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How to implement a simple asynchronous task scheduling function using MySQL and Ruby

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How to implement a simple asynchronous task scheduling function using MySQL and Ruby

How to use MySQL and Ruby to implement a simple asynchronous task scheduling function

Most previous web applications used a synchronous method to process requests, that is, after the user sends a request , the server will immediately process the request and return the result. However, as the complexity of applications increases, the processing efficiency of synchronous methods gradually becomes inefficient, so asynchronous task scheduling has become a common requirement in modern web applications.

This article will introduce how to use MySQL and Ruby to implement a simple asynchronous task scheduling function, including task creation, scheduling and execution steps. We will use an example of a website crawler to illustrate the implementation process of this function.

  1. Create MySQL database table

First, we need to create a table in MySQL to store task information. You can use the following SQL statement to create a table:

  url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  status ENUM('pending', 'completed') DEFAULT 'pending',

This table contains fields such as the task's ID, URL, status, and creation time.

  1. Connecting to MySQL using Ruby

In the Ruby code, we need to use the appropriate library to connect to the MySQL database. Here we use the "mysql2" gem to complete the connection work. The library can be installed via the following command:

gem install mysql2

In the code, we need to first import the library and establish a database connection:

require 'mysql2'
client = Mysql2::Client.new(host: 'localhost', username: 'root', password: 'password', database: 'task_scheduler')

By passing the corresponding host address, username, password and database name to establish a connection.

  1. Create a task

The next step is to create a task. We can use the following code to create a task:

def create_task(url)
  sql = "INSERT INTO tasks (url) VALUES ('#{url}')"
  puts "Task created successfully."


This function accepts a URL parameter and inserts it into the task table. The status of the task will be set to "pending" by default.

  1. Scheduling tasks

Scheduling of tasks involves querying the tasks to be processed and sending them to the asynchronous processor. The following code can be used to schedule tasks:

def schedule_tasks
  sql = "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE status = 'pending'"
  tasks = client.query(sql)

  tasks.each do |task|

  puts "Tasks scheduled successfully."

def handle_task_async(task)
  # 执行异步任务处理逻辑


In this example, we first query the pending tasks, then iterate through each task and call the handle_task_async function to handle the task. The actual task processing logic should be written according to the application requirements.

  1. Execute the task

The execution of the task involves removing the task from the task queue and executing the corresponding processing logic. The following code can be used to perform tasks:

def execute_tasks
  # 从任务队列中获取任务
  # 执行相应的处理逻辑


In practical applications, other methods (such as message queues) can be used to implement task queues, and then get tasks from the queue and execute them. This is just a simplified example.

Through the above steps, we have implemented a simple asynchronous task scheduling function. When a task is created, we insert it into a MySQL database table. Then, through the task scheduler, we can query and schedule pending tasks and send them to the asynchronous processor for execution. This approach can greatly improve application performance and scalability.

The above example code is just a demonstration, and the actual implementation may involve more details and processing logic. But I hope that through this example, readers can understand how to use MySQL and Ruby to implement a simple asynchronous task scheduling function, and can expand and optimize it in practical applications.

The above is the detailed content of How to implement a simple asynchronous task scheduling function using MySQL and Ruby. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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