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2016-06-01 12:58:431059browse



<code class="hljs cs">select * from sjdr_product_detail; //一共17条数据</code>

<img alt="这里写图片描述" src="http://img.bitscn.com/upimg/allimg/c150817/143aO91N5940-102J7.jpg" title="\">


<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs haml">select * from sjdr_product_detail limit #{start},#{pageSize}; </code></code>

<code class="hljs haml">start 和 pageSize 都用 #{ } 标注起来,是想让大家知道,这两个值是变量,即需要限制的条件。其实pageSize应该是可以固定的,比如每页显示3条,我们固定死。所以,下面主要的就是来得到这个start的值,那么到底这个值怎么得到呢?请看下面

<code class="hljs haml"><b>实验,找出规律</b>

<code class="hljs haml"><b>首先,pageSize = 3 ,即每页显示条数为3条</b>

<code class="hljs haml">查询第1页
<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">#第1页
select * from sjdr_product_detail limit 0,3;
select * from sjdr_product_detail limit 3,3;
select * from sjdr_product_detail limit 6,3;
select * from sjdr_product_detail limit 9,3;
select * from sjdr_product_detail limit 12,3;
select * from sjdr_product_detail limit 15,3;</code></code></code>

<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><img alt="这里写图片描述" src="http://img.bitscn.com/upimg/allimg/c150817/143aO91R1X0-119328.jpg" title="\">

<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">数据一目了然,那么我们来研究一下,页数、start、pageSize 之间的关系

<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">当前页 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">start <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">pageSize
<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">1 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">0 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">3
<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">2 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">3 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">3
<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">3 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">6 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">3
<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">4 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">9 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">3
<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">5 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">12 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">3
<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">6 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">15 <code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">3

<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><b>规律:从以上不难看出: start = (当前页-1)* pageSize</b>

<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">0 = (1-1) * 3
3 = (2-1) * 3
6 = (3-1) * 3
9 = (4-1) * 3
12= (5-1) * 3
15= (6-1) * 3



<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">既然我们得到了这个规律,那么下面就容易多了。怎么把它整合到我们的项目当中去?

<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs">首先,我们见一个分页工具类PageUtil.class
<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs cs">package cn.sg.util;
 * @author ZSL
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class PageUtil {

    public PageUtil(int curr,int size,int total){

        this.pageSize = size;

        this.totalPage = total % size == 0 ? total/size : (total/size) + 1;

        this.currPage = curr < 1 ? 1 : curr;

        this.currPage = curr > this.totalPage ? this.totalPage : this.currPage;

        skips = (this.currPage - 1) * this.pageSize;

        this.totalCount = total;


    private int currPage = 1;   //当前页

    private int pageSize = 10;  //每页显示条数

    private int totalPage = 0;  //总页数

    private int totalCount = 0; //总条数

    private int skips = 0;  //跳过的值,即sql中的start值

    private List rows = new ArrayList();    //用来存放查询到的数据集合

    //getter、setter 方法
    public int getCurrPage() {
        return currPage;

    public void setCurrPage(int currPage) {
        this.currPage = currPage;

    public int getPageSize() {
        return pageSize;

    public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {
        this.pageSize = pageSize;

    public int getTotalPage() {
        return totalPage;

    public void setTotalPage(int totalPage) {
        this.totalPage = totalPage;

    public int getTotalCount() {
        return totalCount;

    public void setTotalCount(int totalCount) {
        this.totalCount = totalCount;

    public List getRows() {
        return rows;

    public void setRows(List rows) {
        this.rows = rows;

    public int getSkips() {
        return skips;

    public void setSkips(int skips) {
        this.skips = skips;

<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs cs">2 我这里用的是mybatis

<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs xml"><!-- 查询数量 -->
<select id="getCount" resulttype="java.lang.Integer">
        select count(1) from sjdr_product_detail;
<!-- 分页查询 -->
<select id="queryByPage" resultmap="detail_resultMap" resulttype="Detail">
        select * from sjdr_product_detail order by P_ID DESC
        limit #{skips},#{pageSize};

<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs xml">3 Controller

<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs java">@RequestMapping("detail_page.htm")
    public void queryByPage(HttpServletRequest req, Model model){
        int curr = Integer.valueOf(req.getParameter("curr"));
        int size = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("size"));

        int total = this.detailService.getCount();
        PageUtil page = new PageUtil(curr, size, total);

        List<detail> detailList = this.detailService.queryByPage(page);

        WriteResponseUtil util = new WriteResponseUtil();
        util.writeResponse(JsonUtil.toJSONString(page), res);
    }   </detail></code></code></code></code></code></code>

<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs java">所以分页查询的时候,只要传递页数和每页显示条数即可。我这边是倒叙查询<br> 查询结果:

<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs java">detail_page.htm?curr=1&size=3

<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs java"><code class="hljs cs">{
    "currPage": 1, //第一页
    "pageSize": 3, //每页显示条数
    "rows": [      //查询数据集合
            "p_ID": "17",
            "p_PIC": "17777"
            "p_ID": "16",
            "p_PIC": "16666"
            "p_ID": "15",
            "p_PIC": "15555"
    "skips": 0,               //相当于sql中的start
    "totalCount": 17,         //总条数
    "totalPage": 6            //总页数


<code class="hljs haml"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs java"><code class="hljs cs">所以分页查询还是很简单的。<br> 希望给大家带来一点帮助。

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