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Which one has better screen performance: Honor Magic 6 Pro and Samsung S24 Ultra are comparable, surpassing iPhone 15 Pro Max

2024-02-03 08:42:03890browse

According to news on February 2, today, Jiang Hairong posted on Weibo that the Honor Magic 6 series screens are equipped with global low-power LTPO eye protection screens and Honor Jurhino glass, which are eye-protective and resistant to manufacturing, and are trustworthy.

屏幕表现哪家强:荣耀Magic 6 Pro和三星S24 Ultra不相上下 超iPhone 15 Pro Max

Recently, a blogger conducted a comparative test on the screens of three top flagship phones: Honor Magic 6 Pro, Samsung S24 Ultra and iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Test process:

1. First adjust the brightness of the three mobile phones to the maximum and play HDR videos at the same time. The results show that the Honor Magic 6 Pro is not inferior to Apple and Samsung in terms of high dynamic range display technology (HDR), and its display brightness and contrast performance are better.

屏幕表现哪家强:荣耀Magic 6 Pro和三星S24 Ultra不相上下 超iPhone 15 Pro Max

#2. Then the blogger covered the front hole digging position of the phone (the model of the phone cannot be seen) to see the display effect. Result: When the phone model cannot be seen, the domestic screen Honor is still no weaker than Apple and Samsung. In this dynamic test, the dark details and bright highlights presented by Honor mobile phones make the picture delicate, vivid and very real.

屏幕表现哪家强:荣耀Magic 6 Pro和三星S24 Ultra不相上下 超iPhone 15 Pro Max

屏幕表现哪家强:荣耀Magic 6 Pro和三星S24 Ultra不相上下 超iPhone 15 Pro Max

3. Use three mobile phones to play some colorful pictures at the same time. Results: The display effects of Honor Magic 6 Pro and Samsung S24 Ultra are comparable. The two phones have high color saturation and good color accuracy. The blogger said that Honor can already compete with the big brother Samsung.

屏幕表现哪家强:荣耀Magic 6 Pro和三星S24 Ultra不相上下 超iPhone 15 Pro Max

#4. Observe the screen brightness after all three phones are locked. Result: Honor Magic 6 Pro is better than iPhone 15 Pro Max. Specifically: Honor Magic 6 Pro can adjust the screen brightness in real time according to the ambient light. When the screen is not moving or the AOD function is turned on, the system will automatically reduce the screen refresh rate to 1Hz, which does not hurt the eyes in dark light environments. After Apple locks the screen, the screen stops moving.

屏幕表现哪家强:荣耀Magic 6 Pro和三星S24 Ultra不相上下 超iPhone 15 Pro Max

According to previous reports, the Honor Magic 6 series is the first Android phone to support all-weather full-screen display. This series of mobile phones is equipped with a low-power LTPO eye protection screen, which has a first-class look and feel.

In addition, the Honor Magic 6 series also supports PWM dimming up to 4320Hz ultra-high frequency, supports natural light-like eye protection and natural color display, and many technological blessings can protect users' visual health.

The blogger finally said: "Honor has been investing a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in the screen over the years, and has succeeded in catching up with latecomers. You can really trust Honor forever in terms of eye protection."

Regarding this, Jiang Hairong also lamented: "Everyone can always believe in Honor's investment and determination in making good screens."

屏幕表现哪家强:荣耀Magic 6 Pro和三星S24 Ultra不相上下 超iPhone 15 Pro Max

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