Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >Codeforces Beta Round #4 (Div. 2 Only) A. Watermelon_html/css_WEB-ITnose
A water question, which is to record what has been done.
The main idea of the question:
Given a number, ask if it can Divide into two even numbers.
Here is the code:
#include <set>#include <map>#include <queue>#include <math.h>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <iostream>#include <cctype>#include <algorithm>#define eps 1e-10#define pi acos(-1.0)#define inf 107374182#define inf64 1152921504606846976#define lc l,m,tr<<1#define rc m + 1,r,tr<<1|1#define zero(a) fabs(a)<eps#define iabs(x) ((x) > 0 ? (x) : -(x))#define clear1(A, X, SIZE) memset(A, X, sizeof(A[0]) * (min(SIZE,sizeof(A))))#define clearall(A, X) memset(A, X, sizeof(A))#define memcopy1(A , X, SIZE) memcpy(A , X ,sizeof(X[0])*(SIZE))#define memcopyall(A, X) memcpy(A , X ,sizeof(X))#define max( x, y ) ( ((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y) )#define min( x, y ) ( ((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y) )using namespace std;int main(){ int num; scanf("%d",&num); bool flat=false; for(int i=2;i<num;i+=2) { if((num-i)%2==0) { flat=true; break; } } if(flat)puts("YES"); else puts("NO"); return 0;}