HomePHP LibrariesOther librariesphp library to convert ANSI to HTML5
php library to convert ANSI to HTML5
 * This file is part of ansi-to-html.
 * (c) 2013 Fabien Potencier
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace SensioLabs\AnsiConverter;
use SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\Theme\Theme;
 * Converts an ANSI text to HTML5.
class AnsiToHtmlConverter
    protected $theme;
    protected $charset;
    protected $inlineStyles;
    protected $inlineColors;
    protected $colorNames;
    public function __construct(Theme $theme = null, $inlineStyles = true, $charset = 'UTF-8')
        $this->theme = null === $theme ? new Theme() : $theme;
        $this->inlineStyles = $inlineStyles;
        $this->charset = $charset;
        $this->inlineColors = $this->theme->asArray();
        $this->colorNames = array(
            'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white',
            '', '',
            'brblack', 'brred', 'brgreen', 'bryellow', 'brblue', 'brmagenta', 'brcyan', 'brwhite',

ANSI is a character code. In order to enable the computer to support more languages, 1 byte in the range of 0x00~0x7f is usually used to represent 1 English character. Anything outside this range is encoded using 0x80~0xFFFF, which is extended ASCII encoding.

In order for the computer to support more languages, 2 bytes in the range of 0x80~0xFFFF are usually used to represent 1 character. For example: the Chinese character '中' is stored in

ANSI encoding

ANSI encoding

Chinese operating system, using the two bytes [0xD6,0xD0] for storage.

Different countries and regions have formulated different standards, resulting in their own encoding standards such as GB2312, GBK, GB18030, Big5, and Shift_JIS. These various Chinese character extended encoding methods that use multiple bytes to represent a character are called ANSI encoding. In the Simplified Chinese Windows operating system, ANSI encoding represents GBK encoding; in the Traditional Chinese Windows operating system, ANSI encoding represents Big5; in the Japanese Windows operating system, ANSI encoding represents Shift_JIS encoding.

Different ANSI codes are incompatible with each other. When information is exchanged internationally, text belonging to two languages ​​cannot be stored in the same ANSI coded text.

ANSI encoding uses one byte to represent English characters, and two or four bytes to represent Chinese characters.


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