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In January 2014, I wrote an article: The Current Generation of CSS3 Selectors. The purpose of this article is to introduce some new selectors in CSS3. The selector in this article has been well documented and is supported by most browsers (including IE9).
With the Selectors Level 4 specification currently in working draft status, and the Editor's Draft of the same spec also in progress (Editor's drafts are generally considered more authoritative), the future of CSS selectors looks clear Now,
This article focuses on new selectors that did not appear in the previous article. Browser support for these new features is not optimistic, so I do not recommend using these new selectors in a production environment. Think of this article as what impact it will have when the specification is further refined and browsers start to support CSS4. For features that are already supported, I have provided demo examples.
These two selectors are very simple. Any editable element is in the read-write state, and conversely, the element is in the read-only state. Take a look at the following HTML:
<input type="text" readonly><input type="text" disabled><input type="text"><div contenteditable></div>
The CSS is as follows:
:read-only { outline: solid 1px blue;}:read-write { outline: solid 1px red;}
The analysis of the above code is as follows:
In CSS, I use these two selectors normally (without applying them to any elements), which also means that all divs, spans and other non-editable elements will have The red outline is more likely to be used on specific form elements or elements with a specific class selector.
:read-write may be removed in the edit draft.
Note: As the demo below shows, browsers that support these selectors Defining an input element with disabled as read-write is incorrect according to the specification.
<br /><br /><div class="c"> <h2>Demo for <code>:read-only</code> and <code>:read-write</code></h2> This input is "readonly": <input type="text" readonly> <br> This input is "disabled": <input type="text" disabled> <br> This input is normal: <input type="text"> <br> <div class="ce" contenteditable>This div is contenteditable</div> <div class="ro">This div has nothing special.</div> <p><strong>Legend:</strong> Red outline: read-write; Blue outline: read-only</p> <p class="p">Demo by Louis Lazaris. <a href="http://www.sitepoint.com/future-generation-css-selectors-level-4" target="_blank">See article</a>.</p> </div>
body { line-height: 2em;}.c { width: 600px; margin: auto;}.p { text-align: center; font-size: .9em; padding-top: 100px;}input:read-write, .ce:read-write, .ro:read-write { outline: solid 1px red;}input:read-only, .ce:read-only, .ro:read-only { outline: solid 1px blue;}
View this code on codepen
As the following HTML snippet shows, there can be multiple default options:
<input type="checkbox" value ="f" name="group" checked> Fruits<input type="checkbox" value ="v" name="group"> Vegetables<input type="checkbox" value ="m" name="group" checked> Meats<input type="checkbox" value ="p" name="group" checked> Poultry<input type="checkbox" value ="n" name="group"> Nuts<input type="checkbox" value ="b" name="group"> BreadsApply the following CSS to the above HTML:
input[type=checkbox]:default { outline: solid 1px hotpink;}In this case, all elements with the checked attribute will be rendered with an outline style.
Browser support for :default: Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari.
<br /><br /><div class="c"> <h2>Demo for <code>:default</code></h2> <input type="checkbox" value="f" name="group"> Fruits <input type="checkbox" value="v" name="group"> Vegetables <input type="checkbox" value="m" name="group" checked> Meats <input type="checkbox" value="p" name="group" checked> Poultry <input type="checkbox" value="n" name="group"> Nuts <input type="checkbox" value="b" name="group"> Breads <form onsubmit="return false;"> <input type="submit"> <input type="submit"> </form> <p>The items with a pink outline are in the "default" state. Chrome and Opera incorrectly fail to add the pink outline to the checkboxes.</p> <p class="p">Demo by Louis Lazaris. <a href="http://www.sitepoint.com/future-generation-css-selectors-level-4" target="_blank">See article</a>.</p></div>CSS:
body { line-height: 2em;}.c { width: 500px; margin: auto;}.p { text-align: center; font-size: .9em; padding-top: 100px;}input[type=checkbox]:default { outline: solid 1px hotpink;}input:default { outline: solid 1px hotpink;}View this code in codepen
Validity pseudo-classes: :valid and :invalid
Look at an example:
Email: <input type="email" required>Note that this field expects a valid email address as the entered data, you can do this:
input[type=email]:invalid { outline: red solid 1px;}input[type=email]:valid { outline: lightgreen solid 1px;}According to the above With CSS, the email field will have a red outline until the user enters it. Once the user enters a valid email, the outline will turn green.
Using these pseudo-classes, it is easy to add a green-tagged pseudo-element (or other similar) before the form element to display valid field data.
It should be noted that:
CSS:Demo for
Email: <input type="email" required>:valid
Type an email address. The outline will change from red to green.
Demo by Louis Lazaris. See article.
body { line-height: 2em;}.c { width: 500px; margin: auto;}.p { text-align: center; font-size: .9em; padding-top: 100px;}input[type=email]:invalid { outline: red solid 2px;}input[type=email]:valid { outline: lightgreen solid 2px;}View this code on codepen
Range pseudo-classes: :in-range and :out-of-range
So the HTML should look like this:
<input type="date" min="1994-01-01" max="2015-03-01" value="1993-01-01">Note that the default value is "1993-01-01", which is not within the allowed range of the data. You can dynamically design the input box style based on the default data and input data, like this:
input[type=date]:in-range { outline: lightgreen solid 1px;}input[type=date]:out-of-range { outline: red solid 1px;}It should be noted that:
浏览器对 :in-range 和 :out-of-range支持:Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari.
