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Exploring WAIC | Wanxiang Blockchain Du Yu: There is no single technology iPhone moment, the core of Web3.0 will be based on AI + blockchain + Internet of Things

2023-07-11 21:33:41953browse

Du Yu, head of Wanxiang Blockchain Laboratory, participated in the "Blockchain WEB3 New Development Forum" at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference and delivered a keynote speech. Du Yu emphasized in his speech that the current focus of discussion has shifted from simply discussing blockchain technology to more discussions on scenarios, applications, and even "Web3.0". From blockchain to Web3.0. Du Yu thinks this is more of a paradigm change.

探展WAIC |万向区块链杜宇:不存在单一技术的iPhone时刻,Web3.0核心将基于AI+区块链+物联网

Du Yu distinguished the different uses of blockchain. Du Yu introduced: “The horizontal axis coordinate represents permissioned chain and non-permissioned chain. International standards only define blockchain into two types, namely “Permission” and “Permissionless”. Non-permissioned chain (Permissionless) means that you enter this system. No permission is required. Another question, is "data" or "assets" running on the chain? Because of various regulatory requirements, the most commonly used in China is the alliance chain. All information is processed on the chain, regardless of the block. When used in supply chain finance or other financial scenarios, chain applications essentially process information, and financial institutions obtain the processed information before doing business. We often hear about networks like Ethereum, which is a permissionless chain. , that is, the public chain shown in the upper right quadrant of the picture above, on which a variety of assets run, and is also Web3 in a general narrow sense. In recent years, blockchain has developed rapidly, and many new changes have emerged. For example, NFT, which has attracted much attention recently, can be applied to various fields of asset digitization. Domestic digital collections are also in this category."

探展WAIC |万向区块链杜宇:不存在单一技术的iPhone时刻,Web3.0核心将基于AI+区块链+物联网

Regarding the recent popular marketing concept "iPhone Moment", Du Yu said: "Recently, many people say that Ai's Phone Moment, Web3's iPhone Moment, and AR/VR's iPhone Moment are actually wrong. iPhone Moment is not With a single technology, there may be a so-called Web3 or trusted data base iPhone moment in the future, but there is no iPhone moment with a single technology."

Regarding centralization and decentralization, Du Yu believes that blockchain, as the underlying infrastructure, and TCP/IP are decentralized at the protocol level, but in fact compliance supervision is at the application layer, such as To provide services to mainland Chinese citizens based on the TCP/IP protocol, it must comply with Chinese regulatory requirements. To provide services to U.S. citizens, it must meet various U.S. regulatory requirements. This is also the future regulatory trend of blockchain.

From a technical perspective, blockchain has "impossible triangle" problems, such as insufficient performance, insufficient security, etc. The industry is now using a layered approach to solve these problems. Speaking of layering, you may think of the 4-layer model of TCP/IP. In the future, the blockchain technology architecture will further resemble the Internet protocol, just like adding a trusted layer to TCP/IP.

Du Yu mentioned that to realize Web3.0, blockchain alone is not enough and requires a series of technological integration. Wanxiang Blockchain also realized this problem when it was working on industrial blockchain. What customers don’t need is a chain. What they need is a solution that can solve their problems. Just like a mobile phone, it not only contains 5G transmission technology, There must also be a series of hardware such as batteries, chips, screens, cameras, etc. Wanxiang Blockchain relies on the integration of blockchain, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other technologies to create reliable digital infrastructure and provide power for upper-layer applications.

Du Yu believes that the core of Web3.0 will be realized based on a trusted digital base built by the integration of "AI Blockchain Internet of Things". The AI ​​and blockchain we are talking about now are software parts, and the software must be carried by hardware. , whether it is computing power, storage or the Internet of Things combined with the real world, these are the real bases of Web3.0, and more applications will appear based on the bases in the future.

Du Yu believes that whether it is real-world assets or native-world assets, they can ultimately be mapped and marked through the blockchain asset protocol to complete the digitization of assets. “For example, beef cattle, the cow itself can be used as an NFT. The status of each cow can be marked through NFT technology, and the condition of the cow can be tracked through blockchain technology, thereby better transforming physical world assets into digital twin assets. Then provide corresponding financial services. The same is true for carbon assets. Carbon certificates are standardized, but the source of carbon assets is non-standard. We use the Internet of Things, blockchain and other technologies to convert non-standard assets into standardized digital assets, thereby empowering Can support more business scenarios.”

The above is the detailed content of Exploring WAIC | Wanxiang Blockchain Du Yu: There is no single technology iPhone moment, the core of Web3.0 will be based on AI + blockchain + Internet of Things. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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