if function in excel_How to use the if function in excel

#7. After completing the input, click Enter. The if function will be input successfully and the judgment result will be displayed (as shown in the figure).

How to use the if function in excel_How to use the if function in excel

The above is the detailed content of How to use the if function in excel_How to use the if function in excel. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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