<?php class SendM{ private $Mailhost,$Mailuser,$Mailpwd,$Mailport,$Mailtimeout,$ms,$ending = "\r\n",$endingc="\n"; function __construct($Mailhost,$Mailuser,$Mailpwd,$Mailport,$Mailtimeout){ $this->Mailhost=$Mailhost; $this->Mailuser=$Mailuser; $this->Mailpwd=$Mailpwd; $this->Mailport=$Mailport; $this->Mailtimeout=$Mailtimeout; $this->ConnectSmtpServer(); } private function ConnectSmtpServer(){ if(!is_string($this->Mailhost)){ settype(trim($this->Mailhost),"string"); } if(!is_integer($this->Mailport)){ settype(trim($this->Mailport),"integer"); } if(!is_integer($this->Mailtimeout)){ settype(trim($this->Mailtimeout),"integer"); } $this->ms=@fsockopen($this->Mailhost,$this->Mailport,$this->errorno,$this->errorstr,$this->Mailtimeout); if(substr(PHP_OS,0,3) != "WIN"){ stream_set_timeout($this->ms, $this->Mailtimeout, 0);} $rcp = $this->get_echo(); fputs($this->ms,"ehlo bobo".$this->ending); $rcp = $this->get_echo(); if(substr($rcp,0,3)!='250'){ return false; } fputs($this->ms,'auth login'.$this->ending); $rcp = $this->get_echo(); if(substr($rcp,0,3)=='334'){ $this->Auth($this->Mailuser,$this->Mailpwd); }else{ return false; } } private function Auth($Mailuser,$Mailpwd){ $this->Mailuseren=base64_encode($Mailuser); $this->Mailpwden=base64_encode($Mailpwd); fputs($this->ms,$this->Mailuseren.$this->ending); $rcp = $this->get_echo(); fputs($this->ms,$this->Mailpwden.$this->ending); $rcp = $this->get_echo(); } private function get_echo(){ $edata=""; while($estr=@fgets($this->ms,600)){ $edata .= $estr; if(substr($estr,3,1) == " ") { break; } } return $edata; } public function Send($to,$subject,$connect){ $host=explode('.',$this->Mailhost); $fromaddress=$this->Mailuser.'@'.$host[1].'.'.$host[2]; fputs($this->ms,'mail from:<'.$fromaddress.'>'.$this->ending); $rcp = $this->get_echo(); fputs($this->ms,'rcpt to:<'.$to.'>'.$this->ending); $rcp = $this->get_echo(); fputs($this->ms,'data'.$this->ending); $rcp = $this->get_echo(); fputs($this->ms,"to:$to".$this->endingc); fputs($this->ms,"from:$fromaddress".$this->endingc); fputs($this->ms,"subject:$subject".$this->endingc.$this->endingc); fputs($this->ms,"$connect".$this->endingc); fputs($this->ms,'.'.$this->ending); $rcp = $this->get_echo(); if(substr($rcp,0,3)=='250'){header("Location:main_pro.php?act=msg&errors=on&msg=邮件发送成功!已成功提交至对方服务器!"); }else{ header("Location:main_pro.php?act=msg&errors=on&msg=很遗憾,邮件发送失败了!请检查邮件账户配置是否正确!"); } } } ?>
This is a php class for sending emails. Friends who need it can download it and use it.
Instructions for use:
$m= new SendM('smtp server address', 'account', 'password', port (int), timeout retry time (int));
$m->Send('Recipient Email', 'Subject', 'Mail text');
Usage example:
$m= new SendM ('smtp.yeah.net','testuser','testuserpwd',25,30);
$m->Send('a@coolmr.com ','Test Email','This This is a test email for sending emails. Thank you for your support');
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