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vimrc - vim airline installed the powline font, follow the online tutorials to set it up, but it still cannot be displayed normally? (The vim I use comes with git under win)

update time:2017-05-16 16:34:51
870Page View1 answers

vim - Where is the installation location of emmet? It only works if you write vi

update time:2017-05-16 16:34:13
870Page View1 answers

vim - How to manage ultisnips scripts?

update time:2017-05-16 16:37:13
869Page View2 answers

快捷键 - eclipse里面“Sort Members”的功能在idea里面对应的是什么?

update time:2017-04-24 09:10:40
869Page View0 answers


update time:2017-04-22 09:00:40
868Page View1 answers

vimscript - How to eliminate once and for all the side effects of folding, expanding and syntax highlighting caused by vim-markdown on octopress markdown files?

update time:2017-05-16 16:41:55
867Page View2 answers

How to move the cursor quickly in vim?

update time:2017-05-16 16:42:28
865Page View3 answers

When using Vim to write Python programs under Linux, can "query the help content of Python, that is, Python-doc" be done like "vim-doc"?

update time:2017-05-16 16:37:35
864Page View2 answers

Is there any tool similar to Tmux under windows? I want to embed Ipython into vim.

update time:2017-05-16 16:33:59
863Page View1 answers

After opening NERDTree and entering vim, how can the cursor be placed in the file editing area on the right by default?

update time:2017-05-16 16:41:30
860Page View1 answers

Please ask two questions to improve the efficiency of using vim.

update time:2017-05-16 16:41:13
860Page View3 answers

vim C++ runtime library error

update time:2017-05-16 16:38:00
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c# - VisualStudio里有没有类似Eclipse里的快速修复(快捷修复)一样的功能(快捷键)?

update time:2017-04-21 11:16:43
858Page View5 answers

How to remove the bottom blank line in vim full screen?

update time:2017-05-16 16:39:42
857Page View7 answers

vim - When compiling YouCompleteMe, fatal error: 'pyconfig.h' file not found

update time:2017-05-16 16:41:49
854Page View1 answers