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Douyin regulates staged photos! From now on, the content of the performance must be clearly marked, otherwise the account will be permanently banned.

2024-06-05 16:05:461092browse

本站 5 月 27 日消息,抖音安全中心今日发布公告,为维护良好的社区生态,落实“清朗・整治‘自媒体’无底线博流量”专项工作要求,切实打击“不择手段蹭炒社会热点”“自导自演式造假”等违规行为,抖音即日起实行热点内容核实机制,具体分为热点事件当事人核实和疑似演绎内容核实两项



  • 1、热点事件发生后,以热点事件当事人或当事人亲朋好友身份出现并发布内容的账号,平台发现后会进行核实。对收到系统消息提示的用户,需自接到消息的 5 小时内进行身份确认,平台方将联系当事人进行身份核实;逾期不能提供证明材料的,平台将对视频予以强提醒标注。超 24 小时仍未进行身份确认的,平台将进行包含账号禁言在内的梯度处罚,直至收到可信证明材料。

  • 对于社会关注高的热点事件,平台可能需要要求当事人尽快提交身份认证/材料认证方可继续发声。同时对于高龄、生病等部分确认有不便的用户,平台将酌情放宽认证时间。

平台欢迎广大网友参与监督,发现疑似仿冒蹭热当事人账号,可私信反馈至抖音 @热点当事人。平台将进行核实、认证。


创作者通过剧情演绎方式创作、发布虚构内容时,需在显著位置或以显著形式明确标注相关视频系演绎,文案包括但不限于“虚构演绎,仅供娱乐”等。平台提供了演绎内容自主标注工具:万粉以上用户可通过“发文助手自主声明”入口,选择合适的声明内容,万粉以下用户可在“高级设置-> 发文助手自主声明”入口,选择合适的声明内容。自主声明方式详见《“虚构演绎”自主声明添加手册》。


  • 对于疑似演绎而未打标的内容,平台会下发提醒,如需添加声明,按照指引如实添加。在平台提醒后仍未打标的内容,平台将视情况采取下架、账号处理、强制标注等措施,直至用户提供可信证明材料。

  • 关于部分疑似摆拍的热点内容,平台将要求各地相关部门核实或联动各地新闻机构调查。查实造假的,平台将对账号进行严厉处理。

平台重申:正常声明打标的演绎类作品流量分发不会受影响,而未打标造成公众、媒体误解的账号,平台将视情节给予全面禁言 30 天至无限期封禁等处罚。用户如发现疑似摆拍内容,可以点击视频转发按钮,在“举报”中选择“不实信息”进行举报,或通过 @抖音辟谣 官方账号、feedback@douyin.com 邮箱进行举报。


案例一:某整形机构医生陶某(账号“老陶说真话”,粉丝 148.4 万;账号“我最勇敢”,粉丝 17.4 万),近日在多平台发布手术室场景的视频称:一位病人与朋友喝酒、唱歌、泡澡后突发脑血管爆裂,经抢救仍未脱离危险。

Douyin regulates staged photos! From now on, the content of the performance must be clearly marked, otherwise the account will be permanently banned.



Case 2: The user "Xiaoshuang (Daily Life)" (51,000 fans) posted multiple contents on the platform, saying that "I was bullied and suppressed by my mother-in-law in my daily life, and was forced to divorce and became depressed." The platform verified with the relevant departments where the account belongs and confirmed that the user was falsely posing for the photo and did not indicate "performance". This behavior violated Douyin's content creation rules for "performance" works, and the platform decided to ban it indefinitely.

This site has noticed that Douyin has released the "Manual for Adding a Self-Declaration of "Fictional Interpretation"". If the work does not indicate that it is a "deduction" or "fiction", it will cause misunderstandings among the public and the news media. , becomes "false information" and the platform will deal with it severely. Including but not limited to canceling contribution permissions, canceling profit-making permissions, erasing account followers, banning accounts, etc. At the same time, the platform has established a content verification mechanism. For doubtful hot content, it will request relevant local departments to verify or coordinate with local news organizations to investigate.

Douyin regulates staged photos! From now on, the content of the performance must be clearly marked, otherwise the account will be permanently banned.

The above is the detailed content of Douyin regulates staged photos! From now on, the content of the performance must be clearly marked, otherwise the account will be permanently banned.. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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