Reference management, document management, citations and more. Designed by scholars for scholars, continuously developed since 2003 and used by individuals and major research institutions worldwide, WIKINDX is a virtual research environment (enhanced online literature manager) that stores searchable references, notes, documents, Quotes, thoughts, etc. The integrated WYSIWYG word processor exports formatted articles to RTF and HTML. Plug-ins include a citation style editor and import/export of references (BibTeX, Endnote, RIS, etc.). WIKINDX supports every reference text

Reference management, document management, citations, and more.

Designed by scholars for scholars, continuously developed since 2003 and used by individuals and major research institutions worldwide, WIKINDX is a virtual research environment (enhanced online literature manager) that stores searchable References, notes, documents, quotes, ideas, etc. The integrated WYSIWYG word processor exports formatted articles to RTF and HTML.

Plug-ins include a citation style editor and import/export of references (BibTeX, Endnote, RIS, etc.). WIKINDX supports multiple attachments per reference, multiple language localizations, and uses a template system to allow users to integrate WIKINDX visually into their websites.

WIKINDX runs on a web server, giving you and your research team private and global access to any web-enabled device. You manage your database, you own your data.

You can test WIKINDX at the following URL:


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