This is a class I wrote myself. Everyone is welcome to discuss and guide. Some usage methods: //Declare database objects $Conn = new Mysql; //Load database parameters $Conn->Parameter (database server, database user name , database password, database name, database encoding, database table prefix [can be empty]);
The above code has already loaded this class file and initialized some database connection parameters! The following are some basic method functions: 1. $Conn -> Table(); Select the data table, the parameter is the name of the data table 2. $Conn -> Field(); Select the field name, multiple Separate with commas, if this method is not called, all will be returned 3. $Conn -> Where(); Sql Where sub-statement, filter based on conditions 4. $Conn -> Order(); Sql sorting 5 , $Conn -> Page (int); The parameter is a positive integer number. If this method is called, the records will be displayed in pages 6. $Conn -> Select (Boolean value); Execute the query and return the query results, if any , it is a two-dimensional array. If none, it returns false. The parameter can be omitted. If omitted, the default is true. The returned array contains numeric elements 7, $Conn -> Del(); Delete records 8, $ Conn -> Edit(array()); Modify the record, the parameter is a one-dimensional array, the array key is the field name, and the array value is the field value 9. $Conn -> Into(array()); Add the record, The parameter is a one-dimensional array, the array key is the field name, and the array value is the field value.
The above methods can be called continuously, for example:
$Rult = $Conn -> Table('user') -> Select(); //The query returns all records of the user table $Rult = $Conn -> Table( 'user') -> Page(20) -> Select();//The query returns all records in the user table and displays them in pages, 20 records per page;
There are also many method calls and tricks, which I will explain in detail later when I have time!
- /*
- Database operation class
- Operation method: Facing objects
- Production time: 2013-3-10
- Current version: BqhMysql(mysqli)1.0.1
- Software author: Sad Song
- Contact QQ: 36975
- Contact number: 18907975647
- Email:
- Contact address: Xiaosong Town, Shicheng County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province
- Postal code: 342706
- */
- class Mysql{
- private $LocalHost = ' localhost';
- private $LoaclUser = 'root';
- private $LocalPass = '123456';
- private $LocalBase = 'jiangxibaiyi';
- private $LocalCode = 'UTF8';
- private $PreFix;
- private $Conn;
- private $Start = 0;
- private $Error = false; //Database connection status, false means not connected or the connection is abnormal
- public $Err = true; //Sql execution result
- private $Table;
- private $Field = '*';
- private $Where = '';
- private $Order = '';
- private $PageSize = 0; //Page display->How many items per page, 0 means no paging display
- private $PageCount = 1; //Paging display->How many items are there in total
- private $PageNum = 1; //Paging display->How many pages are there in total
- private $PageNo = 1; //Paging display->What is the current page
- private $PageKey = 'page'; //Page url parameter key
- private $PageStart = 0; //Page display->The current item to return from
- private $Select;
- private $Rest;
- private $Result = false;//Result set
- public $FormArray = array();
- public $Instr_ID = 0;
- private $j = 0;
- public function Parameter($Loca, $Root, $Pass, $Base, $Code, $PreFix = ''){
- $this->LoaclUser = $Root;
- $this->LocalBase = $Base;
- $this->LocalCode = $Code;
- $this- >LocalHost = $Loca;
- $this->LocalPass = $Pass;
- $this->PreFix = $PreFix;
- return $this;
- }
- private function Connection( $Sql ){
- !function_exists(mysqli_connect ) ? die('Query failed, unable to load mysqli extension') : null;
- $this->Conn = @new mysqli( $this->LocalHost, $this->LoaclUser, $this->LocalPass, $this->LocalBase);
