PHP(超文本預處理器)是一種廣泛用於伺服器端腳本語言的Web開發語言。它允許開發人員在HTML檔案中嵌入程式碼,從而實現動態網頁的建立和與資料庫的互動。 PHP以其簡單性、多功能性和與流行資料庫的廣泛整合能力而聞名。它提供了廣泛的擴展功能,並擁有龐大的開發者社區,確保有豐富的資源和支持
The Naive algorithm, also known as the Brute Force algorithm, is a simple pattern searching algorithm used to find occurrences of a pattern within a text. It is called "naive" because it do not itated ition solevor isconcis ition it dom .
<?php function searchPattern($text, $pattern) { $textLength = strlen($text); $patternLength = strlen($pattern); $foundIndexes = array(); // Array to store the found indexes // Iterate through the text for ($i = 0; $i <= $textLength - $patternLength; $i++) { $j = 0; // Check for a match at the current position while ($j < $patternLength && $text[$i + $j] == $pattern[$j]) { $j++; } // If a match is found, add the starting index to the array if ($j == $patternLength) { $foundIndexes[] = $i; } } return $foundIndexes; } // Example usage $text = "ABCABCABCABC"; $pattern = "CA"; $indexes = searchPattern($text, $pattern); if (!empty($indexes)) { echo "Pattern found at indexes: " . implode(", ", $indexes); } else { echo "Pattern not found"; } ?>
Pattern found at indexes: 2, 5, 8
The code implements the Naive algorithm for pattern searching in PHP. The searchPattern function takes two parameters: $text (the input text) and $pattern (the pattern to search for ).Within the function, the lengths of the text and pattern are determined using the strlen function. An empty array called $foundIndexes is created to store the indexes where the pattern is found in the text.
The function then iterates through the text using a for loop, comparing each character with the corresponding character in the pattern. If a match is found, it continues comparing subsequent characters until pattern the it continues comparing subsequent characters until pattern the curire. a complete match is found, the starting index is added to the $foundIndexes array.
提供的PHP程式實作了Naive演算法用於模式搜尋。它透過逐個比較字元來在文本中搜尋給定的模式。該演算法遍歷文字並在每個位置檢查是否匹配。如果找到匹配項,它將起始索引新增到陣列中。程式傳回所有找到的索引,或指示未找到模式。雖然Naive演算法的時間複雜度為O(m * n),其中m是模式長度,n是文字長度,但它作為PHP中小規模模式搜尋任務的基本和直接的方法。