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Microsoft Defender update causes user CPU usage to surge

2023-06-30 10:01:261211browse

News on June 29, Microsoft recently released Microsoft Updated version 1.391.2901.0 of Defender. However, according to reports from foreign technology media borncity, some users experienced a spike in CPU usage during operations such as printing after installing the update.

微软发布Microsoft Defender更新,用户遭遇CPU占用率飙升问题

Users have reported that after installing the new version, Microsoft Defender's load profile increased significantly. They conducted an in-depth investigation and discovered issues related to the MsMpEng.exe program. This problem occurs especially when using office software such as Word and Excel for printing operations.

User survey results show that the problem mainly occurs in the MsMpEng.exe program. The problem of soaring CPU usage can occur again when executing printing programs in office software. This problem brings inconvenience to users' normal use.

微软发布Microsoft Defender更新,用户遭遇CPU占用率飙升问题

To temporarily resolve this issue, users have discovered a temporary solution. They found the MPCMDRUN.exe file on the system and removed it by adding "RemoveDefinitions -All" signature method, successfully implemented a temporary fix.

Although this move solved the problem of soaring CPU usage, users still hope that Microsoft can solve this bug as soon as possible and release a repair patch to ensure Microsoft Defender runs smoothly in every operation.

As far as the editor understands, Microsoft has not yet issued an official response to this issue. However, given the scale of users and the prevalence of the problem, I believe Microsoft engineers will solve this problem as soon as possible and provide users with stable and reliable Microsoft Defender usage experience.

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