- $this->Error = mysqli_connect_errno() == 0 ? true : false;
- !$this->Error ? die('Database connection error, please check the database connection parameters') : null;
- $this->Conn->query('SET NAMES ' . $this->LocalCode);
- $this->Rest = $this->Conn->query($Sql) ;
- $this->Err = mysqli_error($this->Conn);
- $this->Instr_ID = mysqli_insert_id($this->Conn);
- $this->Rest->free_result;
- $this->Conn->close;
- $this -> FormArray = '';
- return $this;
- }
- public function null(){
- $this->PageSize = 0;
- // $this->PageCount = 1;
- $this->PageStart = 1;
- $this->Field = ' * ';
- $this->Select = '';
- unset($this-> Table, $this->Where,$this->Order, $this->Result);
- }
- public function Table( $TableName ) {//Data table
- $this -> null();
- $this->Table = '`' . $this->PreFix . $TableName . '`';
- return $this;
- }
- public function Field( $Array = '*' ) {//data Field
- !empty( $this->Field ) ? $this->Field = '' : null;
- $Array = explode(',', $Array);
- foreach ( $Array as $field ) {
- $this->Field .= !$this->Start ? '`' . $field . '`' : ', `' . $field . '`';
- $this->Start++;
- }
- $this->Start = 0;
- return $this;
- }
- public function Where( $Where ) {//Condition
- $this->Where = ' where ' .$Where;
- return $this;
- }
- public function Order( $Order ) {//Sort
- $this->Order = ' order by ' . $Order;
- return $this;
- }
- public function pk( $key ) {//Paging url parameter key
- $this->PageKey = $key;
- return $this;
- }
- public function Page( $PageSize ) {//Paging
- $this->PageSize = $PageSize;
- $this-> ;PageNo = $this->get( $this->PageKey );
- $this->PageNo = empty( $this->PageNo ) || !isset( $this->PageNo ) || ! is_numeric( $this->PageNo ) || $this->PageNo < 1 ? 1 : $this->PageNo;
- return $this;
- }
- public function post( $Key, $Filter = true ){
- return $Filter ? strip_tags($_POST[$Key]) : $_POST[$Key];
- }
- public function get( $Key, $Filter = true ){
- return $Filter ? strip_tags($_GET [$Key]) : $_GET[$Key];
- }
- public function Sel(){
- $this->Select = 'Select ' . $this->Field . ' from ' . $this->Table . $this->Where . $this->Order;
- $this->Connection( $this->Select );
- if ( $this->Rest->num_rows ) {
- while ( $Rs = $this->Rest->fetch_assoc() ) {
- $this->Result[] = $Rs;
- }
- }
- $DataBase = $this->Result;
- return empty($DataBase) ? false : $DataBase;
- }
- public function querys( $Sql = '', $Type = 'not', $biao = false ) {
- $this->Select = $Sql;
- $this->Connection( $this->Select );
- if ( $this->Rest->num_rows ) {
- if ( !$biao ) {
- while ( $Rs = $this->Rest->fetch_array() ) {
- $this->Result[] = !preg_match('/^d+$/i', $Type) ? $Rs : $Rs[ $Type ];
- }
- } else {
- while ( $Rs = $this->Rest->fetch_assoc() ) {
- $this->Result[] = $Rs;
- }
- }
- }
- $DataBase = $this->Result;
- return empty($DataBase) ? false : $DataBase;
- }
- public function executes( $Sql = '' ){
- $this->Connection( $Sql );
- return $this->Rest;
- }
- public function exists( $T = '', $F = '', $W = ''){
- if ( empty( $F ) ) { return 0; }
- $cmd = empty( $W ) ? 'Select sum(' . $F . ') as `baiyinum` from `' . $this->PreFix . $T .'`' : 'Select sum(' . $F . ') as `baiyinum` from `' . $this->PreFix . $T .'` Where ' . $W;
- $this->Connection( $cmd );
- unset( $T, $F, $W, $cmd );
- $Rel = $this->Rest->fetch_array();
- return round( $Rel['baiyinum'], 2 );
- }
- public function ExistsTo( $Bili = 10000, $T = '', $F = '', $W = ''){
- if ( empty( $F ) ) { return 0; }
- $cmd = empty( $W ) ? 'Select sum(' . $F . ') as `baiyinum` from `' . $this->PreFix . $T .'`' : 'Select sum(' . $F . ') as `baiyinum` from `' . $this->PreFix . $T .'` Where ' . $W;
- $this->Connection( $cmd );
- unset( $T, $F, $W, $cmd );
- $Rel = $this->Rest->fetch_array();
- return round( $Rel['baiyinum'] * $Bili );
- }
- public function Select( $Type = true, $ListNum = 1 ){ //返回记录(数组形式, 返回条数)
- $this->Select = 'Select ' . $this->Field . ' from ' . $this->Table . $this->Where . $this->Order;
- if ( is_numeric( $ListNum ) ) {
