‎Fantasy Aquarium
Classify:Family Gathering
size:120.4 MB
LANGUAGE:Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Korean
Only Supports IOS
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‎Fantasy Aquarium
‎Fantasy Aquarium
‎Fantasy Aquarium
‎Fantasy Aquarium
‎Fantasy Aquarium
Game Introduction

"Fantasy Aquarium" is a fantasy adventure game that allows players to explore the mysterious underwater world. In this imaginative aquarium, players will play the role of an aquarium manager and experience the fun of a fantasy world by managing and caring for various magical creatures.

Game features:

  1. Diverse creatures: There are various fantasy creatures living in the aquarium, such as mysterious crystal fish, rays of light Mermaids and more, each creature has a unique appearance and characteristics.
  2. Interaction: Players can interact with the creatures in the aquarium, feed, play, and even perform tasks to make the creatures get closer to you.
  3. Decoration and Construction: You can decorate the aquarium according to your own preferences, customize unique underwater landscapes, and create your own fantasy underwater world.
  4. Exploration Adventure: In addition to taking care of creatures, players can also explore the mysterious environment around the aquarium, dig for treasures, and unlock hidden tasks.
  5. Social interaction: Players can invite friends to visit their aquarium, share joy and exchange experiences.

How to play:

  1. Care for creatures: Feed regularly, clean the aquarium, keep the water clean, and keep the creatures healthy and happy.
  2. Mission Challenge: Complete various tasks in the aquarium to challenge your management ability and adventurous spirit.
  3. Decoration and layout: Create a unique aquarium by purchasing decorative items and landscapes to attract more tourists.
  4. Explore Discovery: Explore the underwater world around the aquarium and discover treasures and hidden secrets.
  5. Social interaction: Invite friends to visit the aquarium, exchange experiences, and explore the fantasy underwater world together.

Player comments:

  1. ""Fantasy Aquarium" makes me feel like I am in a magical dream, with new surprises every day. Follow me! "
  2. "I particularly like the various creature designs in the game. They are so cute and addictive!"
  3. "The tasks in the aquarium are very challenging. It’s fun and allows me to have some adventure while taking care of the creatures.”
  4. “Decorating the aquarium is my favorite part. Every adjustment adds new life to my aquarium! ”
  5. “Share your aquarium achievements with friends and exchange experiences, which adds more fun and new ideas to the game. ”

## Game skills: .

  1. Always pay attention to the health of the creatures, feed and clean the aquarium regularly to ensure they grow happily.
  2. Complete tasks regularly, get rewards, and improve your aquarium management skills.
  3. Carefully arrange the decorative items of the aquarium to create a beautiful landscape and attract more tourists.
  4. Explore the environment and tasks around the aquarium, find treasures and secrets, and enrich the game experience.
  5. Interact and communicate with friends, share the fun of the aquarium, play together, and explore the fantasy underwater world together.
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