Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Simple paging class implemented in PHP and usage examples_php skills
the example in this article describes the simple paging class and usage implemented in php. share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
<?php /* * 使用: * $page = new page(连接符,查询语句,当前页码,每页大小,页码符) * 连接符:一个mysql连接标识符,如果该参数留空,则使用最近一个连接 * 查询语句:sql语句 * 当前页码:指定当前是第几页 * 每页大小:每页显示的记录数 * 页码符:指定当前页面url格式 * * 使用例子: * $sql = "select * from aa"; * $page = new page($conn,$sql,$_get['page'],4,"?page="); * * 获得当前页码 * $page->page; * * 获得总页数 * $page->pagecount; * * 获得总记录数 * $page->rowcount; * * 获得本页记录数 * $page->listsize; * * 获得记录集 * $page->list; * 记录集是一个2维数组,例:list[0]['id']访问第一条记录的id字段值. * * 获得页码列表 * $page->getpagelist(); */ class page { //基础数据 var $sql; var $page; var $pagesize; var $pagestr; //统计数据 var $pagecount; //页数 var $rowcount; //记录数 //结果数据 var $list = array(); //结果行数组 var $listsize ; //构造函数 function page($conn,$sql_in,$page_in,$pagesize_in,$pagestr_in) { $this->sql = $sql_in; $this->page = intval($page_in); $this->pagesize = $pagesize_in; $this->pagestr = $pagestr_in; //页码为空或小于1的处理 if(!$this->page||$this->page<1) { $this->page = 1; } //查询总记录数 $rowcountsql = preg_replace("/([\w\w]*?select)([\w\w]*?)(from[\w\w]*?)/i","$1 count(0) $3",$this->sql); if(!$conn) $rs = mysql_query($rowcountsql) or die("bnc.page: error on getting rowcount."); else $rs = mysql_query($rowcountsql,$conn) or die("bnc.page: error on getting rowcount."); $rowcountrow = mysql_fetch_row($rs); $this->rowcount=$rowcountrow[0]; //计算总页数 if($this->rowcount%$this->pagesize==0) $this->pagecount = intval($this->rowcount/$this->pagesize); else $this->pagecount = intval($this->rowcount/$this->pagesize)+1; //sql偏移量 $offset = ($this->page-1)*$this->pagesize; if(!$conn) $rs = mysql_query($this->sql." limit $offset,".$this->pagesize) or die("bnc.page: error on listing."); else $rs = mysql_query($this->sql." limit $offset,".$this->pagesize,$conn) or die("bnc.page: error on listing."); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { $this->list[]=$row; } $this->listsize = count($this->list); } /* * getpagelist方法生成一个较简单的页码列表 * 如果需要定制页码列表,可以修改这里的代码,或者使用总页数/总记录数等信息进行计算生成. */ function getpagelist() { $firstpage; $previouspage; $pagelist; $nextpage; $lastpage; $currentpage; //如果页码>1则显示首页连接 if($this->page>1) { $firstpage = "<a href=\"".$this->pagestr."1\">首页</a>"; } //如果页码>1则显示上一页连接 if($this->page>1) { $previouspage = "<a href=\"".$this->pagestr.($this->page-1)."\">上一页</a>"; } //如果没到尾页则显示下一页连接 if($this->page<$this->pagecount) { $nextpage = "<a href=\"".$this->pagestr.($this->page+1)."\">下一页</a>"; } //如果没到尾页则显示尾页连接 if($this->page<$this->pagecount) { $lastpage = "<a href=\"".$this->pagestr.$this->pagecount."\">尾页</a>"; } //所有页码列表 for($counter=1;$counter<=$this->pagecount;$counter++) { if($this->page == $counter) { $currentpage = "<b>".$counter."</b>"; } else { $currentpage = " "."<a href=\"".$this->pagestr.$counter."\">".$counter."</a>"." "; } $pagelist .= $currentpage; } return $firstpage." ".$previouspage." ".$pagelist." ".$nextpage." ".$lastpage." "; } } ?>
usage examples:
<?php @$db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '123456') or die("Could not connect to database.");//连接数据库 mysql_query("set names 'utf8'");//输出中文 mysql_select_db('test'); //选择数据库 $sql = "select * from `users`"; //一个简单的查询 $page = new Page('',$sql,$_GET['page'],5,"?page="); $rows = $page->list; foreach($rows as $row) { echo $row['UserName']."<br>"; } echo $page->getPageList(); //输出分页列表 ?>
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i hope this article will be helpful to everyone in php programming.