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Regarding the issue of cross-compilation of third-party libraries in Python

2022-10-05 08:00:274909browse

This article brings you relevant knowledge about Python, which mainly introduces the issues about cross-compilation of third-party libraries. Cross-compilation refers to generating executable code on one platform on another platform. The following Let's take a look, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Regarding the issue of cross-compilation of third-party libraries in Python

[Related recommendations: Python3 Video Tutorial]

1. Foreword:

Crossover about python on the Internet There are many articles about compilation, but there are relatively few articles about cross-compilation of python third libraries, and many titles are about cross-compilation of third-party libraries, but in fact they are all libraries that can be used without cross-compilation. The reference is not strong. Recently, there have been a lot of pitfalls in cross-compilation of Python and its third-party libraries. Let’s record it!

2. Introduction to cross-compilation:

1. What is cross-compilation: Generating executable code on one platform on another platform.

 2. Why cross-compile: When developing embedded systems, the target platform on which the program is run usually has limited storage space and computing power. For example, the common ARM platform has a relatively small static storage space. Small, and the CPU computing power is weak. In this case, native compilation on the ARM platform is impossible. In order to solve this problem, cross-compilation tools came into being. Through cross-compilation tools, we can compile executable programs for other platforms on host platforms with strong CPU capabilities and sufficient storage controls (such as PCs).

3. Cross-compilation background of python and its third-party libraries

1. Cross-compilation chain: rv1126-arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-toolchain.tar.bz2

2. Target board (target host): armv7l

3. Host for cross-editing (build host): ubuntu18-x86_64

4. Python version: 3.5.2

5. numpy==1.18.5

4. Preparations for cross-compilation

The build host is a new virtual machine of ubuntu18 that I installed, so it doesn’t even have gcc

1. Install gcc: sudo apt-get install gcc-8 -y

2. Specify gcc-8 as the default gcc: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-8 /usr/bin/gcc

 3. Install cmake: sudo apt-get install make cmake -y

4. Install libffi-dev to cross-compile python Required dependencies: sudo apt-get install libffi-dev

5. Install zip and decompress the compressed package using: sudo apt-get install zip -y

5. Cross-compile python and its third parties Idea

1. Cross-compile the zlib library on the build host. This is a necessary dependent library for python source code installation

2. Cross-compile the openssl library on the build host. Although this is not a source code installation A necessary dependent library, but most other libraries may use this library

 3. Install the python version on the build host on the build host, we become python-build

 4. Cross-compile the python version on the target host on the build host, which we call python-target

5. Build the target-python running virtual environment through crossenv on the build host

6. In the crossenv virtual environment, use pip to package the cross-compiled third-party library into the .whl form

6. Prepare the cross-compilation tool

1. Unzip the cross-compilation chain: explain the use of different platforms The cross-compilation chain is different, but the ideas and steps are the same.

tar jxvf rv1126-arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-toolchain.tar.bz2

After decompression, you will get a folder named host.

2. Enter the host directory: cd host

3. Execute the relocate-sdk.sh command: ./relocate-sdk.sh (not all cross This step is required for the compilation chain)

 4. Add the cross-compilation chain to the environment variable: vim /etc/profile

 5. Add at the end: export PATH=$PATH:/home The path here in /host/bin can be modified according to your actual path.

## 6. Reload environment variables: source /etc/profile

7. Test: arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v

7. Prepare openssl-build

Here I have prepared the compressed package of openssl-1.0.2g.tar.gz. Here I tried openssl- The 1.1.1 version is not suitable for python3.5.2 and always has problems, so here I use the openssl-1.0.2 version

 1. Unzip the source code package. I have all these source code packages. It is placed under the /home path: tar -xzvf openssl-1.0.2g.tar.gz


mv openssl-1.0.2g openssl-1.0.2g-build

  3、cd openssl-1.0.2g-build

  4、设置编译环境:./config --prefix=/home/openssl-1.0.2g-build/openssl-build

    其中: --prefix是指定编译后的安装的路径

  5、执行编译安装:make && make install 此时在/home/openssl-1.0.2g-build里面就会有openssl-build文件夹  


    把以前的备份:sudo mv /usr/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl.old

  7、建立新的软连接:sudo ln -s /home/openssl-1.0.2g-build/openssl-build/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl

  8、编辑链接文件:vim /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf



  11、测试:openssl version ,已经变成1.0.2g版本了


  1、同样是再次解压openssl源码包,这次解压的源码包用来交叉编译给target-python使用的:tar -xzvf openssl-1.0.2g.tar.gz

  2、更改名字:mv openssl-1.0.2g openssl-1.0.2g-target

  3、cd openssl-1.0.2g-target

  4、设置编译环境:./config no-asm --shared --cross-compile-prefix=arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf- --prefix=/home/openssl-1.0.2g-target/openssl-target

    解释:no-asm :加上no-asm 表示不使用汇编代码加速编译,不然会报错

       --cross-compile: 指定交叉编译链的前缀,这样在交叉编译openssl就会使用我们的交叉编译链进行交叉编译了

       --prefix: 已经是交叉编译后的路径

  5、在编译后生成的Makefile中有两处是 -m64 的标记要删除,因为交叉编译后是在32位的板子上运行,所以这一步也要改:sed -i 's/-m64//' Makefile

