‎SimCity: I am the Mayor
size:373 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎SimCity: I am the Mayor
‎SimCity: I am the Mayor
‎SimCity: I am the Mayor
‎SimCity: I am the Mayor
‎SimCity: I am the Mayor
‎SimCity: I am the Mayor
Game Introduction

Game name: "SimCity: I am the Mayor"

Game introduction:

"SimCity: I am the Mayor" is a classic 3D simulation business mobile game, developed by Developed by EA and exclusively domestically distributed by Hive Games. The game provides players with the opportunity to build their own unique city. Players need to plan the city, build infrastructure, develop industries, improve the happiness of citizens, and create a prosperous city full of vitality and vitality.

Game features:

  1. Real simulation: The game presents players with a real and vivid urban environment through highly simulated 3D graphics and physics engine.
  2. Free construction: Players can freely plan the urban layout, including roads, buildings, public facilities, etc., to create a unique urban style.
  3. Diversified industries: There are various types of industries in the game. Players need to reasonably arrange the industrial chain according to market demand to promote urban development.
  4. Strong interactivity: The game supports multi-player online interaction. Players can visit their friends’ cities to conduct trade, exchanges and other interactive activities.
  5. National style elements: "SimCity: I Am the Mayor" incorporates Chinese style elements, such as ancient buildings, scenes, etc., adding rich cultural connotation to the game.

How to play:

  1. City planning: Players need to reasonably plan the city layout, including roads, buildings, public facilities, etc., to ensure smooth city operation.
  2. Resource Management: Players need to pay attention to the resource status of the city and obtain props and resources for city construction through production, transportation and other means.
  3. Industrial development: Reasonably arrange the industrial chain according to market demand and develop diversified industries such as industry, commerce, and agriculture.
  4. Improve citizens’ happiness: Improve citizens’ happiness through measures such as providing high-quality public services and creating beautiful landscapes.
  5. Interact with friends: Visit your friends’ cities to conduct trade, exchanges and other interactive activities to promote the development of both cities.

Player comments:

  1. "The game has beautiful graphics and rich and diverse gameplay, which allowed me to experience the fun of being a mayor."
  2. "Like the game The Chinese style elements and unique architecture in it made me feel the charm of Chinese culture. "
  3. "The interactivity in the game is very good, and you can communicate and develop your own city with your friends."
  4. "The city planning requirements in the game are very high, and I learned a lot of practical knowledge in the game."
  5. "This is a very interesting game that made me feel the challenge of running a city. and fun. ”

Game skills:

  1. Reasonable arrangement of resource allocation: In the process of building a city, resources must be allocated rationally to avoid waste and shortages.
  2. Diversified industrial development: Don’t just rely on the development of a single industry type, but try the layout and development of diversified industries.
  3. Pay attention to the needs of citizens: Always pay attention to the needs and feedback of citizens, and take timely measures to improve their happiness and satisfaction.
  4. Be good at using policy tools: In the game, you must be good at using policy tools to guide the direction of urban development and optimize the industrial structure.
  5. Maintain interactive relationships with friends: Actively interacting with friends can increase the fun of the game and the chance to obtain more resources.
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