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CodeIgniter 用户指南 版本 2.1.0

编辑文档、查看近期更改请 登录 或 注册  找回密码


除了可以在浏览器中通过URL调用一个 控制器 外,也可以通过命令行接口(CLI)调用。

  • 什么是CLI?
  • 为什么使用这种方式?
  • 它如何工作?


命令行接口是一种基于文本的和计算机交互的方式。 如果想查看更详细说明,请看Wikipedia article.



  • Run your cron-jobs without needing to use wget or curl
  • Make your cron-jobs inaccessible from being loaded in the URL by checking for $this->input->is_cli_request()
  • Make interactive "tasks" that can do things like set permissions, prune cache folders, run backups, etc.
  • Integrate with other applications in other languages. For example, a random C++ script could call one command and run code in your models!

Let's try it:  Hello World!

Let's create a simple controller so you can see it in action. Using your text editor, create a file called tools.php, and put the following code in it:

Then save the file to your application/controllers/ folder.

Now normally you would visit the your site using a URL similar to this:


Instead, we are going to open Terminal in Mac/Linux or go to Run > "cmd" in Windows and navigate to our CodeIgniter project.

$ cd /path/to/project;
$ php index.php tools message

If you did it right, you should see Hello World!.

$ php index.php tools message "John Smith"

Here we are passing it a argument in the same way that URL parameters work. "John Smith" is passed as a argument and output is: Hello John Smith!.

That's it!

That, in a nutshell, is all there is to know about controllers on the command line. Remember that this is just a normal controller, so routing and _remap works fine.


翻译贡献者: baiyuxiong, Hex, tinsn, yinsigan
最后修改: 2012-03-29 14:11:25