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How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code

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The sorting algorithm is one of the most basic algorithms in "Data Structures and Algorithms".

Sorting algorithms can be divided into internal sorting and external sorting. Internal sorting is to sort data records in memory, while external sorting is because the sorted data is very large and cannot accommodate all the sorted records at one time. During the sorting process Need to access external memory. Common internal sorting algorithms include: insertion sort, Hill sort, selection sort, bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort, heap sort, radix sort, etc. Summarize with a picture:

How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code

About time complexity:

  1. Square order (O(n2 )) Sort various types of simple sorting: direct insertion, direct selection and bubble sort.

  2. Linear logarithmic order (O(nlog2n)) sorting Quick sort, heap sort and merge sort.

  3. O(n1 §)) sort, § is a constant between 0 and 1. Hill sort.

  4. Linear order (O(n)) sorting, radix sorting, in addition to bucket and bin sorting.

About stability:

Stable sorting algorithms: bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort and radix sort.

is not a stable sorting algorithm: selection sort, quick sort, Hill sort, heap sort.

Explanation of terms:

n: Data scale

k: The number of “buckets”

In-place: occupied Constant memory, no additional memory occupied

Out-place: occupied additional memory

Stability: the order of two equal key values ​​after sorting is the same as their order before sorting

1. Bubble sort

Bubble Sort is also a simple and intuitive sorting algorithm. It repeatedly walks through the sequence to be sorted, comparing two elements at a time and swapping them if they are in the wrong order. The work of visiting the array is repeated until no more exchanges are needed, which means that the array has been sorted. The name of this algorithm comes from the fact that smaller elements will slowly "float" to the top of the array through swapping.

As one of the simplest sorting algorithms, bubble sorting gives me the same feeling as Abandon appears in a word book. It is at the *** page every time, so it is the most familiar. . There is another optimization algorithm for bubble sorting, which is to set a flag. When the elements are not exchanged during a sequence traversal, it proves that the sequence is in order. But this improvement doesn't do much to improve performance.

1. Algorithm steps

  1. Compare adjacent elements. If the first one is bigger than the second one, swap them both.

  2. Do the same for each pair of adjacent elements, starting from the first pair to the last pair. After this step is completed, the *** element will be the *** number.

  3. Repeat the above steps for all elements except *** one.

  4. Continue repeating the above steps for fewer and fewer elements each time until there are no pairs of numbers to compare.

2. GIF demonstration

How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code

3. When is the fastest time

When the input data is already in positive order (it is already in positive order, what is the use of bubble sorting?).

4. When is it the slowest?

When the input data is in reverse order (just write a for loop to output the data in reverse order, why should I use you? What about bubble sort, am I free?).

5. Java code implementation

public class BubbleSort implements IArraySort {      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         // 对 arr 进行拷贝,不改变参数内容         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          for (int i = 1; i  arr[j + 1]) {                     int tmp = arr[j];                     arr[j] = arr[j + 1];                     arr[j + 1] = tmp;                      flag = false;                 }             }              if (flag) {                 break;             }         }         return arr;     } }

2. Selection sort

Selection sort is a simple and intuitive sorting algorithm , no matter what data is entered, the time complexity is O(n²). So when using it, the smaller the data size, the better. The only advantage may be that it does not occupy additional memory space.

1. Algorithm steps

  1. #First find the smallest (large) element in the unsorted sequence and store it at the starting position of the sorted sequence

  2. Then continue to find the smallest (large) element from the remaining unsorted elements, and then put it at the end of the sorted sequence.

  3. Repeat the second step until all elements are sorted.

2. Animation demonstration

How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code

3. Java code implementation

public class SelectionSort implements IArraySort {      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          // 总共要经过 N-1 轮比较         for (int i = 0; i <p><strong>3. Insertion sort</strong></p><p>Although the code implementation of insertion sort is not as simple and crude as bubble sort and selection sort, its principle should be the easiest to understand. , because anyone who has played poker should be able to understand it instantly. Insertion sort is the simplest and most intuitive sorting algorithm. It works by constructing an ordered sequence. For unsorted data, it scans from back to front in the sorted sequence to find the corresponding position and insert it. </p><p>Insertion sort, like bubble sort, also has an optimization algorithm called split-half insertion. </p><p><strong>1. 算法步骤</strong></p>
  • 将***待排序序列***个元素看做一个有序序列,把第二个元素到***一个元素当成是未排序序列。

  • 从头到尾依次扫描未排序序列,将扫描到的每个元素插入有序序列的适当位置。(如果待插入的元素与有序序列中的某个元素相等,则将待插入元素插入到相等元素的后面。)

2. 动图演示

How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code

3. Java 代码实现

public class InsertSort implements IArraySort {      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         // 对 arr 进行拷贝,不改变参数内容         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          // 从下标为1的元素开始选择合适的位置插入,因为下标为0的只有一个元素,默认是有序的         for (int i = 1; i  0 && tmp <p><strong>四、希尔排序</strong></p><p>希尔排序,也称递减增量排序算法,是插入排序的一种更高效的改进版本。但希尔排序是非稳定排序算法。</p><p>希尔排序是基于插入排序的以下两点性质而提出改进方法的:</p>
  • 插入排序在对几乎已经排好序的数据操作时,效率高,即可以达到线性排序的效率

