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How to know yourself better

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How to understand yourself

1. Reflect on your own experiences and feelings. Recall your own upbringing and emotional experiences, and pay attention to how you feel, act, and react in different situations. Listen to feedback from others. Understanding how others view you can help you better understand your own strengths and weaknesses.

2. Ways to understand yourself: self-reflection, accepting feedback, trying new things, and keeping records. Self-reflection: Spend time alone regularly to reflect on your inner world and feelings.

3. Participate in personality and psychological tests. This is another way to get to know yourself better. The Internet has a wealth of resources, like many free personality and psychological assessments and tests online. By answering these questions, you will learn more about how to think, how to decide, how to communicate with others, how to do things, how to choose a partner, how to live, and more.

4. Understand yourself through introspection. Introspection is a method of understanding yourself by reflecting on yourself and analyzing yourself. The ancients said: "I examine myself three times a day." The same is true for my own observations and thinking about myself. An important aspect of self-knowledge.

5. To better understand yourself, you need to consciously pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, behaviors and life experiences. Here are several methods that may be useful: Introspection and reflection: You can adjust your thinking and emotional state through diary, spiritual diary, meditation, etc., to highlight your personal subjective experience and feelings.

How to know yourself better

How can we better understand ourselves?

Understand yourself through social comparison. Self-observation and other people's evaluation will inevitably have their own subjective projections. Therefore, we can better understand ourselves through reasonable social comparison.

The ways of self-understanding include: knowing oneself through self-observation, understanding oneself through others, and understanding oneself through the collective. (1) The first way to know yourself is to know yourself through self-observation.

Travel often. Traveling is a great way to learn. It allows people to broaden their horizons, experience different cultures and lifestyles, and better understand their own ideas and goals. Make a sound. By expressing your thoughts and opinions to the people or groups around you, you can enhance your thinking and expression skills and improve your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Communicate with others: Communicating with others can help you understand yourself better. By communicating with others, you can hear different opinions and suggestions, and you can better understand your own thoughts and emotions. Try new things: Trying new activities and experiences allows you to discover your potential and interests.

How to better understand yourself?

Understand yourself through social comparison. Self-observation and other people's evaluation will inevitably have their own subjective projections. Therefore, we can better understand ourselves through reasonable social comparison.

Introspection and reflection: You can adjust your thinking and emotional state through diary, spiritual diary, meditation and other methods to highlight your personal subjective experience and feelings.

Travel often. Traveling is a great way to learn. It allows people to broaden their horizons, experience different cultures and lifestyles, and better understand their own ideas and goals. Make a sound. By expressing your thoughts and opinions to the people or groups around you, you can enhance your thinking and expression skills and improve your self-confidence and self-esteem.

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