elements should have shared or separate borders.
captioncaption-side property is used to position the table title box vertically.
empty-cellsThis property is used to specify the display of empty cells in the table.
table-layout strong> Defines the algorithm used by the browser to lay out the rows, columns, and cells of a table.
The following example illustrates the style of the table-
Real-time demonstration
<!DOCTYPE html>
table, table * {
border: thin solid;
padding: 5px;
font-style: italic;
caption {
caption-side: bottom;
td {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px green;
<caption>Demo caption</caption>
This This gives the following output -

Live Demonstration
<!DOCTYPE html>
div {
display: flex;
float: left;
table {
border: 3px solid black;
td {
border: 3px solid lightgreen;
th {
border: 3px solid lightblue;
#t2 {
border-collapse: collapse;
<h2>Team Rankings</h2>
<table id="t1">
<th>Team (Test)</th>
<th>Rank </th>
<td>India </td>
<td>1 </td>
<table id="t2">
<th>Team (ODI) </th>
<th>Rank </th>
<td>India </td>
<td>1 </td>
This gives the following output -