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php generates QR code

2016-11-22 16:00:491213browse

Two-dimensional barcode/QR code (2D code.QR Code-abbreviated from Quick Response Code, a form of 2D code-is the most known one) is to use a specific geometric figure according to certain rules on a plane (two-dimensional direction) (Above) The distributed black and white graphics record data symbol information. QR code is a common two-dimensional code.

There are two main ways to generate PHP:

 * 二维码生成
 * @since 2013/02/27
 * 1.google open api
 * https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=150×150&choe=UTF-8&chld=L|4&chl=http://flyer0126.iteye.com
 * 参数1 cht 指定一个QR码
 * 参数2 chs 图像大小,这是说生成图片尺寸为200×200,是宽x高。这并不是生成图片的真实尺寸,应该是最大尺寸。
 * 参数3 chl 指定的数据,也就是解码后看到的信息。包含中文时请使用UTF-8编码汉字,否则将出现问题。
 * 有两个可选参数
choe 编码 默认UTF8
chld 错误校正 默认7% L代表默认纠错水平; 4代表margin,即二维码边界空白大小,可自行调节。
 * @var unknown_type
$url = &#39;http://flyer0126.iteye.com&#39;;
function generateQRfromGoogle($data, $size=150, $level=&#39;L&#39;, $margin=0)
$data = urlencode($data);
return &#39;http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=&#39;.$size.&#39;x&#39;.$size.&#39;&choe=UTF-8&chld=&#39;.$level.&#39;|&#39;.$margin.&#39;&chl=&#39;.$data;
$src = generateQRfromGoogle($url, 100);
echo "<img src=&#39;$src&#39; alt=&#39;QR code&#39;/>";
 * 2.类库PHP QR Code
 * 主页地址:http://phpqrcode.sourceforge.net/
 * 下载:http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpqrcode/
 * $data 数据
 * $filename 保存的图片名称
 * $errorCorrectionLevel 错误处理级别
 * $matrixPointSize 每个黑点的像素
 * $margin 图片外围的白色边框像素
include "qrlib.php";
//QRcode::png($data, $filename, $errorCorrectionLevel, $matrixPointSize, $margin);
QRcode::png(&#39;http://flyer0126.iteye.com&#39;, false, &#39;L&#39;, 4, 0);

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