- if ( $this->PageSize > 0 ) {
- $this->Connection( $this->Select );//执行查询
- $this->PageCount = $this->Rest->num_rows;//取得记录总数
- $this->PageNum = ceil($this->PageCount / $this->PageSize); //总共有多少页
- $this->PageNo = $this->PageNo > $this->PageNum ? $this->PageNum : $this->PageNo;
- $this->PageStart = ( $this->PageNo - 1 ) * $this->PageSize; //当前从第几条开始返回
- $this->Select .= ' limit ' . $this->PageStart . ', ' .$this->PageSize; //重新构造sql语句
- } else {
- $this->Select .= ' limit ' . $ListNum; //重新构造sql语句
- }
- } else {
- $this->Select .= ' limit 1'; //重新构造sql语句
- }
- //echo $this->Select;
- $this->Connection( $this->Select );//再次执行查询
- if ( $this->Rest->num_rows ) {//如果记录存在
- if ( $Type ) {
- while ( $Rs = $this->Rest->fetch_array() ) {
- $this->Result[] = $Rs;
- }
- }else{
- while ( $Rs = $this->Rest->fetch_assoc() ) {
- $this->Result[] = $Rs;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( ( $ListNum == 1 or !is_numeric( $ListNum ) ) && !$this->PageSize) { $this->Result = $this->Result[0]; }
- $DataBase = $this->Result;
- return empty($DataBase) ? false : $DataBase;
- }
- public function Num() { //返回记录总数
- $this->Select = 'Select ' . $this->Field . ' from ' . $this->Table . $this->Where . $this->Order;
- $this->Connection( $this->Select );//执行查询
- return $this->Rest->num_rows;//取得记录总数
- }
- public function PageNav($NumNav = false ) { //分页
- $Action = $this -> get('action');
- !empty( $Action ) or $Action = 'index';
- $Module = $this -> get('module');
- !empty( $Module ) or $Module = 'index';
- $NavUrl = '/' . $Module . '/' . $Action . '/' . $this -> PageKey .'/';
- $NaIndex = '/' . $Module . '/' . $Action;
- $PageHtml = "\n
- $PageHtml .= '' . $this->PageCount . '条记录 ' . $this->PageNo . '/' . $this->PageNum . '页 ';
- $this->PageNo <= 1 or $PageHtml .= "首页\nPageNo - 1) . "\">上一页\n";
- if ( $NumNav ) { $PageHtml .= $this->NumPage($NavUrl); }
- $this->PageNo >= $this->PageNum or $PageHtml .= "PageNo + 1) . "\">下一页\nPageNum . "\">尾页\n";
- $PageHtml .= "
- return $PageHtml;
- }
- private function NumPage( $Can = '' ) { //数字分页
- $NumHtml = '';
- $First = 1;
- $Last = $this->PageNum;
- if ( $this->PageNum > 5 ) {
- if ( $this->PageNo < $this->PageNum ) {
- $First = $this->PageNo - 2;
- $Last = $this->PageNo + 2;
- }else{
- $First = $this->PageNo - 4;
- $Last = $this->PageNum;
- }
- }
- if ( $First < 1 ) { $First = 1; $Last = $First + 4;}
- if ( $Last > $this->PageNum ) { $First = $this->PageNum - 4; $Last = $this->PageNum;}
- for( $i = $First; $i <= $Last; $i++) {
- $NumHtml .= $this->PageNo != $i ? "\n\t" . '' . $i . '' . "\n\t" : "\n\t" .'' . $i . '' . "\n\t";
- }
- unset($Can, $First, $i, $Last);
- return $NumHtml;
- }
- public function UserPage($NumNav = false, $PageName = 'index', $Mulu = 'user' ) { //会员中心分页
- $NavUrl = '/' . $Mulu . '/' . $PageName . '/' . $this->PageKey . '/';
- $PageHtml = "\n
- $PageHtml .= '' . $this->PageCount . '条记录 ' . $this->PageNo . '/' . $this->PageNum . '页 ';
- $this->PageNo <= 1 or $PageHtml .= "首页\nPageNo - 1) . "\">上一页\n";
- if ( $NumNav ) { $PageHtml .= $this->NumPage($NavUrl); }
- $this->PageNo >= $this->PageNum or $PageHtml .= "PageNo + 1) . "\">下一页\nPageNum . "\">尾页\n";
- $PageHtml .= "
- return $PageHtml;
- }
- // Form processing begins
- // Submit when judging form
- public function FormIs( $Keys = 'mm' ) {
- return $_POST[ $Keys ] == 1 ? true : false;
- }
- //Get data via post
- public function _post( $Keys = '', $TiHuan = '') {
- $Values = strip_tags( $_POST[ $Keys ] );
- $ this->FormArray[$Keys] = empty( $Values ) ? $TiHuan : $Values;
- return empty( $Values ) ? $TiHuan : $Values;
- }
- //get method to get data
- public function _get ( $Keys = '', $TiHuan = '') {
- $Values = strip_tags( $_GET[ $Keys ] );
- return empty( $Values ) ? $TiHuan : $Values;
- }
- //Judge whether Is a number and not less than 0
- public function IsNum( $Num = 0, $Mesg = 'Parameter must be a number' ) {
