首頁 >科技週邊 >IT業界 >佳能旗艦EOS R1面臨技術挑戰 發布計畫被迫擱置

佳能旗艦EOS R1面臨技術挑戰 發布計畫被迫擱置

2024-05-07 14:52:01972瀏覽

5月7日消息,近日,備受期待的佳能旗艦相機EOS R1的發布再次面臨延遲。根據科技頻道Ordinary Filmmaker最新影片透露,該相機在測試階段遭遇技術挑戰,導致上市時間被迫延後。


佳能旗舰EOS R1面临技术挑战 发布计划被迫搁置

目前,EOS R1原計劃於2024年2月的CP 展會上首次亮相,但該計劃已遭擱置。今年初,市場上一度傳聞該相機會在7月至9月間問世。不過,隨著預定發布日期的日益臨近,各種技術和市場挑戰接連出現,讓EOS R1的發布日期變得困難預測。

Data has been decoded, indicating the possibility of an upcoming unofficial announcement of new market times by Ordinary Filmmaker. However, the information revealed suggests that photography enthusiasts may as revealed suggests that photography enthusiasts mayc​​y the paperpery the un​​yh the rekst the 死區 Eoc​​yh paperper mpayge the un​​yh the un​​yh the pi是誰。 . Of note is that Canon's projections indicate the possible release of EOS R5 Mark II later this month, which could potentially provide some insights into the timing of EOS R1's announcement to the global aenceenceence.

以上是佳能旗艦EOS R1面臨技術挑戰 發布計畫被迫擱置的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
