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科技一週大事(7 月 15 日-21 日):視覺中國回應川普照片版權;2024 雷軍年度演講;微軟藍屏引熱議,全球多地 Windows 崩潰

2024-07-22 20:37:011247瀏覽

科技一周大事(7 月 15 日-21 日):视觉中国回应特朗普照片版权;2024 雷军年度演讲;微软蓝屏引热议,全球多地 Windows 崩溃

“科技一周大事”,本站為大家回顧過去一周(7 月15 日-21 日)科技行業重大重要事件,以下開始播報:
1、老人被中國移動多收8 年來電顯示費引熱議,每月6 元累計費用無法退回7 月15 日「老人被中國移動多收8 年來電顯示費」話題登上微博熱搜,本站查詢話題置頂獲悉,近日中國移動用戶陳先生向澎湃投訴平台反映,查詢手機帳單時意外發現,他和家裡兩位老人至今每月都被收取6 元的「來電顯示」增值業務費。
不過中國移動早在2022 年就曾公開表示,他們自2016 年4 月1 日起已全網停止銷售「來電顯示」收費資費,當時他們聲稱「將持續與部分使用舊套餐的客戶積極溝通,在3-5 年內逐步取消來電顯示費用」。 >> 查看詳情
2、小米王化回應網傳 SU8 汽車渲染圖:沒有 SU8,假的!有市場傳聞稱,7 月 16 日將揭曉小米 SU8 效果圖。對此,小米公關部總經理王化透過微博闢謠說:「沒有SU8,假的!」>> 查看詳情
3、華為餘承東揭秘「25 億元轉讓問界」:國家法規要求,問界品牌至少值上百億元在7 月15 日晚的與輝同行華為全場景產品專場中,華為常務董事、終端BG 董事長、智能汽車解決方案BU 董事長餘承東與東方甄選高級合夥人、與輝同行負責人董宇輝對談,並一起走進華為松山湖。
餘承東在直播中談到了「問界」等商標轉讓的原因,他表示:「問界這個品牌現在以很低的價格就給了賽力斯,(這是)因為國家法規要求,品牌商和生產商必須合一,這個品牌必須由生產廠商擁有,所以我們把四個'界'都轉給了車廠。 。 「而且連AITO 這個名字已經都轉過去了,以AI 開頭的4 個字母品牌在全球註冊是很難的,是個非常好的名字。」>> 查看詳情
4、定價百萬級別,餘承東直播曝光華為鴻蒙智行第四界:聯合江淮打造的“尊界”在談到轉讓“問界”商標的話題時,餘承東意外曝光了鴻蒙智行的第四界為“尊界”,而不是此前傳言的傲界。至此,鴻蒙智行四界分別為問界、智界、享界、尊界,前三名的合作方分別是賽力斯、奇瑞和北汽藍谷。 >> 查看詳情
5、寶馬之後,賓士和奧迪也將退出價格戰:多款車型漲價前幾日「寶馬汽車退出中國價格戰」相關話題引起不少討論,對此,寶馬汽車方面表示: 「下半年寶馬在中國市場將重點關注業務質量,支持經銷商穩紮穩打」。According to Cailian News Agency, after BMW, the other two luxury car brands in the BBA, Mercedes-Benz and Audi, will also withdraw from the price war. >> View details
6. The photo of Trump being attacked is the copyright of Visual China? Visual China Responds Recently, photos related to Trump being shot have attracted attention on the Internet. Visual China charges 2,100 yuan for each photo to be used on social media. Visual China stated: "The images displayed on the platform are all from legal sources and are the company's own copyright content or are legally authorized by contracted contributors or supplier organizations, and have the right to publish and charge fees. In the agreement with the customer, we have made provisions on copyright issues. It is clearly stated that all copyrighted images provided to customers have legal copyrights or have been legally authorized by the copyright owners." However, it did not directly answer the source of the Trump-related photos. >> View details
7. "Basic members of iQiyi cannot jump to the opening advertisement" topped the list of hot searches on Weibo, and the official response was "You can choose different levels of VIP according to your needs." Many netizens complained that basic members of iQiyi cannot jump. After the 120-second advertisement at the beginning of the video, the related topic ranked first on Weibo's hot search list. As of the time of publication of this website, the related topic has been read 110 million times, ranking fifth in real-time popularity.
iQiyi recently launched a "basic membership", which only supports viewing member content and cannot skip pre-title ads. Many netizens commented that iQiyi is "ugly" and "Why do you have to watch ads after replenishing your membership?" More Netizens bluntly said, "Basic members of iQiyi cannot skip ads, so what's the point of opening a membership?" >> View details
Starting from 8, 13,999 yuan, the National Bank Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 folding screen mobile phone was released following the global new product release of Samsung Galaxy After the meeting, Samsung held a Galaxy series Chinese new product launch conference in China on the evening of July 17, and officially released the national version of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 folding screen flagship mobile phone.
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 is available in three colors: Starry Night Silver, Light Rose Pink and Cool Night Blue, as well as two exclusive Samsung store colors: Spacetime Black and Vanilla White. In terms of price, the 12+512GB version is priced at 13,999 yuan, and the 12+1TB version is priced at 15,999 yuan. >> View details
9. Huawei insiders: Pura 70 series mobile phone shipments increased by 125% year-on-year compared to P60. Huawei insiders revealed to Sina Technology that as of July 16, Huawei’s Pura70 series shipments compared with the P60 series A year-on-year increase of 125%. >> View details
10. Zong Fuli, the daughter of Zong Qinghou, is rumored to have resigned from her position at Wahaha. People familiar with the matter said the situation was true and that the executives had not known about it before. On July 18, a message "To all the Wahaha Group" was circulated on the Internet. "Letter from Employees", signed by Zong Fuli, mentioned in the letter that due to the shareholders of Wahaha Group questioning the rationality of management, which led to difficulties in promoting management, Zong Fuli decided to resign from the position of vice chairman and general manager of Wahaha Group and will no longer participate in it. Management. >> View details
11. OpenAI launched the AI ​​model GPT-4o mini, which is claimed to be the most powerful and cost-effective small model. According to CNBC, OpenAI released a new AI model "GPT-4o mini" on July 18. , the latest effort by OpenAI to expand the use of its chatbots.
OpenAI said that the newly released product will be "the most powerful and cost-effective small model currently available" and plans to integrate image, video and audio capabilities into the model later. >> View details
12. Summary of the 2024 Lei Jun Annual Speech: Xiaomi SU7 Ultra prototype surprise appearance, foldable dual phone, massive accessories... July 19th, 7 pm, "2024 Lei Jun Annual Speech" Held as scheduled, Lei Jun told a story about courage and shared for the first time the little-known story behind Xiaomi's car manufacturing. >> View details
Starting from 5,999 yuan, Xiaomi’s first small folding screen mobile phone MIX Flip is released: 4-inch large external screen, third-generation Snapdragon 8>> View details
Starting from 8,999 yuan!

以上是科技一週大事(7 月 15 日-21 日):視覺中國回應川普照片版權;2024 雷軍年度演講;微軟藍屏引熱議,全球多地 Windows 崩潰的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