- if ( is_numeric( $Num ) && !empty( $Num ) && $Num >= 0 ) {
- return $Num;
- }else{
- die( $Mesg );
- }
- }
- //Determine whether it is a number and not less than 0 and return True/False
- public function NumBer( $Num = 0) {
- return is_numeric( $Num ) && !empty( $Num ) && $Num >= 0 ? true : false;
- }
- //Detect that relevant data seems to exist
- public function IsData($Types = true, $memg = 'data Already exists' ){
- $this->Connection('select ' . $this->Field . ' from ' . $this->Table . $this->Where);
- if ( $Types ){
- $this->Rest->num_rows > 0 ? die( $memg ) : null;
- } else {
- return $this->Rest->num_rows;
- }
- }
- //Write Into database records
- public function into( $Mesg = '' ){
- !is_array( $this->FormArray ) ? die( $Mesg ) : null;
- $Sql = 'insert into ' . $this->Table . ' (`';
- $I = 0;
- foreach ( $this->FormArray as $Key => $Val ){
- $Duan .= !$I ? $Key . '`' : ', ` ' . $Key . '`';
- if ( is_numeric( $Val ) ){
- $Vals .= !$I ? $Val : ', ' . $Val;
- }else{
- $Vals .= !$I ? ''' . $Val . ''' : ', '' . $Val . ''';
- }
- $I++;
- }
- $Sql .= $Duan . ') values (' . $Vals . ' )';
- //@file_put_contents('1.sql', $Sql, FILE_APPEND);
- $this->Connection( $Sql );
- return !empty( $this->Err ) ? false : true;
- }
- //Write data in array form
- public function MsgBox( $Table = '', $Filed = array() ) {
- $this -> Table($Table);
- foreach( $Filed as $Key => $Val ) {
- $this -> FormArray[ $Key ] = $Val;
- }
- return $this -> Into('No data obtained');
- }
- //Modify the database Record
- public function Edit( $Array = array() ) {
- if ( empty( $Array ) ) { $Array = $this -> FormArray; }
- if ( !is_array( $Array ) || empty( $Array ) ) {
- return false;
- } else {
- $Sql = 'update ' . $this -> Table . ' set ';
- $I = 0;
- $Sub = '';
- $Huan = array(' -' => '[jian]', '+' => '[jia]', '*' => '[cheng]', '/' => '[chu]');
- $ Zhan = array('[jian]' => '-', '[jia]' => '+', '[cheng]' => '*', '[chu]' => '/ ');
- foreach ( $Array as $Files => $Val ) {
- $Val = !is_numeric( $Val ) && !preg_match('/`w+`s*(+|-|*|/)/ i', $Val) ? ''' . $Val . ''' : $Val;
- foreach ( $Huan as $key => $val ){
- $Val = str_replace($key, $val, $Val );
- }
- $duan = !$I ? '`' . $Files . '` = ' : ', `' . $Files . '` = ';
- $Sub .= $duan . $Val;
- $ I++;
- }
- $Sql .= $Sub . $this -> Where;
- foreach ( $Zhan as $Fan => $Hui ) {
- $Sql = str_replace($Fan, $Hui, $Sql);
- }
- //echo $Sql; die;
- $this -> Connection( $Sql );
- unset( $Array, $duan, $Fan, $Files, $Huan, $Hui, $I, $ key, $Sql, $Sub, $Val, $Zhan, $val );
- return !empty( $this -> Err ) ? false : true;
- }
- }
- //Delete database records
- public function del (){
- $Sql = 'delete from ' . $this->Table . $this->Where;
- $this->Connection( $Sql );
- unset($Sql);
- return !empty( $this->Err ) ? false : true;
- }
- //Form processing ends
- //Page jump
- public function Msg( $Text = 'Operation successful' ) {
- echo '';
- echo '
- ';
- exit;
- }
- #Get the current system time
- public function Times(){
- return str_replace('-', '[jian]', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
- }
- #取得用户IP地址
- public function GetIP(){
- if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"), "unknown"))
- $ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
- else if (getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"), "unknown"))
- $ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
- else if (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") && strcasecmp(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "unknown"))
- $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
- else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strcasecmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "unknown"))
- $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
- else
- $ip = "unknown";
- return($ip);
- }
- //最后关闭数据库连接
- public function Close(){
- !is_object( $this -> Conn ) or mysqli_close( $this -> Conn );
- }
- }