View model disp...LOGIN

View model displays data

View model displays data

We use the view model to display the columns and brands of the list


We need to display the names of 3 and 1 in the above picture, and the view model we need to use


model folder creation file

namespace Admin\Model;
use Think\Model\ViewModel;
class GoodsViewModel extends ViewModel {

    protected $viewFields = array(
        'Cate'=>array('catename', '_on'=>'','_type'=>'LEFT'),
        'Brand'=>array('brand_name', '_on'=>''),


Modify goods product controller

  public function index(){
        $goods = D('GoodsView');
        $count      = $goods->count();
        $Page       = new \Think\Page($count,25);
        $show       = $Page->show();
        $list = $goods->order('id desc')->limit($Page->firstRow.','.$Page->listRows)->select();

GoodsView is the name of the above view model and is loaded using the D method.

The column and brand displayed in the list are changed to the newly defined name of the view model

<td align="left"><a target="_brank" href="#">{$vo.catename}</a></td>
<td align="left"><a target="_brank" href="#">{$vo.brand_name}</a></td>


The name is displayed successfully

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