以下例子主要是实现简单的mysq 定时作业
1、在mysql 中建立一个数据库 test1
语句:create database test1
create table examinfo(
id int auto_increment not null,
endtime datetime,
primary key(id)
3 插入数据:
insert into examinfo values('1','2011-4-23 23:26:50');
4 创建存储过程test
CREATE PROCEDURE test () <br /> BEGIN <br /> update examinfo SET endtime = now() WHERE id = 1; <br /> END; <br />5、<pre class="reply-text mb10"> 创建event e_test <br /> CREATE EVENT if not exists e_test <br /> on schedule every 30 second <br /> on completion preserve <br /> do call test(); <br />6、<pre class="reply-text mb10">查看event是否开启: show variables like '%sche%'; <br />将事件计划开启: set global event_scheduler=1; <br />关闭事件任务: alter event e_test ON COMPLETION PRESERVE DISABLE; <br />开户事件任务: alter event e_test ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE; <br />7、运行查询结果即可出现想要的结果。<br /><br />结果显示如下:<br /> 原始数据:<br /> <img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="http://img.bitscn.com/upimg/allimg/c140719/1405M242106250-911Z.jpg" class="lazy" / alt="mysql 让一个存储过程定时作业_MySQL" ><br />过一段时间查询后的数据:<br /> <img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="http://img.bitscn.com/upimg/allimg/c140719/1405M242135940-101045.jpg" class="lazy" / alt="mysql 让一个存储过程定时作业_MySQL" ><br /><br />
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