Home >Web Front-end >CSS Tutorial >Float attribute in css
1. Characteristics of Float
1. Apply text around images
2. Create a block-level box
3. Multi-column floating layout
4. The width and height of floating elements are adaptive, but their values can be set.
2. Core solved problems
Text surrounds the image: img tag and multiple text tags are placed in a container, if img floats , the text label will surround the image.
<img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="../img/a.jpg" class="lazy" style="max-width:90%" alt=""> <p>001文件内容文件内容文内容文件内容<br/> 文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内内容文件内容<br/> 文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容<br/> 文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文内容文件内容文件内容<br/> <p>p标签文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文容文件内容文件内容文件内容</p> <p>p标签文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容</p> 文件内容文件内容文件内容文件件内容文件内容文件内容<br/> 文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容<br/> 文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内容文件内内容文件内容<br/> 文件内容文件内容文件内容文件容文件内容文件内容<br/> 文件内容文件内容文件内容文件容文件内容文件内容<br/> </p>
2.1 This is a question
Floating elements vs. normal elements Adjacent, and there is no clear float between the floating element and the normal element. At this time, the normal element will be covered by the floating element, but the contained content will be displayed around the floating element.
<p style="width: 100px; height: 200px; background: red;float: left;" >001</p> <p style="width: 100px; height: 200px; background: gray;float: none;" ><p>002</p></p>
001 floats, 002 does not float, but the 002 element itself is covered by 001, but the content is displayed around 001.
3. Non-core and main application areas
Column layout: let the blocks be horizontal first Arrange, and then start a new line with the excess part.
Main Features
1. Parent height collapse (this is also a serious problem)
.wrap{ background:red; padding:10px; width:auto; } .left{ background:gray; width:200px; height:100px; float:left; } .right{ background:yellow; width:100px; height:100px; float:left; }
<p class="wrap"> <p class="left">left</p> <p class="right">right</p> </p>
2. The width and height become adaptive sub-elements, but the width and height settings are valid
.wrap{ background:red; padding:10px; float:left; } .left{ width:100px; background:gray; } .right:{ width:200px; background:yellow; }
<p class="wrap"> <p class="left">left</p> <p class="right">right</p> </p>
2. Solve the problem of high collapse
First we You need to understand the two basic concepts of BFC and IFC, because they are closely related to browser rendering.
1.BFC (block-level formatting context)
It is an independently rendered area, stipulating how to lay out the interior of the area, and has nothing to do with the outside. The main rules are as follows:
1.1 The internal boxes will be placed vertically, one after another
1.2 The vertical distance of the Box is determined by margin, and the margins of two adjacent boxes belonging to the same BFC will overlap
1.3 The BFC area will not overlap with float
.head{ background:pink; margin: 20px 0px; height:100px; } .wrap{ background:red; padding:10px; margin:20px 0px; overflow:hidden; } .left{ width:100px; background:gray; margin:10px 0px; } .right:{ width:200px; background:yellow; margin:20px 0px; }
<p class="head">head</p> <p class="wrap"> <p class="left">left</p> <p class="right">right</p> </p>
.head and .wrap have 20px margins at the top and bottom, but they overlap; between
.head and .left, .head has a 20px margin. .left has a 10px margin and no overlap occurs because .wrap creates a BFC (overflow:hidden).
1.4 The left margin of each box is in contact with the left side of the containing border box (the same is true for the right side), and the same is true for floats
2. IFC (row-level formatting context)
Boxes are placed horizontally one after the other starting from the top of the containing block. The space occupied by the horizontal margins, borders, and padding are all put together (display is inline, inline-block; elements with inline characteristics have the following characteristics). The rules are as follows:
2.1 The width and height cannot be specified
2.2 Margin, Padding, and border are invalid in the vertical direction
2.3 The left side of the line box is close to the left side of the containing block, and the line The right side of a box is flush with the right side of its containing box, and a float can be inserted between the edge of the containing block and the line box.
2.4 The height of the inline box is determined by line-height.
For examples in this section, please refer to the inline element in the display chapter.
3. Solution
It is mainly implemented based on the principle of BFC. Because BFC renders the entire area, the width and height will also be calculated. This is also the legendary solution for clearing floats
3.1 Method of creating BFC for parent container
3.1.1 Method of creating BFC
a) Float values other than none;
b) Overflow values other than visible;
c) Display values are table-cell, table-caption, inline-block, flex, inline-flex, etc.
d) Position value is absloute, fixed
e) Fieldset element
3.1.2 Clear float
a) Float, overflow, and display can be cleared in three ways. However, although position and fieldset create bfc, they cannot clear the float (that is, they cannot solve the problem of height collapse). The main reason is that both position and fieldset require child elements to expand the height of the parent container, but there is no height after the child element is floated, so it fails.
b) Float, overflow, display sample code:
.wrap{ background: gray; padding: 10px; overflow: auto; } .left, .right{ background: red; float: left; width: 200px; height: 100px; } .right{ background: yellow; } .footer{ background: pink; }
<p class="wrap" > <p class="left">left</p> <p class="right">right</p> </p> <p class="footer">footer</p>
3.1.3 最后一个子元素clear:both
.wrap{ background: gray; padding: 10px; } .left, .right{ background: red; float: left; width: 200px; height: 100px; } .right{ background: yellow; } .footer{ background: pink; } .clear{ clear: both; zoom: 1; }
<p class="wrap" > <p class="left">left</p> <p class="right">right</p> <p class="clear"></p> </p> <p class="footer">footer</p>
3.1.4 After添加最后一个子元素
.wrap{ background: gray; padding: 10px; } .wrap:after{ content: ''; display: block; overflow: hidden; clear: both; } .left, .right{ background: red; float: left; width: 200px; height: 100px; } .right{ background: yellow; } .footer{ background: pink; }
<p class="wrap" > <p class="left">left</p> <p class="right">right</p> </p> <p class="footer">footer</p>
4. 总结
1. 利用bfc方式清除浮动,简单、浏览器支持良好,但在IE6-版本支持存在问题。但是存在以下局限性,要适环境而用:
a) Overflow方式:滚动条会被隐藏,如果子内容超高则存在显示不全的问题;
b) Float方式:让父容器浮动,那么就存在对父容器同辈元素的影响;
c) Dipslay方式:让父容器变为table或者flex等,都存在不明确的影响,大家都不推荐使用。
2. 最佳解决方案:利用:after添加一个伪元素并给予clear:both和zoom:1来实现清除浮动,兼容性好,对环境影响最小。
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