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MySQL is a commonly used relational database management system, which provides a variety of functions and procedures for users to use. Among them, MySQL procedures and functions are programs written in the database server. In this article, we will delve into the basic knowledge, usage and examples of MySQL procedure functions.
1. Basic knowledge of MySQL procedure functions
MySQL procedure is a collection of SQL statements that can accept parameters and Input parameters perform some action. MySQL procedures can be thought of as encapsulated SQL statements. They can execute multiple SQL statements to achieve specific functions.
The MySQL process has the following characteristics:
(1) The MySQL process is executed on the server side.
(2) MySQL process can receive input parameters and return output parameters.
(3) MySQL procedures can create and update tables, insert and update data in the database.
(4) MySQL procedures can contain control flow statements, loops, branches and exception handlers.
(5) MySQL process supports user-defined functions and sub-processes.
MySQL function is a set of single query statements defined in MySQL. They accept one or more input parameters and return one or more values. Functions can be used to calculate, compare, transform, and manipulate data.
MySQL functions have the following characteristics:
(1) MySQL functions are executed on the server side.
(2) MySQL function can receive input parameters and return output parameters.
(3) The MySQL function can only return a single value and cannot perform operations such as insert, update, and delete.
(4) MySQL functions cannot contain control flow statements, loops, branches and exception handlers.
(5)MySQL function supports user-defined functions and sub-functions.
2. How to use MySQL process functions
In MySQL, users can use the CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION statements to create procedures and functions.
The following is the syntax to create a MySQL procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name ([parameters])
[SQL statements]
Among them, procedure_name is the name of the procedure, parameters is the parameter list of the procedure, and SQL statements are the MySQL statements to be executed during the procedure.
For example, we create a simple MySQL procedure that receives two input parameters and returns their sum:
The following is the syntax to create a MySQL function:
CREATE FUNCTION function_name([ parameters]) RETURNS data_type
[SQL statements]
Among them, function_name is the name of the function, parameters is the parameter list of the function, data_type is the data type returned by the function, and SQL statements are The MySQL statement to be executed in the function.
For example, we create a simple MySQL function that takes an input parameter and returns its square:
3. Examples of MySQL process functions
The following is a simple MySQL process example. The process Output each table name and row number in the current database to the console:
CREATE PROCEDURE table_count()
DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE t_name CHAR(32); DECLARE t_count INT; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = DATABASE(); DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; OPEN cur; repeat FETCH cur INTO t_name; IF NOT done THEN SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) INTO "', t_name, '_count" FROM ', t_name); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; SET @out = CONCAT(t_name, ': ', t_name, '_count'); SELECT @out; END IF; until done END REPEAT; CLOSE cur;
In the above process , we use cursors to traverse all tables in the database, and use dynamic SQL to get the number of rows in each table and output it to the console.
The following is a simple MySQL function example that receives a string and returns the first letter of each word in it:
DECLARE len INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE initial CHAR(1); DECLARE initials VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT ''; SET len = LENGTH(str); WHILE i<=len DO SET initial = SUBSTRING(str, i, 1); IF i = 1 OR SUBSTRING(str, i-1, 1) = ' ' THEN SET initials = CONCAT(initials, initial); END IF; SET i = i + 1; END WHILE; RETURN initials;
In the above function, we iterate through the input string and based on the spaces Split each word and get its first letter and concatenate them together as function return value.
MySQL procedure function is a very important function in MySQL, which can help developers and database administrators easily perform complex data processing tasks. In this article, we introduce the basic knowledge, usage and examples of MySQL procedure functions. Through this information, you can better understand and master MySQL procedural functions and make full use of their advantages in actual development.
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