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2016-05-16 15:48:561853瀏覽

最近在學習html5,剛接觸html5,感覺有點不適應,因為有些標籤改變了,特別是div, section article這三個標籤,查了一些資料,也試著用html5和css3佈局網頁,稍微有點點頭了,下邊還有一個我剛剛佈置好的一個簡單的網頁,供大家參考,先看一下,最起碼心裡對html5的結構有些概念。


HTML Spec: “The div element has no special meaning at all.”


HTML Spec: 「The section element represents a generic section of a document or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic ing of or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic ing of or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic ing of or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic ing of or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic ing of or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic ing of or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic ing of or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic ing of or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic cally or heading.」

與div 的無語意相對,簡單地說section 就是帶有語意的div 了,但千萬不要覺得真得這麼簡單。 section 表示一段專題性的內容,一般會帶有標題。看到這裡,我們或許會想到,那麼一篇部落格文章,或者一條單獨的評論豈不是正好可以用 section 嗎?接著看:

「Authors are encouraged to use the article element instead of the section element when it would make sense to syndicate the contents of the elemen.」
當元素之有物時,應使用article 來替換section 。

那麼,section 該什麼時候用呢?再接著看:

"Examples of sections would be chapters, the various tabbed pages in a tabbed dialog box, or the numbered sections of a thesis. A Web site's home page cter home page sections of a thesis. A Web site's home page page home page news items, and contact information.”

section 應用的典型場景有文章的章節、標籤對話框中的標籤頁、或者論文中有編號的部分。一個網站的主頁可以分成簡介、新聞和聯絡資訊等幾個部分。其實我對這裡傳達訊息很感興趣,因為感覺 section 和下面要介紹的 artilce 比較適用於模組化應用,這個主題以後會出篇專門的文章來討論,這裡暫時略過。

要注意,W3C 也警告說:

「The section element is not a generic container element. When an element is needed for styling purposes or as a convenience for scriptareing, scriptare or as a convenors for script. use the div element instead. A general rule is that the section element is appropriate only if the element's contents would be listed explicitly in the document's outline.”

section document's outline.”

section 的一個普通容器。當一個標籤只是為了樣式化或方便腳本使用時,應該使用 div 。一般來說,當元素內容明確地出現在文件大綱中時,section 就是適用的。

HTML Spec: “The article element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site and that is, in a document, page, application, or site and that , e.g. in syndication.”

article 是一個特殊的section 標籤,它比section 具有更明確的語義, 它代表一個獨立的、完整的相關內容塊。一般來說, article 會有標題部分(通常包含在 header 內),有時也會 包含 footer 。雖然 section 也是帶有主題性的一塊內容,但無論從結構上或內容上來說,article 本身就是獨立的、完整的。

HTML Spec 中接著又列舉了一些 article 適用的場景。 “This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a user-submitted comment, an interactive widget or gadget, or any other independent item of content.”

問題是怎麼才算「完整的獨立內容」?有個最簡單的判斷方法是看這段內容在 RSS feed 中是不是完整的。看這段內容脫離了所在的語境,是否還是完整的、獨立的。





