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What is the principle of Redis's common current limiting algorithm and how to implement it

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Rate Limit refers to only allowing specified events to enter the system. The excess will be denied service, queued or waited for, downgraded, etc.

Common current limiting schemes are as follows:

What is the principle of Rediss common current limiting algorithm and how to implement it

Fixed time window

Fixed time window is one of the most common current limiting algorithms one. The concept of window corresponds to the current limiting time unit in the current limiting scenario.


  • The timeline is divided into multiple independent and fixed-size windows;

  • falls within each time window For requests, the counter will be incremented by 1;

  • If the counter exceeds the current limiting threshold, subsequent requests falling within this window will be rejected. But when the time reaches the next time window, the counter will be reset to 0.

Example description

What is the principle of Rediss common current limiting algorithm and how to implement it

Instructions: The scenario shown above is to limit the flow to 10 times per second, and the window The size is 1 second, each square represents a request, the green square represents a normal request, and the red method represents a current-limited request. In a scenario of 10 times per second, when viewed from left to right, when entering After 10 requests, subsequent requests will be throttled.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • ##Simple logic and relatively low maintenance cost;


The current limit value cannot be guaranteed when switching windows.

Related implementation

The specific implementation of the fixed time window can be implemented by using Redis to call the Lua current limiting script.

Current limiting script
local key = KEYS[1]
local count = tonumber(ARGV[1])
local time = tonumber(ARGV[2])
local current = redis.call('get', key)
if current and tonumber(current) > count then
    return tonumber(current)
current = redis.call('incr', key)
if tonumber(current) == 1 then
    redis.call('expire', key, time)
return tonumber(current)
Specific implementation
   public Long ratelimiter(String key ,int time,int count) throws IOException
       Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("ratelimiter.lua");
       String redisScript = IOUtils.toString(resource.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
       List<String> keys = Collections.singletonList(key);
       List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();

       long result = redisTemplate.execute(new RedisCallback<Long>() {
           public Long doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException {
               Object nativeConnection = connection.getNativeConnection();
               if (nativeConnection instanceof Jedis) 
                   return (Long) ((Jedis) nativeConnection).eval(redisScript, keys, args);
               return -1l;
       return result;
 @RequestMapping(value = "/RateLimiter", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String RateLimiter() throws IOException 
         int time=3;
         int count=1;
         String key="redis:ratelimiter";
         Long number=redisLockUtil.ratelimiter(key, time, count);
         Map<String, Object> map =new HashMap<>();
         if(number==null || number.intValue()>count)
             map.put("code", "-1");
             map.put("msg", "访问过于频繁,请稍候再试");
             map.put("code", "200");
             map.put("msg", "访问成功");
         return JSON.toJSONString(map);

Description: The test is accessed once every 3 seconds. If the number is exceeded, an error will be prompted.

Sliding time window

The sliding time window algorithm is an improvement on the fixed time window algorithm. In the sliding window algorithm, it is also necessary to dynamically query the window for the current request. But every element in the window is a child window. The concept of a sub-window is similar to the fixed window in Solution 1, and the size of the sub-window can be dynamically adjusted.

Implementation principle

  • Divide the unit time into multiple intervals, usually evenly divided into multiple small time periods;

  • There is a counter in each interval. If a request falls within the interval, the counter in the interval will be incremented by one;

  • Every time period passes , the time window will slide one space to the right, discard the oldest interval, and include the new interval;

  • When calculating the total number of requests in the entire time window, all the requests will be accumulated If the total number of counters in the time segment exceeds the limit, all requests in this window will be discarded.

Example description

What is the principle of Rediss common current limiting algorithm and how to implement it

Instructions: For example, the scenario in the picture above is to limit the flow to 100 times per minute. . The time dimension of each sub-window is set to 1 second, so a one-minute window has 60 sub-windows. In this way, every time a request comes, when we dynamically calculate this window, we need to find it up to 60 times. The time complexity has changed from linear to constant level, and the time complexity will be relatively lower.

