Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >JS realizes the text falling effect of The Matrix_javascript skills
Code 1:
The Matrix text falling effect
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The source code is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>黑客帝国文字下落</title> <style> html, body {margin:0; padding:0; background-color:#000;} #divList {width:800px; height:500px; border:solid 3px gray; margin: 0px auto; overflow:hidden; position: relative;} .divText {position: absolute;} .divText span {display:block; font-weight: bold; font-family:Courier New; } </style> <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1 style="text-align:center; color:gray;">黑客帝国文字下落 (<span id="spanCount">0</span>)</h1> <div id="divList"> </div> <script> function rand(min, max) { return min + Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min)); } function add() { var x = rand(0, 800); var html = '<div class="divText" style="left:' + x + 'px; bottom:500px;">'; /* var color1 = []; var color2 = []; var color3 = []; var color4 = []; var color5 = []; var color6 = []; for (var i=1; i<17; i++) { var f = i.toString(16); color1.push('0' + f + '0'); color2.push(f + '00'); color3.push('00' + f); color4.push('0' + f + f); color5.push(f + f + '0'); color6.push(f + '0' + f); } var color = [color1, color2, color3, color4, color5, color6]; var ci = rand(0, 5); */ var color = []; for (var i=1; i<17; i++) { var f = i.toString(16); color.push('0' + f + '0'); } var fontSize = rand(9, 24); for (var i=1; i<17; i++) { var c = rand(33, 127); var c = String.fromCharCode(c); // html += '<span class="s' + i + '" style="color:#' + color[ci][i-1] + '; font-size:' + fontSize + 'px;">' + c + '</span>'; html += '<span class="s' + i + '" style="color:#' + color[i-1] + '; font-size:' + fontSize + 'px; text-shadow:0px 0px 10px #' + color[i-1] + ';">' + c + '</span>'; } html += '</div>'; $('#divList').append(html); } function run() { var x = rand(0, 100); if (x < 100) { add(); } $('#spanCount').html($('.divText').size()); $('.divText').each(function(){ var y = $(this).css('bottom'); y = parseInt(y); y -= $(this).find('span').eq(0).height(); $(this).css('bottom', '' + y + 'px'); if (y + $(this).height() <= 0) { $(this).remove(); return; } $(this).find('span').each(function(){ var c = rand(33, 127); var c = String.fromCharCode(c); $(this).html(c); }); }); window.setTimeout(run, 100); } run(); </script> </body> </html>
Code 2:
In a JS learning material, I saw a special effect about the whereabouts of the Matrix text! It’s quite fun, I’ll post the source code to share!
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>《黑客帝国》中的字符下落效果</TITLE> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=gb2312"> </HEAD> <style type="text/css"> body { overflow:hidden; margin:0; background-color:#000000; font-family:宋体; } DIV.#heike { overflow:hidden; position:relative; top:5%; width:90%; height:90%; border-style:solid; border-width:1; border-color:#009900; } </style> <script language="javascript"> var strCount; var str; var Color; var Font; var sLine = "0<br/>1<br/>0<br/>1<br/>0<br/>0<br/>1<br/>0<br/>1<br/>0<br/>"; function OnLoad() { strCount = 40; str = []; Color = []; Font = []; Color[0] = "#002211"; //文字的颜色 Color[1] = "#003311"; Color[2] = "#005511"; Color[3] = "#008811"; Color[4] = "#00BB99"; Color[5] = "#114411"; Color[6] = "#335566"; Color[7] = "#668899"; Color[8] = "#99BBAA"; Color[9] = "#CECECC"; Font[0] = "10px"; //文字的大小 Font[1] = "12px"; Font[2] = "14px"; Font[3] = "16px"; Font[4] = "18px"; setTimeout("strik()",50); } function strik() { for(var i=0;i<strCount;i++) { if(typeof(str[i]) != "undefined") //如果字符串存在 { if(str[i]["Carch"].style.pixelTop > heike.clientHeight) { str[i]["Carch"].outerHTML = ""; delete str[i]["Level"]; //删除数组元素 delete str[i]["Speed"]; delete str[i]["Carch"]; delete str[i]; } else { str[i]["Carch"].style.pixelTop += str[i]["Speed"]; } } else if(Math.random()<0.25) //随机小数 { str[i] = new Array(); str[i]["Level"] = Math.round(Math.random()*4); str[i]["Speed"] = (Math.round(Math.random()*str[i]["Level"]) <<2)+50; document.all["heike"].insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin","<span id='SPAN_"+i+"'>"+sLine+"</span>"); str[i]["Carch"] = document.all["SPAN_"+i]; str[i]["Carch"].style.fontSize = Font[str[i]["Level"]]; //字体 str[i]["Carch"].style.position = "absolute"; //位置 str[i]["Carch"].style.pixelLeft = Math.round(Math.random() *heike.clientWidth); //x坐标 str[i]["Carch"].style.pixelTop = -str[i]["Carch"].offsetHeight; //y坐标 str[i]["Carch"].style.color = Color[str[i]["Level"]+5]; //颜色 str[i]["Carch"].style.filter = "glow(Color="+Color[str[i] ["Level"]]+",Strength=5)"; //滤镜效果 str[i]["Carch"].style.zIndex = str[i]["Level"]; //z-Index } } setTimeout("strik()",50); } </script> <BODY onload="OnLoad()"> <table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td align="center" height="100%"><div id="heike"></div></td></tr> <tr><td align="center" style="padding:5;font-size:9pt;color:#FFFFFF;">使用 IE 6.0 以上版本或以IE 为核心的浏览器浏览本页,1024*768分辨率为佳</td></tr> </table> </BODY> </HTML>
Tip: The focus is on random settings for color and speed. The "Math" object in JavaScript is used to provide mathematical operations, where "Math.random" is used to obtain a random number between 0 and 1. "Math.round" uses rounding to get the nearest integer. A two-dimensional array is used in the code, and the "delete" method is used to delete elements in the array.
( You can modify the parameters yourself to see the corresponding effect. For example: the variable Speed in JS that controls the text descending speed can be adjusted larger to make it faster; you can also modify the overflow in the CSS style Property "overflow" unhide! . )