Home >Web Front-end >PS Tutorial >html5 canvas+js implements ps pen cutout
1. The project requirements required using js to implement the pen cutout function in photoshop, and it took nearly three or four days to solve it. It, in the end, basically realized it for him.
I took a lot of detours during the process, and finally a colleague found canvas to compare the core attribute globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out",
The attribute can be realized by being composed of multiple points The closed range is set to a transparent color that penetrates the canvas background color or background image, which saves a lot of work.
2. Realization effect:
After clicking the mouse, all points will be connected into a closed interval, and any point can be dragged freely. After a closed interval is formed, you can click between any two points. Add new points by dragging.
3. Implementation idea:
Set up two layers of p, set the picture on the bottom layer, and set the canvas canvas on the top layer (if Render the image to the canvas. It will flicker when cutting out, so go to the bottom layer), monitor
mouse events on the canvas, repeatedly render the points and the lines between them, form a closed interval, and then render the entire canvas into a small background image, and render the closed interval with a transparent color. And record or update the relative canvas
coordinates of the point into the array. After taking the picture, the coordinate set of the points is sent back to the background, and the background code implements the screenshot according to the coordinate points and the width and height of the picture, and sets
to the background color as transparent (canvas can also realize screenshots, but It is necessary to process pixels to achieve background transparency, which has not been implemented yet, and is planned to be implemented using C# background code).
4.js (the writing is not standardized and confusing, please take it as a reference)
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { var a = new tailorImg(); a.iniData(); }); // var tailorImg=function() { this.iniData = function () { //画布 this.can.id = "canvas"; this.can.w = 400; this.can.h = 400; this.can.roundr = 7; this.can.roundrr = 3; this.can.curPointIndex = 0; this.can.imgBack.src = "gzf.png"; this.can.canvas = document.getElementById(this.can.id).getContext("2d"); //图片 this.img.w = 400; this.img.h = 400; this.img.image.src = "flower.jpg"; //加载事件: //初始化事件: var a = this; var p = a.can.pointList; $("#" + a.can.id).mousemove(function (e) { if (a.can.paint) {//是不是按下了鼠标 if (p.length > 0) { a.equalStartPoint(p[p.length - 1].pointx, p[p.length - 1].pointy); } a.roundIn(e.offsetX, e.offsetY); } //判断是否在直线上 //光标移动到线的附近如果是闭合的需要重新划线,并画上新添加的点 a.AddNewNode(e.offsetX, e.offsetY); }); $("#" + a.can.id).mousedown(function (e) { a.can.paint = true; //点击判断是否需要在线上插入新的节点: if (a.can.tempPointList.length > 0) { a.can.pointList.splice(a.can.tempPointList[1].pointx, 0, new a.point(a.can.tempPointList[0].pointx, a.can.tempPointList[0].pointy)); //清空临时数组 a.can.tempPointList.length = 0; } }); $("#" + a.can.id).mouseup(function (e) { //拖动结束 a.can.paint = false; //拖动结束; if (a.can.juPull) { a.can.juPull = false; a.can.curPointIndex = 0; //验证抠图是否闭合:闭合,让结束点=开始点;添加标记 a.equalStartPoint(p[p.length - 1].pointx, p[p.length - 1].pointy); //判断是否闭合: if (a.can.IsClose) { } } else { //如果闭合:禁止添加新的点; if (!a.can.IsClose) {//没有闭合 p.push(new a.point(e.offsetX, e.offsetY)); //验证抠图是否闭合:闭合,让结束点=开始点;添加标记 a.equalStartPoint(p[p.length - 1].pointx, p[p.length - 1].pointy); //判断是否闭合: //重新画; if (p.length > 1) { a.drawLine(p[p.length - 2].pointx, p[p.length - 2].pointy, p[p.length - 1].pointx, p[p.length - 1].pointy); a.drawArc(p[p.length - 1].pointx, p[p.length - 