  6、执行编译安装:make && make install



  1、解压源码包:unzip zlib1211.zip

  2、改名:mv zlib-1.2.11 zlib-1.2.11-build

  3、cd zlib-1.2.11-build

  4、设置编译环境:./configure --prefix=/home/zlib-1.2.11-build/zlib-build

  5、执行编译安装:make && make install


  1、解压源码包:unzip zlib1211.zip

  2、改名:mv zlib-1.2.11 zlib-1.2.11-target

  3、cd zlib-1.2.11-target

  4、设置交叉编译器:export CC=arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 通过export 设置的环境变量都是临时一次性的,当shell窗口关闭了就失效了

  5、设置编译环境:./configure --prefix=/home/zlib-1.2.11-target/zlib-target --enable-shared

  6、执行编译安装:make && make install



  这一步已经在准备工作中做了:sudo apt-get install libffi-dev


  1、解压源码包:tar -xzvf libffi-3.2.1.tar.gz

  2、改名:mv libffi-3.2.1 libffi-3.2.1-target

  3、cd libffi-3.2.1-target

  4、设置交叉编译器:export CC=arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 如果这一步在准备zlib-target没有关闭shell窗口的时候,可以不用设置,因为已经设置过了,但是如果关了窗口就要重新设置了

  5、设置编译环境:./configure CC=arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --host=arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf --build=x86_64-linux-gnu target=arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf --enable-shared --prefix=/home/libffi-3.2.1-target/libffi-target

  6、执行编译安装:make && make install



  1、解压源码:tar xvf Python-3.5.2.tgz

  2、改名:mv Python-3.5.2 python-3.5.2-build

  3、cd /home/python-3.5.2-build

  4、修改 Modules/Setup.dist文件:vim Modules/Setup.dist



  5、将之前设置的交叉编译器改为默认的编译器:export CC= 这里=后面什么都不赋值就表示设置为空,这样就会去找默认的gcc了

  6、设置编译环境,./configure --prefix=/home/python-build --without-ensurepip


  7、执行安装编译:make && make install

  8、cd /home/python-build/bin

  9、下载pip文件:curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/3.5/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py -k

  10、安装pip: ./python3 get-pip.py

  11、将该python-build添加到环境变量,设置为build主机上默认的python: export PATH=/home/python-build/bin:$PATH

  12、安装Cython:pip3 install Cython



  1、解压源码包:tar xvf Python-3.5.2.tgz

  2、改名:mv Python-3.5.2 python-3.5.2-target

  3、cd python-3.5.2-target

  4、创建文件夹:mkdir /home/python-target


    cp -rfp /home/zlib-1.2.11-target/zlib-target/* /home/python-target/

    cp -rfp /home/libffi-3.2.1-target/libffi-target/* /home/python-target/

    cp -rfp /home/openssl-1.0.2g-target/openssl-target/* /home/python-target/

  6、设置CFLAGS:CFLAGS="-I/home/python-target/include -I/home/python-target/include/python3.5m -L/home/python-target/lib"


  8、vim Modules/Setup.dist


./configure CC=arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 

  10、编译:make HOSTPYTHON=/home/python-build/bin/python3 HOSTPGEN=/home/python-3.5.2-build/Parser/pgen

  11、执行:make install HOSTPYTHON=/home/python-build/bin/python3




  2、cd /home/python-build/bin

  3、安装crossenv:./pip3 install crossenv

  4、使用crossenv代表python-target的虚拟环境:./python3 -m crossenv --without-pip /home/python-target/bin/python3 cross_venv

  5、cd cross_venv/cross/bin

  6、激活虚拟环境:source activate

  7、curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/3.5/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py -k

  8、./python3 get-pip.py

  9、在cross_venv这个虚拟环境中的安装Cython:./pip3 install Cython

  10、创建文件夹用来存放编译后的第三方:mkdir /home/target_lib

  11、创建requestments.txt:vim requirements.txt 里面写上numpy

  12、交叉编译第三方库成为.whl格式的安装包:./pip3 wheel --wheel-dir /home/target_lib -r requirements.txt

  13、验证:cd /home/target_lib




  将编译好的python-target打包 和 numpy-1.18.5-cp35-cp35m-linux_arm.whl(先不改名,移植到目标板子上在改名)移植到目标板子上

  1、压缩python-target:tar cvf python-target.tar python-target

  2、通过ftp工具,将python-target.tar和numpy-1.18.5-cp35-cp35m-linux_arm.whl ,移植到目标板子的/home下

  3、解压python-target:tar xvf python-target.tar

  4、cd /home/python-target/bin



    1、先下载pip:curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/3.5/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py -k

    2、安装pip:./python3 get-pip.py


      a、mkdir ~/.pip

      b、vi ~/.pip/pip.conf


index-url = https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple 
trusted-host = pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn


    5、通过pip安装未改名的numpy第三方库:这是会报错:numpy-1.18.5-cp35-cp35m-linux_arm.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.

    6、改名:mv /home/numpy-1.18.5-cp35-cp35m-linux_arm.whl /home/numpy-1.18.5-cp35-cp35m-linux_armv7l.whl




The above is the detailed content of Regarding the issue of cross-compilation of third-party libraries in Python. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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