Specific implementation

Regarding the implementation of the sliding time window, sentinel can be used. The use of sentinel will be explained in detail later.

Leaky Bucket Algorithm

The funnel algorithm is to fill the funnel with water first and then flow out at a fixed rate. When the amount of incoming water exceeds the outgoing water, the excess water will be discarded. When the request volume exceeds the current limiting threshold, the server queue acts like a leaky bucket. Therefore, additional requests will be denied service. The leaky bucket algorithm is implemented using queues, which can control the access speed of traffic at a fixed rate and achieve smoothing of traffic.


What is the principle of Rediss common current limiting algorithm and how to implement it


  • Put each request into a fixed size The queue is in progress

  • The queue outflows requests at a fixed rate, and stops flowing out if the queue is empty.

  • If the queue is full, redundant requests will be rejected directly

Specific implementation

long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); //当前时间
    long  capacity = 1000;// 桶的容量
    long  rate = 1;//水漏出的速度
    long  water = 100;//当前水量
    public boolean leakyBucket()
        long  now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        water = Math.max(0, water -(now-timeStamp) * rate);
        timeStamp = now;
        // 水还未满,加水
        if (water < capacity)
            return true;
          return false;
    @RequestMapping(value="/leakyBucketLimit",method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public void leakyBucketLimit() 
        for(int i=0;i<20;i++) {
            fixedThreadPool.execute(new Runnable() 
                public void run() 
                        logger.info("thread name:"+Thread.currentThread().getName()+" "+sdf.format(new Date()));

Token bucket algorithm

The token bucket algorithm is an improved version based on leaky bucket. In the token bucket, the token represents the upper limit of requests allowed by the current system, and the token will be put into the bucket at a uniform speed. When the bucket is full, new tokens will be discarded


What is the principle of Rediss common current limiting algorithm and how to implement it

  • Tokens are generated and placed at a fixed rate Into the token bucket;

  • 如果令牌桶满了则多余的令牌会直接丢弃,当请求到达时,会尝试从令牌桶中取令牌,取到了令牌的请求可以执行;

  • 如果桶空了,则拒绝该请求。


@RequestMapping(value="/ratelimit",method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public void ratelimit()
        RateLimiter rateLimiter=RateLimiter.create(0.5,1,TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
            fixedThreadPool.execute(new Runnable() 
                public void run() 
                        logger.info("thread name:"+Thread.currentThread().getName()+" "+sdf.format(new Date()));


-[pool-1-thread-3] ERROR 请求频繁
[pool-1-thread-2] ERROR  请求频繁
[pool-1-thread-1] INFO   thread name:pool-1-thread-1 2022-08-07 15:44:00
[pool-1-thread-8] ERROR []  - 请求频繁
[pool-1-thread-9] ERROR []  - 请求频繁
[pool-1-thread-10] ERROR [] - 请求频繁
[pool-1-thread-7] INFO  []  - thread name:pool-1-thread-7 2022-08-07 15:44:03
 [pool-1-thread-6] INFO  [] - thread name:pool-1-thread-6 2022-08-07 15:44:05
[pool-1-thread-5] INFO  []  - thread name:pool-1-thread-5 2022-08-07 15:44:07
[pool-1-thread-4] INFO  []  - thread name:pool-1-thread-4 2022-08-07 15:44:09



  • 固定窗口:实现简单,适用于流量相对均匀分布,对限流准确度要求不严格的场景。

  • 滑动窗口:适用于对准确性和性能有一定的要求场景,可以调整子窗口数量来权衡性能和准确度

  • 漏桶:适用于流量绝对平滑的场景

  • 令牌桶:适用于流量整体平滑的情况下,同时也可以满足一定的突发流程场景

The above is the detailed content of What is the principle of Redis's common current limiting algorithm and how to implement it. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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