Classify:AIIt Industry

Kuaishou and Beida multi-modal large models: images are foreign languages, comparable to the breakthrough of DALLE-3

Release:2024-01-30 16:36:28
Kuaishou and Beida multi-modal large models: images are foreign languages, comparable to the breakthrough of DALLE-3

Graphical language: Kuaishou and Beida multi-modal large models are comparable to DALLE-3

Release:2024-01-30 15:24:28
Graphical language: Kuaishou and Beida multi-modal large models are comparable to DALLE-3

MoE Large Model Making Guide: Zero-Based Manual Building Methods, Master-Level Tutorials Revealed

Release:2024-01-30 14:42:15
MoE Large Model Making Guide: Zero-Based Manual Building Methods, Master-Level Tutorials Revealed

Data modeling using Kernel Model Gaussian Processes (KMGPs)

Release:2024-01-30 11:15:32
Data modeling using Kernel Model Gaussian Processes (KMGPs)

Plans to apply artificial intelligence to reduce carbon emissions

Release:2024-01-29 22:42:37
Plans to apply artificial intelligence to reduce carbon emissions

The team of He Kaiming and Xie Saining successfully followed the deconstruction diffusion model exploration and finally created the highly praised denoising autoencoder.

Release:2024-01-29 14:15:05
The team of He Kaiming and Xie Saining successfully followed the deconstruction diffusion model exploration and finally created the highly praised denoising autoencoder.

AI full-link marketing company "Altron Lightyear" completed US$15 million in Series A+ financing, with Meitu and Cathay co-leading the investment

Release:2024-01-29 13:24:16
AI full-link marketing company

Anti-interference framework ADMap: a powerful tool for reconstructing online vectorized high-precision maps

Release:2024-01-29 12:00:06
Anti-interference framework ADMap: a powerful tool for reconstructing online vectorized high-precision maps

Learn briefly how to use GenAI to improve coding efficiency

Release:2024-01-29 11:33:05
Learn briefly how to use GenAI to improve coding efficiency

The latest benchmark CMMMU suitable for Chinese LMM physique: includes more than 30 subdivisions and 12K expert-level questions

Release:2024-01-29 09:24:25
The latest benchmark CMMMU suitable for Chinese LMM physique: includes more than 30 subdivisions and 12K expert-level questions

Uncovering the magic wand of the LLM wizard, the UIUC Chinese team reveals the three major advantages of code data

Release:2024-01-29 09:24:16
Uncovering the magic wand of the LLM wizard, the UIUC Chinese team reveals the three major advantages of code data

Knowledge graph: the ideal partner for large models

Release:2024-01-29 09:21:26
Knowledge graph: the ideal partner for large models

Apple uses autoregressive language models to pre-train image models

Release:2024-01-29 09:18:27
Apple uses autoregressive language models to pre-train image models

Multi-modal large models are preferred by young people online with open source: easily run 1080Ti

Release:2024-01-29 09:15:26
Multi-modal large models are preferred by young people online with open source: easily run 1080Ti

The fusion of multiple heterogeneous large models brings amazing results

Release:2024-01-29 09:12:28
The fusion of multiple heterogeneous large models brings amazing results