  • 但插入排序一般来说是低效的,因为插入排序每次只能将数据移动一位


1. 算法步骤

  1. 选择一个增量序列 t1,t2,……,tk,其中 ti > tj, tk = 1;

  2. 按增量序列个数 k,对序列进行 k 趟排序;

  3. 每趟排序,根据对应的增量 ti,将待排序列分割成若干长度为 m 的子序列,分别对各子表进行直接插入排序。仅增量因子为 1  时,整个序列作为一个表来处理,表长度即为整个序列的长度。

2. Java 代码实现

public class ShellSort implements IArraySort {      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         // 对 arr 进行拷贝,不改变参数内容         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          int gap = 1;         while (gap  0) {             for (int i = gap; i = 0 && arr[j] > tmp) {                     arr[j + gap] = arr[j];                     j -= gap;                 }                 arr[j + gap] = tmp;             }             gap = (int) Math.floor(gap / 3);         }          return arr;     } }


归并排序(Merge sort)是建立在归并操作上的一种有效的排序算法。该算法是采用分治法(Divide and  Conquer)的一个非常典型的应用。


  • 自上而下的递归(所有递归的方法都可以用迭代重写,所以就有了第 2 种方法)

  • 自下而上的迭代

在《数据结构与算法 JavaScript 描述》中,作者给出了自下而上的迭代方法。但是对于递归法,作者却认为:

However, it is not possible to do so in JavaScript, as the recursion goes too  deep for the language to handle.

然而,在 JavaScript 中这种方式不太可行,因为这个算法的递归深度对它来讲太深了。

说实话,我不太理解这句话。意思是 JavaScript 编译器内存太小,递归太深容易造成内存溢出吗?还望有大神能够指教。

和选择排序一样,归并排序的性能不受输入数据的影响,但表现比选择排序好的多,因为始终都是 O(nlogn) 的时间复杂度。代价是需要额外的内存空间。

1. 算法步骤

  1. 申请空间,使其大小为两个已经排序序列之和,该空间用来存放合并后的序列;

  2. 设定两个指针,最初位置分别为两个已经排序序列的起始位置;

  3. 比较两个指针所指向的元素,选择相对小的元素放入到合并空间,并移动指针到下一位置;

  4. 重复步骤 3 直到某一指针达到序列尾;

  5. 将另一序列剩下的所有元素直接复制到合并序列尾。

2. 动图演示

How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code

3. Java 代码实现

public class MergeSort implements IArraySort {      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         // 对 arr 进行拷贝,不改变参数内容         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          if (arr.length  0 && right.length > 0) {             if (left[0]  0) {             result[i++] = left[0];             left = Arrays.copyOfRange(left, 1, left.length);         }          while (right.length > 0) {             result[i++] = right[0];             right = Arrays.copyOfRange(right, 1, right.length);         }          return result;     }  }


快速排序是由东尼·霍尔所发展的一种排序算法。在平均状况下,排序 n 个项目要 Ο(nlogn) 次比较。在最坏状况下则需要 Ο(n2)  次比较,但这种状况并不常见。事实上,快速排序通常明显比其他 Ο(nlogn) 算法更快,因为它的内部循环(inner  loop)可以在大部分的架构上很有效率地被实现出来。

快速排序使用分治法(Divide and conquer)策略来把一个串行(list)分为两个子串行(sub-lists)。


快速排序的名字起的是简单粗暴,因为一听到这个名字你就知道它存在的意义,就是快,而且效率高!它是处理大数据最快的排序算法之一了。虽然 Worst Case  的时间复杂度达到了 O(n²),但是人家就是优秀,在大多数情况下都比平均时间复杂度为 O(n logn)  的排序算法表现要更好,可是这是为什么呢,我也不知道。

快速排序的最坏运行情况是 O(n²),比如说顺序数列的快排。但它的平摊期望时间是 O(nlogn),且 O(nlogn)  记号中隐含的常数因子很小,比复杂度稳定等于 O(nlogn) 的归并排序要小很多。所以,对绝大多数顺序性较弱的随机数列而言,快速排序总是优于归并排序。

1. 算法步骤

  1. 从数列中挑出一个元素,称为 “基准”(pivot);

  2. 重新排序数列,所有元素比基准值小的摆放在基准前面,所有元素比基准值大的摆在基准的后面(相同的数可以到任一边)。在这个分区退出之后,该基准就处于数列的中间位置。这个称为分区(partition)操作;

  3. 递归地(recursive)把小于基准值元素的子数列和大于基准值元素的子数列排序;


