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使用 Tailwind 的內建斷點建立響應式佈局

2024-08-09 22:31:41894瀏覽

Creating Responsive Layouts with Tailwind

使用 Tailwind 的內建斷點建立響應式佈局

在現代的 Web 開發世界中,創建響應式設計至關重要。使用者透過各種不同螢幕尺寸的裝置造訪網站,從小型智慧型手機到大型桌上型顯示器。響應式佈局可確保您的網站在所有這些裝置上看起來和運作良好。 Tailwind CSS 是一種流行的實用程式優先 CSS 框架,它可以透過其內建斷點更輕鬆地創建響應式佈局。在本部落格中,我們將探索如何使用 Tailwind 的斷點來創建完美適應任何螢幕尺寸的佈局。


斷點是您在 CSS 中定義的特定螢幕寬度,用於更改網站的佈局。例如,您可能希望在行動裝置上顯示單列佈局,但在平板電腦或桌上型電腦上切換到多列佈局。斷點可讓您指定發生這些佈局變更的條件。

在 Tailwind 中,斷點被定義為對應不同螢幕尺寸的實用程式類別。這些實用程式類別可讓您根據目前螢幕寬度套用不同的樣式,從而輕鬆建立響應式設計,而無需編寫自訂媒體查詢。

Tailwind 的預設斷點

Tailwind CSS 附帶一組預設斷點,涵蓋各種螢幕尺寸:

  • sm(小):640 像素以上
  • md(中):768 像素以上
  • lg(大):1024 像素以上
  • xl(超大):1280 像素以上
  • 2xl(雙超大):1536 像素以上


在 Tailwind 中使用斷點

Tailwind 的斷點系統簡單而強大。若要在不同的斷點處套用樣式,只需在公用程式類別前面加上所需的斷點即可。讓我們透過一個範例來了解其工作原理。


假設您想要建立一個響應式網格佈局,在小螢幕上顯示單列,在中螢幕上顯示兩列,在大螢幕上顯示四列。以下是使用 Tailwind 斷點實現此目的的方法:

<div class="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-4 gap-4">
  <div class="bg-gray-200 p-4">Item 1</div>
  <div class="bg-gray-300 p-4">Item 2</div>
  <div class="bg-gray-400 p-4">Item 3</div>
  <div class="bg-gray-500 p-4">Item 4</div>


  • grid grid-cols-1 預設建立一個單列網格。
  • sm:grid-cols-2 在 640 像素及更寬的螢幕上將網格變更為兩列。
  • lg:grid-cols-4 在 1024 像素及更寬的螢幕上將網格變更為四列。
  • space-4 在網格項目之間新增間隙。



雖然 Tailwind 的預設斷點適用於大多數項目,但在某些情況下您可能需要自訂它們以更好地滿足您的設計要求。 Tailwind 可讓您輕鬆自訂 tailwind.config.js 檔案中的預設斷點。


module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      screens: {
        'xs': '480px',
        '3xl': '1600px',


  • xs 是 480px 及更寬螢幕的自訂斷點。
  • 3xl 是 1600 像素及更寬螢幕的自訂斷點。


<div class="grid grid-cols-1 xs:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 3xl:grid-cols-5 gap-4">
  <div class="bg-gray-200 p-4">Item 1</div>
  <div class="bg-gray-300 p-4">Item 2</div>
  <div class="bg-gray-400 p-4">Item 3</div>
  <div class="bg-gray-500 p-4">Item 4</div>
  <div class="bg-gray-600 p-4">Item 5</div>



響應式設計不僅涉及佈局;還涉及佈局。它還涉及確保文字在所有螢幕尺寸上都可讀。 Tailwind 提供了多種實用程式來幫助實現響應式排版,讓您可以根據螢幕寬度調整字體大小、行高等。


<h1 class="text-2xl sm:text-4xl lg:text-6xl">
  Responsive Typography
<p class="text-sm sm:text-base lg:text-lg">
  This paragraph text adjusts its size based on the screen width.


  • 標題 (

    ) 小螢幕使用 text-2xl,中畫面使用 sm:text-4xl,大螢幕使用 lg:text-6xl。

  • 段落 (

    ) 對於小螢幕使用 text-sm,對於中螢幕使用 sm:text-base,對於大螢幕使用 lg:text-lg。



Tailwind 還可以使用斷點輕鬆套用響應式間距(填充、邊距等)。這可確保您的設計元素在不同的螢幕尺寸上具有適當的間距。

Here's an example of responsive padding:

<div class="p-2 sm:p-4 lg:p-8">
  Responsive Padding Example

In this example:

  • p-2 applies 0.5rem padding on all sides by default.
  • sm:p-4 increases the padding to 1rem on screens 640px and wider.
  • lg:p-8 further increases the padding to 2rem on screens 1024px and wider.

This approach allows you to fine-tune the spacing of your elements for different screen sizes.

Responsive Components

You can also create fully responsive components by combining various Tailwind utilities with breakpoints. Let's look at an example of a responsive card component:

<div class="max-w-sm sm:max-w-md lg:max-w-lg bg-white shadow-lg rounded-lg overflow-hidden">
  <img class="w-full h-48 sm:h-64 lg:h-80 object-cover" src="image.jpg" alt="Card Image">
  <div class="p-4 sm:p-6 lg:p-8">
    <h2 class="text-lg sm:text-xl lg:text-2xl font-semibold">Responsive Card Title</h2>
    <p class="text-sm sm:text-base lg:text-lg text-gray-600">
      This is a responsive card component that adapts to different screen sizes.

In this example:

  • The card's maximum width (max-w-sm, sm:max-w-md, lg:max-w-lg) changes based on the screen size.
  • The image height (h-48, sm:h-64, lg:h-80) adjusts for different screen widths.
  • The padding (p-4, sm:p-6, lg:p-8) inside the card also scales with the screen size.
  • The text size in the heading (text-lg, sm:text-xl, lg:text-2xl) and paragraph (text-sm, sm:text-base, lg:text-lg) adjusts for different screen sizes.

This fully responsive card component demonstrates how Tailwind's utilities and breakpoints can be combined to create components that look great on any device.


Tailwind CSS simplifies the process of creating responsive layouts with its intuitive breakpoint system. By using Tailwind's built-in breakpoints, you can easily apply different styles based on screen width, ensuring that your designs are responsive and user-friendly across all devices.

Whether you're building complex grid layouts, adjusting typography, fine-tuning spacing, or creating responsive components, Tailwind provides the tools you need to make your website look great on any screen size. The flexibility of Tailwind's breakpoint system, combined with its utility-first approach, allows you to focus on building responsive, visually appealing designs without the hassle of writing custom media queries.

As you continue to work with Tailwind, you'll discover even more ways to leverage its breakpoints to create responsive layouts that are both powerful and easy to maintain. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Tailwind's approach to responsive design will help you build websites that deliver a seamless user experience across all devices.

以上是使用 Tailwind 的內建斷點建立響應式佈局的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
