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2023-11-30 11:29:25633瀏覽


在數位化浪潮蓬勃發展、新技術引領的產業變革環境下,工業4.0 促使資訊科技、數位科技、人工智慧等技術與製造業加速融合。人工智慧和生成式AI的發展,為製造業帶來了巨大的機會和挑戰。如何利用這些技術提高效率、降低成本、優化產品設計,成為了製造業亟待解決的問題。


日前,亞馬遜雲端科技與製造業領先的客戶與合作夥伴一起,就當前中國製造業發展趨勢洞察、製造業企業字化轉型與創新階段面臨的挑戰與機會等議題進行探討。亞馬遜雲端科技大中華區策略業務發展部總經理顧凡表示:「目前,傳統製造業的數位轉型升級不斷加速與深化——高端化、智慧化、綠色化已成為製造業發展的主要趨勢。 ”


進入中國市場十年來,亞馬遜雲端科技一直專注於為各行各業企業的數位轉型與創新提供解決方案。目前,中國製造業正經歷從「數量」到「品質」的數位轉型實踐,但傳統製造業面臨諸多挑戰,例如技術產品創新時間長、工廠整體設備效率OEE(Overall Equipment Effectiveness)不高、供應鏈效率和彈性低,以及缺乏新的收入來源等。現在,亞馬遜雲端科技希望透過數位轉型來賦能傳統製造業,幫助其實現創新和轉型



亞馬遜雲端科技與中科創達在五月共同宣布成立了人工智慧聯合創新實驗室,利用亞馬遜雲端科技的Amazon SageMaker等技術與服務,共同挖掘創新體驗場景,探索雲端運算和大型語言模型在產業中的應用,為製造業客戶提供全新的產業解決方案,協助他們加速應用人工智慧和基礎模型,實現數位轉型和業務創新。中科創達利用亞馬遜雲端科技廣泛而深入的雲端服務,建構技術底座,貫穿端、邊、雲端三個層面,持續為製造業提供生產連續性、業務全球化拓展、技術創新和安全合規等方面的支持。未來,雙方將持續在人工智慧賦能數位轉型、人工智慧賦能智慧製造、人工智慧賦能智慧汽車等領域深入合作與探索



以英威達(INVISTA)作為例子,該全球綜合纖維和聚合物公司選擇了亞馬遜雲端科技作為首選的雲端供應商,以建構、訓練和部署內部開發的第三方機器學習模型,使用了Amazon SageMaker來進行資料科學工作流程。實施系統後,英威達將600臺本地伺服器遷移到雲端上,包括多個製造應用程式和全球INVISTA SAP足跡,每年節省了超過200萬美元的成本,並從全公司數據中創造了3億美元的價值

In the manufacturing field, product design usually requires consideration of materials, processes, costs and other factors. Generative artificial intelligence can generate better product design solutions by analyzing large amounts of data. For example, artificial intelligence technology can be used to optimize the structure, performance and cost of products and improve the competitiveness of products. In the manufacturing process, the cost of hiring data scientists and model tuning engineers is very high. Artificial intelligence can predict equipment failures through data analysis, optimize production plans, etc., and improve production efficiency

In China, as one of the first companies to be selected into the “List of National Industrial Design Centers”, Haier Innovation Design Center chose Amazon Cloud Technology to create a generative AI solution and introduced this solution into new product design, upgrades, and channels. Customization and other industrial design business scenarios have been built, and the country's first known AIGC industrial design enterprise-level solution that is combined with actual business scenarios has been built. Through this solution, the overall conceptual design of Haier Innovation Design Center has been accelerated by 83%, and the integrated rendering efficiency has been increased by about 90%, effectively solving the problems of high labor costs in the design stage and low concept output and approval efficiency.

On November 16, Deloitte China and Amazon Cloud Technology jointly announced the establishment of a generative AI joint laboratory. It is composed of product experts, architects, data scientists, AI experts and industry experts appointed by both parties. Amazon Cloud Technology invests in cloud computing resources, industry best practices and partner resources, and Deloitte China invests in industry solution assets and business best practices. , development and operation capabilities, as well as generative AI business application strategy consulting services and generative AI security compliance consulting services. The two parties provide joint solutions to enterprises by participating in different innovative cooperation projects. It will also use Amazon Cloud Technology's new managed generative AI service Amazon Bedrock and fully managed machine learning service Amazon SageMaker in overseas regions to launch a series of solutions to meet the needs of enterprises for various overseas application scenarios.

Gu Fan said, "Amazon Cloud Technology provides advanced technology platforms and solutions to help manufacturing companies achieve digital transformation and innovative development. At the same time, by jointly developing solutions with partners, Amazon Cloud Technology can better meet the needs of enterprises And reduce costs." In addition, for China's global operating companies, they can also use generative AI to achieve global operations

Based on the infrastructure of Amazon Cloud Technology covering 32 geographical areas, 102 availability zones, 33 local expansion zones, and 29 wavelength zones around the world, it can fully support the global expansion of Chinese enterprises. Not only can it help companies achieve consumer insights in target regions through big data and data analysis services, but it can also help hardware companies use cloud technology to build intelligent interconnected devices and value-added services that meet overseas needs; such as leveraging global infrastructure coverage and IoT capabilities to help quickly build an IoT platform and provide localized value-added services. In addition, Amazon's smart voice assistant Amazon Alexa has been integrated with hundreds of millions of smart devices around the world. By connecting to Amazon Alexa, smart device manufacturers can better access the smart ecosystem in overseas regions.

In addition, in order to achieve the "double carbon goals" of the manufacturing industry, Amazon Cloud Technology also joined hands with partners to launch the "Sustainable Development Partner Program" to provide a complete set of data collection, energy consumption management and optimization, to carbon emission measurement and prediction. end-to-end green manufacturing solutions. Currently, more than ten partners have joined the program as the first members.

Gu Fan said, "Amazon Cloud Technology will continue to explore the combination of generative AI and existing business scenarios in the manufacturing industry, create a new business model, and use new technologies to continue to empower customers in the manufacturing industry to move towards a new development pattern."