2. 动图演示

How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code

3. Java 代码实现

public class QuickSort implements IArraySort {      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         // 对 arr 进行拷贝,不改变参数内容         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          return quickSort(arr, 0, arr.length - 1);     }      private int[] quickSort(int[] arr, int left, int right) {         if (left <p><strong>七、堆排序</strong></p><p>堆排序(Heapsort)是指利用堆这种数据结构所设计的一种排序算法。堆积是一个近似完全二叉树的结构,并同时满足堆积的性质:即子结点的键值或索引总是小于(或者大于)它的父节点。堆排序可以说是一种利用堆的概念来排序的选择排序。分为两种方法:</p><ol class=" list-paddingleft-2">
</ol><p>堆排序的平均时间复杂度为 Ο(nlogn)。</p><p><strong>1. 算法步骤</strong></p><ol class=" list-paddingleft-2">
<li><p>创建一个堆 H[0……n-1];</p></li>
<li><p>把堆的尺寸缩小 1,并调用 shift_down(0),目的是把新的数组顶端数据调整到相应位置;</p></li>
<li><p>重复步骤 2,直到堆的尺寸为 1。</p></li>
</ol><p><strong>2. 动图演示</strong></p><center><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/887/227/168277254995371.gif" class="lazy" alt="How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code"></center><p><strong>3. Java 代码实现</strong></p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">public class HeapSort implements IArraySort {      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         // 对 arr 进行拷贝,不改变参数内容         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          int len = arr.length;          buildMaxHeap(arr, len);          for (int i = len - 1; i > 0; i--) {             swap(arr, 0, i);             len--;             heapify(arr, 0, len);         }         return arr;     }      private void buildMaxHeap(int[] arr, int len) {         for (int i = (int) Math.floor(len / 2); i >= 0; i--) {             heapify(arr, i, len);         }     }      private void heapify(int[] arr, int i, int len) {         int left = 2 * i + 1;         int right = 2 * i + 2;         int largest = i;          if (left  arr[largest]) {             largest = left;         }          if (right  arr[largest]) {             largest = right;         }          if (largest != i) {             swap(arr, i, largest);             heapify(arr, largest, len);         }     }      private void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) {         int temp = arr[i];         arr[i] = arr[j];         arr[j] = temp;     }  }



1. 动图演示

How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code

2. Java 代码实现

public class CountingSort implements IArraySort {      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         // 对 arr 进行拷贝,不改变参数内容         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          int maxValue = getMaxValue(arr);          return countingSort(arr, maxValue);     }      private int[] countingSort(int[] arr, int maxValue) {         int bucketLen = maxValue + 1;         int[] bucket = new int[bucketLen];          for (int value : arr) {             bucket[value]++;         }          int sortedIndex = 0;         for (int j = 0; j  0) {                 arr[sortedIndex++] = j;                 bucket[j]--;             }         }         return arr;     }      private int getMaxValue(int[] arr) {         int maxValue = arr[0];         for (int value : arr) {             if (maxValue <p><strong>九、桶排序</strong></p><p>桶排序是计数排序的升级版。它利用了函数的映射关系,高效与否的关键就在于这个映射函数的确定。为了使桶排序更加高效,我们需要做到这两点:</p>
  • 在额外空间充足的情况下,尽量增大桶的数量

  • 使用的映射函数能够将输入的 N 个数据均匀的分配到 K 个桶中


1. 什么时候最快


2. 什么时候最慢


3. Java 代码实现

public class BucketSort implements IArraySort {      private static final InsertSort insertSort = new InsertSort();      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         // 对 arr 进行拷贝,不改变参数内容         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          return bucketSort(arr, 5);     }      private int[] bucketSort(int[] arr, int bucketSize) throws Exception {         if (arr.length == 0) {             return arr;         }          int minValue = arr[0];         int maxValue = arr[0];         for (int value : arr) {             if (value  maxValue) {                 maxValue = value;             }         }          int bucketCount = (int) Math.floor((maxValue - minValue) / bucketSize) + 1;         int[][] buckets = new int[bucketCount][0];          // 利用映射函数将数据分配到各个桶中         for (int i = 0; i <p><strong>十、基数排序</strong></p><p>基数排序是一种非比较型整数排序算法,其原理是将整数按位数切割成不同的数字,然后按每个位数分别比较。由于整数也可以表达字符串(比如名字或日期)和特定格式的浮点数,所以基数排序也不是只能使用于整数。</p><p><strong>1. 基数排序 vs 计数排序 vs 桶排序</strong></p><p>基数排序有两种方法:</p><p>这三种排序算法都利用了桶的概念,但对桶的使用方法上有明显差异:</p>
  • 基数排序:根据键值的每位数字来分配桶;

  • 计数排序:每个桶只存储单一键值;

  • 桶排序:每个桶存储一定范围的数值;

2. LSD 基数排序动图演示

How to use the classic sorting algorithm in java code

3. Java 代码实现

/**  * 基数排序  */ public class RadixSort implements IArraySort {      @Override     public int[] sort(int[] sourceArray) throws Exception {         // 对 arr 进行拷贝,不改变参数内容         int[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(sourceArray, sourceArray.length);          int maxDigit = getMaxDigit(arr);         return radixSort(arr, maxDigit);     }      /**      * 获取***位数      */     private int getMaxDigit(int[] arr) {         int maxValue = getMaxValue(arr);         return getNumLenght(maxValue);     }      private int getMaxValue(int[] arr) {         int maxValue = arr[0];         for (int value : arr) {             if (maxValue 

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