‎My Supermarket Shopping Simulator Game
Classify:Family Gathering
size:342.6 MB
LANGUAGE:Catalan, German, Japanese, French, Simplified Chinese, English, Spanish, Korean
Only Supports IOS
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‎My Supermarket Shopping Simulator Game
‎My Supermarket Shopping Simulator Game
‎My Supermarket Shopping Simulator Game
‎My Supermarket Shopping Simulator Game
Game Introduction

"My Supermarket Shopping Simulator Game" is a simulation game that allows players to experience the fun of running a supermarket. In this game, you will play the role of a supermarket owner, responsible for managing supermarket operations, attracting customers, increasing sales, and building your own supermarket empire.

Game features:

  1. Diversified products: There are a variety of products in the supermarket, including food, daily necessities, household items, etc. Players can flexibly adjust the products according to market demand category.
  2. Decoration and layout: Players can freely design the decoration style and internal layout of the supermarket to create a unique supermarket.
  3. Customer interaction: Interact with different types of customers to meet their needs and improve customer satisfaction.
  4. Financial management: Reasonably formulate price strategies, purchasing strategies and promotional activities to maximize profits.
  5. Achievement system: Complete various tasks and challenges, unlock achievements, and enhance the reputation and popularity of the supermarket.

How to play:

  1. Purchasing management: According to market demand and sales, purchase goods reasonably and control inventory levels.
  2. Marketing strategy: Develop marketing strategies such as promotions and discounts to attract more customers to shop.
  3. Manage employees: Hire employees and train them to improve service levels and work efficiency.
  4. Decoration design: Design the decoration and display of the supermarket according to your own preferences and style to attract customers.
  5. Financial planning: Reasonably control expenses, manage capital flow, and ensure supermarket profitability.

Player comments:

  1. “This game truly simulates all aspects of supermarket management and makes me feel the fun of entrepreneurship!”
  2. “ There are a wide variety of products in the supermarket, and the decoration and layout can be freely designed. It is very fulfilling to play. "
  3. "Managing employees and formulating marketing strategies made me feel the challenges and fun of running a business. It was really great. Interesting! "
  4. "I learned a lot about business management through financial planning and inventory management, which is very educational."
  5. "There are new tasks and challenges every day. I am full of passion for supermarket management. This is a very playable simulation game! ”

Game skills:

  1. Flexible according to market demand and product sales! Adjust product assortments and inventory levels.
  2. Develop reasonable promotional activities and price strategies to attract customers and increase sales.
  3. Manage employees, train and improve their service levels, and improve customer satisfaction.
  4. Pay attention to the financial situation, reasonably control expenses, manage capital flow, and ensure supermarket profitability.
  5. Regularly carry out decoration and layout adjustments to attract customers and enhance the supermarket's popularity and reputation.
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