<br /><br /><div class="c"> <h2>Demo for <code>:in-range</code> and <code>:out-of-range</code></h2> <input type="date" min="1994-01-01" max="2015-03-01" value="1993-01-01"> <p>This date field expects a date between "1994-01-01" and "2015-03-01". Change to a valid date to see the outline switch from red to green.</p> <p class="p">Demo by Louis Lazaris. <a href="http://www.sitepoint.com/future-generation-css-selectors-level-4" target="_blank">See article</a>.</p></div>
body { line-height: 2em;}.c { width: 500px; margin: auto;}.p { text-align: center; font-size: .9em; padding-top: 100px;}input[type=date]:in-range { outline: lightgreen solid 1px;}input[type=date]:out-of-range { outline: red solid 1px;}
View this code on codepen
<div> <label for="name">name:</label> <input type="text" id="name" required> <span class="msg"></span></div><div> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="email" required> <span class="msg"></span></div><div> <label for="address">Address:</label> <input type="text" id="address"> <span class="msg"></span></div>
input:required ~ .msg:after { content: '*'; color: red;}input:optional ~ .msg:after { content: '(optional)';}
在这个示例中,我用兄弟选择器在紧跟每个必填字段的后面添加一个红色星号,非必填字段后添加 “optional”。
<br /><br /><div class="c"> <h2>Demo for <code>:required</code> and <code>:optional</code></h2> <div> <label for="name">Name:</label> <input type="text" id="name" required> <span class="msg"></span> </div> <div> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="email" required> <span class="msg"></span> </div> <div> <label for="address">Address:</label> <input type="text" id="address"> <span class="msg"></span> </div> <p>The red asterisks and "(optional)" text are added via CSS, based on the presence or absence of the <code>required</code> attribute.</p> <p class="p">Demo by Louis Lazaris. <a href="http://www.sitepoint.com/future-generation-css-selectors-level-4" target="_blank">See article</a>.</p></div>
body { line-height: 2em;}.c { width: 500px; margin: auto;}.p { text-align: center; font-size: .9em; padding-top: 100px;}form div { padding: 10px;}input:required ~ .msg:after { content: '*'; color: red;}input:optional ~ .msg:after { content: '(optional)';}
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a[href$="pdf" i] { color: red;}
<br /><br /><div class="c"> <h2>Demo for case-insensitive attribute selectors</h2> <ul> <li><a href="example.pdf" onclick="return false;">example.pdf</a></li> <li><a href="example.PDF" onclick="return false;">example.PDF</a></li> <li><a href="example.Pdf" onclick="return false;">example.Pdf</a></li> </ul> <p>In non-supporting browsers, only the first link is red. In supporting browsers, all links are red.</p> <p class="p">Demo by Louis Lazaris. <a href="http://www.sitepoint.com/future-generation-css-selectors-level-4" target="_blank">See article</a>.</p></div>
body { line-height: 2em;}.c { width: 500px; margin: auto;}.p { text-align: center; font-size: .9em; padding-top: 100px;}form div { padding: 10px;}a[href$="pdf"] { color: red;}a[href$="pdf" i] { color: red;}
View this code on codepen
[:blank]伪类和:empty有点类似,在The Current Generation of CSS3 Selectors一文中介绍了empty的用法。用empty可以选择没有子元素的元素,不管其子元素是一个元素、文本节点还是空白节点,因此如果元素即使只包含一个空格,也不被认为是"empty"的。
HTML如下 :
<p></p><p> </p>
p:blank { outline: solid 1px red;}p:empty { border: solid 1px green;}
在这个示例中,对“blank”元素应用了红色的外轮廓,对 “empty”元素应用了绿色的边框。:empty仅选择第一个段落,因为它是完全的空元素;:blank则选择两个段落。
section section h1, section article h1,section aside h1, section nav h1,article section h1, article article h1, article aside h1, article nav h1,aside section h1, aside article h1,aside aside h1, aside nav h1,nav section h1, nav article h1, nav aside h1, nav nav h1, { font-size: 20px;}
:matches(section, article, aside, nav):matches(section, article, aside, nav) h1 { font-size: 20px;}
:has() 伪类类似于JQuery中的.has()方法,但前者有更广泛的能力。看一个示例就清楚了。注意代码中的注释,它解释了每一个示例选择什么元素。
/* Section elements that contain a footer */section:has(footer) { background: #ccc;}/* Any element containing a p element with a class of "alert" */:has(p.alert) { background-color: red;}/* img element with paragraph immediately following. */img:has(+p) { color: red;}/* list item with ul as a direct child */li:has(> ul) { color: red;}
:link, :visited { color: #555;}
:any-link { color: #555;}
<div> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="email"></div>
input:focus-within { outline: yellow solid 1px;}
.spot { background: #ccc;}.spot:drop { background: hotpink;}
:drop() 的值为下列中的一个或多个关键字:
* 列连接符(||):用于定义table和grid中的列和单元格之间的关系
* :nth-column()和:nth-last-column()伪类用于指定table和grid中的特定列
* attr():属性节点选择器,是第一个非元素选择器
* 后代选择器由>>代替(而不仅是一个空格字符)
* :user-error伪类:为用户输入的数据不正确的文本框设置样式
* @namespace:定义命名空间
* :dir()伪类:根据方向来选择元素(如ltr)
* :scope伪类:为选择元素提供一个作用域或引用点
* :current, :past, 和 :future伪类:定义目标元素在时间进程上的样式,如一个视频字幕。
* :placeholder-shown伪类:定义表单元素中的占位符文本的样式
为了跟上进展,这里有一些关于CSS 4的资源:
本文根据@Louis Lazaris的《The Future Generation of CSS Selectors: Level 4》所译,整个译文带有我自己的理解与思想,如果译得不好或有不对之处还请同行朋友指点。如需转载此译文,需注明英文出处:http://www.sitepoint.com/future-generation-css-selectors-level-4/