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Golang implements actor

2023-05-16 10:29:071042browse

In recent years, with the continuous development of the Internet, mobile applications, and the Internet of Things, distributed computing has become more and more important. In order to better utilize existing computing resources and data, distributed computing frameworks emerged. Among them, the Actor model, as a distributed computing model, has shown excellent capabilities in handling distributed computing problems, and therefore has received more and more attention and recognition from developers. The GO language has become an ideal choice for Actor model implementation due to its simplicity, efficiency, safety and other characteristics. This article will introduce the basic principles and methods of implementing the Actor model in GO language.

  1. Basic concept of Actor model

Actor was proposed by Carl Hewitt in 1973 and is a distributed computing model. The Actor model is a computing model that abstracts computing nodes into individuals, called Actors. Each Actor is an executable entity consisting of independent states, behaviors and capabilities. Actors communicate with each other by asynchronously passing messages. Because Actors communicate asynchronously, there is no need to consider issues such as competition conditions and locks. In distributed computing, Actors are independent of each other and will not generate competition conditions between each other, and have good scalability and scalability.

  1. The principle of Go language to implement the Actor model

The Go language implements the group definition of Actors of the same type based on the method interface (interface{}), similar to Based on the message protocol definition, Actor instances communicate through message passing. The method-based interface of the Go language implements support for the Actor model. Actor will call the corresponding private function according to the received message type to change its own state and behavior.

The Channels feature of Go language makes it easier to implement the Actor model. The sending and receiving mechanism of Channels and Goroutine simultaneously limit the decision-making limits and critical parts of the program, thereby eliminating the need for shared memory and lock control mechanisms. This ensures that Actors do not have any lock and mutual exclusion access problems before, because they can only use channels for message delivery, and the Go language Channel is unbuffered and thread-safe. Once an array channel is initialized, inside it When storing data, no race conditions will occur between multiple coroutines (Actors). Therefore, the implementation of Go language can well support the Actor model and achieve the purpose of distributed computing.

  1. Technical route for implementing the Actor model in Go language

In order to implement the Actor model, we need to implement a structure or class with Actor characteristics, including an internal channel for To receive messages, a private state variable is used to record the status of the Actor.

Based on the above principles, we can implement it in steps:

  1. Define the message class

In order to interact with the Actor, the message class needs to define a receiver. We can use the interface type to define a message structure:

type Message interface {

GetReceiver() Actor


2. Define the Actor class

Actor is a For a process that accepts messages, simply define an Actor to include the input channel and the processing method:

type Actor struct {

in chan Message


func NewActor() Actor {

a := Actor{in: make(chan Message, 1)}
go a.waitForMsg()
return a


func (a Actor)waitForMsg() {

for {
    msg := <-a.in


3. Implement the Actor class

Now , we can implement the HandleMsg method in Actor. The HandleMsg method modifies the status of the Actor according to the received message type, and then executes the logic, as follows:

type Message struct {

Request string
ResChan chan string

func (a Actor)HandleMsg(msg Message) {

switch msg.Request {
case "calculate":


func (a Actor)calculate(msg Message) {
// Some logical processing

var result string = "result"
msg.ResChan <- result


4. Execute Actor test

In the main method, we initialize two Actors a1 and a2. Then, Actor a1 sends a message of type Message to Actor a2. Finally, Actor a2 receives the message and calls the calculate method to process the message and return the result.

func main() {

actor1 := NewActor()
actor2 := NewActor()

ch := make(chan string, 1)
msg := Message{Request: "calculate", ResChan: ch}

actor1.in <- msg

result := <- ch
fmt.Println("result = ", result)


Finally, the program will output:

result = result

The above code shows A simple Actor implementation method is provided. This method is simpler and can instantiate any number of Actors and enable asynchronous messaging and parallel computing between them. Of course, in order to achieve a more flexible and robust Actor model, we can continue to expand and evolve.

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of implementing the Actor model in Go language


  1. Easy to use and understand

Code using the Actor model is often much simpler than traditional multi-threaded code, because it does not need to consider locks, thread pools, semaphores, etc., and only needs to focus on how each Actor processes messages.

  1. Very easy to optimize

When playing high-load applications, the performance of the Actor model usually shows very good advantages. The reason is that it makes full use of the characteristics of the GO language itself, reduces the use of static locks, and can dynamically allocate and manage memory at runtime.

  1. Easy to deal with distributed computing problems

The Actor model provides good support for distributed computing. Limited by the asynchronous mechanism of message passing, Actors run independently of each other without competition conditions. It has good scalability and scalability, and it is easier to implement distributed computing.


  1. Since the number of message queues is unlimited, it may cause excessive memory usage

In the Actor model in the Go language, message communication is implemented through channels. If the message channel has no receivers, they remain in memory. To mitigate this problem, we need to monitor whether each channel is out of date, and if the channel is not in use, it should be closed in time.

  1. The code is less readable

Compared with the traditional object-oriented programming model, the code of the Actor model is less readable and difficult to understand. Someone who understands the business logic of the Actor model needs to have a deep understanding of the Actor model.

  1. Summary

This article introduces the implementation method of the Actor model in the GO language, including defining message classes, Actor classes, implementing Actor classes, and executing Actor tests. The Actor model provides an excellent solution to make distributed computing more efficient and reliable. Although the Actor model may be more difficult to understand than traditional object-oriented programming in some cases, its excellent performance in high-load scenarios has been accepted and recognized by more and more developers.

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