1].pointy); } else { a.drawArc(p[p.length - 1].pointx, p[p.length - 1].pointy); } } else { //闭合 } } //验证是否填充背景: if (a.can.IsClose) { a.fillBackColor(); a.drawAllLine(); } }); $("#" + a.can.id).mouseleave(function (e) { a.can.paint = false; }); //鼠标点击事件: $("#" + a.can.id).click(function (e) { //空 }); } this.point = function (x, y) { this.pointx = x; this.pointy = y; }; //图片 this.img = { image:new Image(), id: "", w:0, h:0 }; //画布; this.can = { canvas:new Object(), id: "", w: 0, h: 0, //坐标点集合 pointList: new Array(), //临时存储坐标点 tempPointList: new Array(), //圆点的触发半径: roundr: 7, //圆点的显示半径: roundrr: 7, //当前拖动点的索引值; curPointIndex : 0, //判断是否点击拖动 paint : false, //判断是否点圆点拖动,并瞬间离开,是否拖动点; juPull : false, //判断是否闭合 IsClose: false, imgBack: new Image() }; //函数: //更新画线 this.drawAllLine=function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.can.pointList.length - 1; i++) { //画线 var p = this.can.pointList; this.drawLine(p[i].pointx, p[i].pointy, p[i + 1].pointx, p[i + 1].pointy); //画圈 this.drawArc(p[i].pointx, p[i].pointy); if (i == this.can.pointList.length - 2) { this.drawArc(p[i+1].pointx, p[i+1].pointy); } } } //画线 this.drawLine = function (startX, startY, endX, endY) { //var grd = this.can.canvas.createLinearGradient(0, 0,2,0); //坐标,长宽 //grd.addColorStop(0, "black"); //起点颜色 //grd.addColorStop(1, "white"); //this.can.canvas.strokeStyle = grd; this.can.canvas.strokeStyle = "blue" this.can.canvas.lineWidth =1; this.can.canvas.moveTo(startX, startY); this.can.canvas.lineTo(endX, endY); this.can.canvas.stroke(); } //画圈: this.drawArc=function(x, y) { this.can.canvas.fillStyle = "blue"; this.can.canvas.beginPath(); this.can.canvas.arc(x, y,this.can.roundrr, 360, Math.PI * 2, true); this.can.canvas.closePath(); this.can.canvas.fill(); } //光标移到线上画大圈: this.drawArcBig = function (x, y) { this.can.canvas.fillStyle = "blue"; this.can.canvas.beginPath(); this.can.canvas.arc(x, y, this.can.roundr+2, 360, Math.PI * 2, true); this.can.canvas.closePath(); this.can.canvas.fill(); } //渲染图片往画布上 this.showImg=function() { this.img.image.onload = function () { this.can.canvas.drawImage(this.img.image, 0, 0, this.img.w,this.img.h); }; } //填充背景色 this.fillBackColor = function () { for (var i = 0; i <this.img.w; i += 96) { for (var j = 0; j <= this.img.h; j += 96) { this.can.canvas.drawImage(this.can.imgBack, i, j, 96, 96); } } this.can.canvas.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; this.can.canvas.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i <this.can.pointList.length; i++) { this.can.canvas.lineTo(this.can.pointList[i].pointx,this.can.pointList[i].pointy); } this.can.canvas.closePath(); this.can.canvas.fill(); this.can.canvas.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over"; this.drawAllLine(); } //去掉pointlist最后一个坐标点: this.clearLastPoint=function () { this.can.pointList.pop(); //重画: this.clearCan(); this.drawAllLine(); } //判断结束点是否与起始点重合; this.equalStartPoint = function (x,y) { var p = this.can.pointList; if (p.length > 1 && Math.abs((x - p[0].pointx) * (x - p[0].pointx)) + Math.abs((y - p[0].pointy) * (y - p[0].pointy)) <= this.can.roundr * this.can.roundr) { //如果闭合 this.can.IsClose = true; p[p.length - 1].pointx = p[0].pointx; p[p.length - 1].pointy = p[0].pointy; } else { this.can.IsClose = false; } } //清空画布 this.clearCan=function (){ this.can.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, this.can.w, this.can.h); } //剪切区域 this.CreateClipArea=function () { this.showImg(); this.can.canvas.