‎Animal Chess Animal Chess
Classify:Family Gathering
size:23.8 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Animal Chess Animal Chess
‎Animal Chess Animal Chess
‎Animal Chess Animal Chess
‎Animal Chess Animal Chess
Game Introduction

"Beast Chess: Animal Chess" is a classic strategy board game that allows you to transform into various animals on the board and engage in fierce battles with your opponents. In this exciting game world, you need to use wisdom and strategy to defeat your opponents and become the king of Animal Chess!

Game features:

  1. Diverse animal camps: There are eight different animal camps in the game: elephant, lion, tiger, leopard, wolf, dog, cat, and rat. Each camp has unique skills and characteristics.
  2. Strategic gameplay: Each animal has different mobility and attack power. Players need to make reasonable tactical deployments based on the opponent's formation and the characteristics of the animal.
  3. Operation in secret: In the game, animals can choose to hide their identity, so that your opponents cannot guess your true purpose, which increases the suspense and challenge of the game.
  4. Multiple game modes: In addition to the traditional chess mode, the game also provides challenge mode, level-breaking mode and online battle mode, allowing you to choose different playing methods according to your preferences.
  5. Exquisite graphics and sound effects: The game has exquisite and detailed graphics and realistic sound effects, making you feel like you are on the scene and immersed in the wonderful world of Beast Fighting Chess.


  1. Formation layout: Before the game starts, players need to place different animals in different positions on the board according to their own strategies to form their own formation.
  2. Animal action: During each action, players can choose one of their own animals to move or attack. Different animals have different movement and attack methods, and players need to choose the best strategy based on the actual situation.
  3. Attack and Defense: When your own animal and the opponent's animal enter the same position, they will fight. The outcome of the battle is determined by the animal's attack power and special abilities. Players need to use attack and defense strategies flexibly to protect their important animals and defeat their opponents.
  4. Operation in secret: Players can choose to hide their animal identity, and gain strategic advantage by blurring the judgment of their opponents and creating more guesses and illusions.
  5. Strategy determines the outcome: In the game, players need to use wisdom and strategy to flexibly respond to the opponent's actions, and should always pay attention to the opponent's possible counterattack. Only by formulating an effective strategy can you win in the world of Beast Chess.

Player comments:

  1. ""Beast Chess: Animal Chess" is really a wonderful board game that tests strategy! Every time I play chess, I am full of challenges, It requires a well-thought-out strategy to win. "
  2. "I like the secret action setting, which increases the variables and suspense of the game and makes every step full of surprises."
  3. "The specialness of the animals. Abilities and attack methods make the game more diverse, and each animal has its own unique use and value. "
  4. "The graphics and sound effects of the game are excellent, making me feel like I am in a real animal chess world. "
  5. ""Beast Chess: Animal Chess" not only tests IQ, but also tests psychological quality and decision-making ability. It is a very fun and challenging board game."

Game Skills:

  1. Be familiar with the abilities and attack methods of each animal, use them rationally according to the actual situation, and formulate the best tactical strategy.
  2. It is necessary to flexibly use secret action strategies to blur the opponent's judgment and create more guesses and illusions.
  3. Pay attention to the opponent's movements and formations, predict the opponent's action intentions, and obtain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.
  4. Protect important animals, allocate defensive forces reasonably, and at the same time, always pay attention to the opponent's attack and defend in time.
  5. Continuously learn and summarize experience, communicate with other players, and improve your chess game analysis capabilities and decision-making level.
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