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Potential use cases of artificial intelligence in education

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Potential use cases of artificial intelligence in education

Potential use cases of artificial intelligence in education are already changing the face of education and may be used to aid student learning and bring opportunities. It can be modified for each learner. As AI technology becomes increasingly important in daily life, it is transforming education.

Potential use cases of artificial intelligence in education:

Differentiated instruction: Artificial intelligence systems can monitor how students complete tasks, How long it will take and whether it will be successful. If the learner struggles, the system can help; if the student succeeds, the system can provide more difficult questions to keep the activity interesting. This kind of real-time feedback is often difficult to provide to individual students, let alone an entire class or university. Artificial intelligence adaptive learning systems have been proven to quickly and dynamically adjust learning environments, information and challenges, helping learners learn more and progress faster. The system can understand mathematical rules and adapt its approach to unprecedented challenges based on instructions from its human supervisor.

Smart Textbooks: Researchers at Stanford University have been building and testing a prototype of a smart textbook called "Inquire." This is an iPad software that tracks students' attention while reading by looking at how they interact with apps. Interactive text provides explanations of basic terms that students can access by touch or mouse and can mark and annotate as they read. Textbooks can also provide questions for each student about the topic and ideas for further research. They may modify the text for the reading level and include additional photos, videos, and resources to help students master what they are learning.

Improving Assessment: Educational assessment is concerned with how teachers determine whether students are learning what is being taught. Traditional assessment essays, multiple-choice questions, and short-answer questions have not changed much in a hundred years. Artificial intelligence can change this by discovering learning patterns that may not be visible to individual teachers or administrators. Reach Every Reader, another evaluation initiative led by the Harvard Graduate School of Education, MIT, and Florida State University, develops educational games for parents to interact with while teaching their children to read. In some games, adults and children play real-life characters.

Personalized Learning: When a student’s interests and goals determine learning, this is called personalized learning. Teachers act as facilitators while students decide what, why and how to learn. Education can be personalized based on each student’s specific interests using AI systems. Artificial intelligence adaptive learning systems can detect when learners are failing and then provide additional or alternative support to help achieve success. As students demonstrate mastery of a topic or skill, AI tools assign increasingly difficult activities and resources to push learners further.

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