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i <this.can.pointList.length; i++) { this.can.canvas.lineTo(this.can.pointList[i].pointx,this.can.pointList[i].pointy); } this.can.canvas.closePath(); this.can.canvas.clip(); } // this.CreateClipImg=function() { } //判断鼠标点是不是在圆的内部: this.roundIn = function (x, y) { //刚开始拖动 var p = this.can.pointList; if (!this.can.juPull) { for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { if (Math.abs((x - p[i].pointx) * (x - p[i].pointx)) + Math.abs((y - p[i].pointy) * (y - p[i].pointy)) <= this.can.roundr * this.can.roundr) { //说明点击圆点拖动了; this.can.juPull = true;//拖动 // this.can.curPointIndex = i; p[i].pointx = x; p[i].pointy = y; //重画: this.clearCan(); //showImg(); if (this.can.IsClose) { this.fillBackColor(); } this.drawAllLine(); return; } } } else {//拖动中 p[this.can.curPointIndex].pointx = x; p[this.can.curPointIndex].pointy = y; //重画: this.clearCan(); if (this.can.IsClose) { this.fillBackColor(); } this.drawAllLine(); } }; //光标移到线上,临时数组添加新的节点: this.AddNewNode=function(newx, newy) { //如果闭合 var ii=0; if (this.can.IsClose) { //判断光标点是否在线上: var p = this.can.pointList; for (var i = 0; i < p.length - 1; i++) { //计算a点和b点的斜率 var k = (p[i + 1].pointy - p[i].pointy) / (p[i + 1].pointx - p[i].pointx); var b = p[i].pointy - k * p[i].pointx; //if (parseInt((p[i + 1].pointy - p[i].pointy) / (p[i + 1].pointx - p[i].pointx)) ==parseInt((p[i + 1].pointy - newy) / (p[i + 1].pointx - newx)) && newx*2-p[i+1].pointx-p[i].pointx<0 && newy*2-p[i+1].pointy-p[i].pointy<0) { // //如果在直线上 // alert("在直线上"); //} $("#txtone").val(parseInt(k * newx + b)); $("#txttwo").val(parseInt(newy)); if (parseInt(k * newx + b) == parseInt(newy) && (newx - p[i + 1].pointx) * (newx - p[i].pointx) <= 2 && (newy - p[i + 1].pointy) * (newy - p[i].pointy) <= 2) { // //parseInt(k * newx + b) == parseInt(newy) //添加临时点: this.can.tempPointList[0] = new this.point(newx, newy);//新的坐标点 this.can.tempPointList[1] = new this.point(i+1, i+1);//需要往pointlist中插入新点的索引; i++; //alert(); //光标移动到线的附近如果是闭合的需要重新划线,并画上新添加的点; if (this.can.tempPointList.length > 0) { //重画: this.clearCan(); //showImg(); if (this.can.IsClose) { this.fillBackColor(); } this.drawAllLine(); this.drawArcBig(this.can.tempPointList[0].pointx, this.can.tempPointList[0].pointy); return; } return; } else { // $("#Text1").val(""); } } if (ii == 0) { if (this.can.tempPointList.length > 0) { //清空临时数组; this.can.tempPointList.length = 0; //重画: this.clearCan(); //showImg(); if (this.can.IsClose) { this.fillBackColor(); } this.drawAllLine(); //this.drawArc(this.can.tempPointList[0].pointx, this.can.tempPointList[0].pointy); } } } else { //防止计算误差引起的添加点,当闭合后,瞬间移动起始点,可能会插入一个点到临时数组,当再次执行时, //就会在非闭合情况下插入该点,所以,时刻监视: if (this.can.tempPointList.length > 0) { this.can.tempPointList.length = 0; } } } }; </script>
<style type="text/css"> .canvasDiv { position: relative; border: 1px solid red; height: 400px; width: 400px; top: 50px; left: 100px; z-index: 0; } img { width: 400px; height: 400px; z-index: 1; position: absolute; } #canvas { position: absolute; border: 1px solid green; z-index: 2; } .btnCollection { margin-left: 100px; } </style>
<div class="canvasDiv"> <img src="flower.jpg" /> <canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400" style="border: 1px solid green;"></canvas> </div>
Shortcomings: When the cursor moves to the line, make a judgment The calculation method of whether it is on a straight line connected by two points is incorrect. It should be calculated as whether a point is within the rectangle
enclosed by the two tangent lines of the two-point circle; the pen point should be replaced by a small p square The grid is more reasonable, like the rectangular cutout below; (Idea: Establish a corresponding relationship between the accessed point coordinate set and the dynamically added small p square
When the small square is dragged, an event is triggered to update the coordinates Point collection and re-render).
6. Can you share it. Thank you
For more html5 canvas+js implementation of PS pen cutout related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!