- LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/mod_rewrite.so
- AddModule mod_rewrite.c
Copy code
Users of Apache 2.x please check if the following piece of code exists in conf/httpd.conf:
- LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Copy the code
If it exists and it starts with #, please delete the #. Then add the following code to the configuration file (usually conf/httpd.conf or conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf).
Note that if the website is defined through a virtual host, it must be added to the virtual host configuration, that is, . If it is added outside the virtual host configuration, it may not be available.
After making the changes, restart Apache.
Apache conf file configuration (refer to http://download.destoon.com/rewrite/apache.txt) rules:
- # Destoon B2B Rewrite Rules
- ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
- RewriteEngine On
- RewriteBase /
- RewriteRule ^(.*).(asp|aspx|asa|asax|dll|jsp|cgi|fcgi|pl )(.*)$ /404.php
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/file/(.*).php(.*)$ /404.php
- RewriteRule ^(.*)-htm-(.*)$ $1.php?$2
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/show-([0-9]+)([-])?([0-9]+)?.html$ $1/show.php?itemid=$2 &page=$4
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/list-([0-9]+)([-])?([0-9]+)?.html$ $1/list.php?catid=$2&page= $4
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/show/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)?([/])?$ $1/show.php?itemid=$2&page=$3
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/list/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)?([/])?$ $1/list.php?catid=$2&page=$3
- RewriteRule ^(. *)/([A-za-z0-9_-]+)-c([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).html$ $1/list.php?catid=$3&page=$4
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/([a-z]+)/(.*).shtml$ $1/$2/index.php?rewrite=$3
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/com/([a-z0-9_ -]+)/([a-z]+)/(.*).html$ $1/index.php?homepage=$2&file=$3&rewrite=$4
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/com/([a-z0- 9_-]+)/([a-z]+)([/])?$ $1/index.php?homepage=$2&file=$3
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/com/([a-z0-9_-] +)([/])?$ $1/index.php?homepage=$2
Copy code
3. Nginx rules (refer to http://download.destoon.com/rewrite/nginx.txt):
- rewrite ^/(.*).(asp|aspx|asa|asax|dll|jsp|cgi|fcgi|pl)(.*)$ /404.php last;
- rewrite ^/(. *)/file/(.*).php(.*)$ /404.php last;
- rewrite ^/(.*)-htm-(.*)$ /$1.php?$2 last;
- rewrite ^/ (.*)/show-([0-9]+)([-])?([0-9]+)?.html$ /$1/show.php?itemid=$2&page=$4 last;
- rewrite ^/(.*)/list-([0-9]+)([-])?([0-9]+)?.html$ /$1/list.php?catid=$2&page=$4 last;
- rewrite ^/(.*)/show/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)?([/])?$ /$1/show.php?itemid=$2&page=$3 last ;
- rewrite ^/(.*)/list/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)?([/])?$ /$1/list.php?catid=$2&page=$3 last;
- rewrite ^/(.*)/([A-za-z0-9_-]+)-c([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).html$ /$1/list .php?catid=$3&page=$4 last;
- rewrite ^(.*)/([a-z]+)/(.*).shtml$ $1/$2/index.php?rewrite=$3 last;
- rewrite ^/ (com)/([a-z0-9_-]+)/([a-z]+)/(.*).html$ /index.php?homepage=$2&file=$3&rewrite=$4 last;
- rewrite ^/ (com)/([a-z0-9_-]+)/([a-z]+)([/])?$ /index.php?homepage=$2&file=$3 last;
- rewrite ^/(com)/ ([a-z0-9_-]+)([/])?$ /index.php?homepage=$2 last;
Copy code
- match URL into $ with ^(.*).(asp|aspx|asa|asax|dll|jsp|cgi|fcgi|pl)(.*)$
- if matched then
- set URL = /404.php
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/file/(.*).php(.*)$
- if matched then
- set URL = /404.php
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)-htm-(.*)$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1.php?$2
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/show-([0-9]+)([-])?([0-9]+)?.html$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1/show.php?itemid=$2&page=$4
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/list-([0-9]+)([-])?([0-9]+)?.html$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1/list.php?catid=$2&page=$4
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/show/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)?([/])?$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1/show.php?itemid=$2&page=$3
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/list/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)?([/])?$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1/list.php?catid=$2&page=$3
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/([A-za-z0-9_-]+)-c([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).html$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1/list.php?catid=$3&page=$4
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/([a-z]+)/(.*).shtml$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1/$2/index.php?rewrite=$3
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/com/([a-z0-9_-]+)/([a-z]+)/(.*).html$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1/index.php?homepage=$2&file=$3&rewrite=$4
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/com/([a-z0-9_-]+)/([a-z]+)([/])?$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1/index.php?homepage=$2&file=$3
- endif
- match URL into $ with ^(.*)/com/([a-z0-9_-]+)([/])?$
- if matched then
- set URL = $1/index.php?homepage=$2
- endif
请下载 http://download.destoon.com/rewrite/IIS_Rewrite.zip
- # Destoon B2B www.destoon.com
- # 3600 = 1 hour
- CacheClockRate 3600
RepeatLimit 32
# Protect httpd.ini and httpd.parse.errors files
- # from accessing through HTTP
- RewriteRule ^(.*).(asp|aspx|asa|asax|dll|jsp|cgi|fcgi|pl)(.*)$ /404.php
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/file/(.*).php(.*)$ /404.php
- RewriteRule ^(.*)-htm-(.*)$ $1.php?$2
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/show-([0-9]+)([-])?([0-9]+)?.html$ $1/show.php?itemid=$2&page=$4
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/list-([0-9]+)([-])?([0-9]+)?.html$ $1/list.php?catid=$2&page=$4
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/show/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)?([/])?$ $1/show.php?itemid=$2&page=$3
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/list/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)?([/])?$ $1/list.php?catid=$2&page=$3
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/([A-za-z0-9_-]+)-c([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).html$ $1/list.php?catid=$3&page=$4
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/com/([a-z0-9_-]+)/([a-z]+)/(.*).html$ $1/index.php?homepage=$2&file=$3&rewrite=$4
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/com/([a-z0-9_-]+)/([a-z]+)([/])?$ $1/index.php?homepage=$2&file=$3
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/com/([a-z0-9_-]+)([/])?$ $1/index.php?homepage=$2
- RewriteRule ^(.*)/([a-z]+)/(.*).shtml$ $1/$2/index.php?rewrite=$3
Rewrite生效后,请在网站后台=》网站设置=》SEO优化=》URL Rewrite,选择“开启”提交。
以上通过实例介绍了destoon URL Rewrite(伪静态)的设置方法,希望对大家有所帮助。
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